9 research outputs found

    Online revenue model adoption in the media sector: in-depth results from an exploratory study in the Netherlands

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    Especially for companies in the media sector such as publishers, the Internet has created new strategic and commercial opportunities. However, many companies in the media sector are struggling with how to adapt their business and revenue model for doing profitable business online. This exploratory study goes into the success factors and the level of adoption of online revenue models by media sector companies. We use Chaffey (2002) in determining online revenue models in which we included Osterwalder’s (2001) four ‘pillars’ of business models. These four pillars cover the twelve critical success factors for e-businesses as identified by Sung (2004). This theoretical framework was used for in-depth interviews with 20 senior managers within the media sector in the Netherlands. From this, it appeared that advertising is the most used online revenue model, with targeting advertising, lead generation and a combination of content and customer profiles as most promising. Ease of use is distinguished by all senior managers as success factor. Still, in order to be successful, all factors should be applied, and this appears not to be the case. Organizations in the media sector need to invest in technical and organizational expertise by hiring the right employees with the right knowledge. Emphasis on target advertising and lead generation are most promising. A combination of content and customer profiles is a focus-point for the near future

    New And Emerging Business Models For Online News: A Survey Of 10 European Countries

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    The online music and news markets have changed significantly and fundamentally over the past few years, as more and more new players – many of them originally from other sectors – enter the market space of the original media companies. While online news venues have been available for quite some time, the major tragedies and news events of the past few years have highlighted their ability to provide immediate, constantly-updated information (Emmer et al., 2002). In this paper we describe the current state of play in the online news industry in ten European countries, as at May 2003. The findings are based on the first two phases of a three-phase, European-Commission-funded market survey. In the paper we consider in greater detail the Internet business models of these companies. After initially introducing some of the literature in this field and discussing the justification for our chosen research approach, we describe our research design. We then report the findings from the first two phases of the project – the “Expert talks ” and our web-based survey of the online news industry. Finally we identify the key driving factors for online news today: the new competitive environment, the appropriate payment systems, the focus on core competences, end devices and the consumers

    Estratexias de pago por contidos e modelos de negocio da prensa dixital. Análise de caso do Financial Times, The Times e El Mundo en Orbyt

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    A presente tese de doutoramento analiza as estratexias de pago por contidos e os modelos de negocio da prensa dixital. Concretamente céntrase en tres casos particulares: no Financial Times, The Times e El Mundo en Orbyt. A hipótese da que nace a investigación parte de que os medios analizados executan unha estratexia de orientación ó mercado. A través de tres construtos (orientación ó consumidor, orientación á competencia e captura de valor do xornalista) sobre os que a literatura previamente teorizou, demostramos empiricamente como nos tres casos a hipótese é positiva. Por outra banda, esta investigación nace co obxectivo fundamental de coñecer as dinámicas de xestión dos medios estudados así como de determinar os principais condutores de valor dos modelos de negocio da prensa dixital con estratexias de pago por contidos

    Mythe ou réalité de la nouvelle économie des pays en voie de développement : les conditions nécessaires aux affaires électroniques au Vietnam

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    Cette recherche étudie l'émergence et le développement des affaires électroniques dans le contexte d'un pays en voie de développement. Elle vise à mettre en lumière la relation entre le contexte national et le potentiel de développement des affaires électroniques et poser des questions sur ce qu'on appelle « les conditions nécessaires » aux affaires électroniques. Pour réaliser cette recherche, nous avons étudié des cas complexes, soit celui d'un pays (le Vietnam), d'une industrie (les fournisseurs de contenu Web) et de trois modèles d'affaires (la musique, les journaux et les jeux en ligne). Nous avons confronté la réalité d'un pays en voie de développement avec les expériences théorisées des pays développés dans le domaine des affaires électroniques. Le résultat de l'analyse du cas du Vietnam nous permet de soulever plusieurs questions théoriques et managériales relatives aux affaires électroniques dans les pays en voie de développement. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Affaires électroniques, Modèle d'affaire, Contexte national, Pays en voie de développement, Vietnam

    Modelo de medición de la difusión de innovaciones en procesos al interior de organizaciones proveedoras de contenidos en línea

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    Se diseña un modelo de medición de la difusión de innovaciones en procesos al interior de cibermedios colombianos. El modelo parte del análisis de las proposiciones teóricas disponibles en la disciplina y busca integrar las visiones planteadas desde distintas corrientes tales como la difusión, asimiliación, infusión, aceptación y apropiación de innovaciones tecnológicas. Posteriormente, se realiza una contextualización del modelo teórico en función de las cualidades y realidades de los cibermedios colombianos. Como resultado se planteó una organización jerárquica de 47 indicadores los cuales reflejan los niveles de desarrollo de los cibermedios colombianos en función de tres características distintivas de los mismos: interactividad, hipertextualidad y multimedialidad. Como principal conclusión los cibermedios colombianos han presentado interesantes niveles de desarrollo, siendo aún necesario el fortalecimiento de sus propuestas informativas para aprovechar de manera más extensivas las posibilidades del entorno digital.Abstract. This document aims to design a model of measuring the diffusion of innovations in processes within Colombian Cybermedia. The model starts of the analysis of the theoretical propositions available on discipline and it seeks to integrate the visions raised from various streams such as diffusion, assimilation, infusion, acceptance and appropriation of technological innovations. Subsequently, in order to land the theoretical knowledge, a contextualization of the theoretical model based on the qualities and realities of Colombian cibermedios was performed. As a result a hierarchical organization of 47 indicators was raised. This hierarchy reflects the levels of development of Colombian cybermedia according to the three main characteristics: Interactivity, hypertext and multimedia. The main conclusion that we can highlight is the fact that Colombians online media have presented interesting levels of development, but it is necessary to strengthen their informational proposals in order to take advantage in a more extensive way of the possibilities of the digital environment.Doctorad


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    Identifying a realistic taxonomy of content providers in the online news secto