2,302 research outputs found

    Who Wrote Hebrews

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    Our problem, as the title informs one, is to discover, if possible, who is responsible for the New Testament Letter to the Hebrews; and if we are not able to arrive at any definite conclusive conclusion, to set forth such theories as we find and give as many of their arguments as we are able

    KnowSe: Fostering user interaction context awareness

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    The CSCW area has recognized the concept of awareness as a critical issue to focus on (Schmidt et al., 2002) since “users who work together require adequate information about their environment” (Gross and Prinz, 2003). The environment of an individual encompasses her connections with other people, as well as with digital resources and actions (tasks or processes). If connections are not clear or hidden to the individual or to the group, the cost is a lack of awareness in the organization (McArthur and Bruza, 2003), which not only leads to inefficient cooperation but can even prevent it from being started. Unveiling the relations between persons, topics, tasks and processes to computer workers facilitates cooperative work by increasing the awareness of the personal social networks and the role of an individual in the organization, a project, or a group. These connections can be created and modeled manually but a better approach is to develop semi-automatic or even automatic tools to create and share them (McArthur and Bruza, 2003). Based on emails, McArthur and Bruza (2003) have computed such kind of connections, and suggest using more global corpora as well as taking into account dynamic ones

    Discretionary policy, strategic complementarity and tax evasion. A strategic analysis of the Italian audit mechanism

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    Underlying this work is the idea that there is a problem of strategic complementarity of individuals who choose to evade. Complementarity results from the discretionary policies of governments and the strategic implications of the Studi di Settore (Sector Studies), the mechanism used in Italy to evaluate the income (in reality, the turnover) of professional categories and small firms. In the Italian case, policy discretion and the Sector Studies lead to a failure of the coordination mechanism of taxpayers and confer a strong advantage for the coordination mechanism of tax evaders. The outcome is a coordination failure where individuals converge to the least efficient equilibrium from a social perspective.Tax Evasion; Tax Compliance; Audit Selection Mechanism; Complementarity.

    The Cowl - v.79 - n.20 - Mar 19, 2015

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    The Cowl - student newspaper of Providence College. Vol 79 - No. 20 - March 19, 2015. 20 pages

    The Crescent Student Newspaper, March 11, 2009

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    Student newspaper of George Fox University.https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/the_crescent/2323/thumbnail.jp

    The Epistemic Significance of Valid Inference – A Model-Theoretic Approach

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    The problem analysed in this paper is whether we can gain knowledge by using valid inferences, and how we can explain this process from a model-theoretic perspective. According to the paradox of inference (Cohen & Nagel 1936/1998, 173), it is logically impossible for an inference to be both valid and its conclusion to possess novelty with respect to the premises. I argue in this paper that valid inference has an epistemic significance, i.e., it can be used by an agent to enlarge his knowledge, and this significance can be accounted in model-theoretic terms. I will argue first that the paradox is based on an equivocation, namely, it arises because logical containment, i.e., logical implication, is identified with epistemological containment, i.e., the knowledge of the premises entails the knowledge of the conclusion. Second, I will argue that a truth-conditional theory of meaning has the necessary resources to explain the epistemic significance of valid inferences. I will explain this epistemic significance starting from Carnap’s semantic theory of meaning and Tarski’s notion of satisfaction. In this way I will counter (Prawitz 2012b)’s claim that a truth-conditional theory of meaning is not able to account the legitimacy of valid inferences, i.e., their epistemic significance


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    The challenge of theorising and analysing socio-political phenomena can feel overwhelming given today’s somewhat threatening realpolitik (9/11, US-led wars on Afghanistan, Iraq and now, perhaps, Syria) and the rapid pace with which (dis)information is received, digested and discarded. Through an act of ‘literary montage’ construction, and prefaced by some interpretation of my own, I offer this ‘exhibit’ as an attempt to highlight this sense of dislocation whilst simultaneously ‘building a picture’. A specific concern is to problematise the notion of ‘the frontline’. Given blatant military and economic imperialism by the US, underscored by the construction and fetishising of the rational subject under modernity and the social democratic state, I suggest that frontlines are located in any public or private space where the legitimacy of these interests and categories is questioned. Expressions of difference, including peace activism, thus become ‘proliferating illegitimacies’ and are policed as such. Against this context, the texts positioned here tell of growing realisation and fear of the coldness and instrumentalism at the heart of empire-building, of which both the horrific violence currently inflicted on Iraqi people, and the discounting and suppression of dissent to war worldwide, are part. For a global anti-capitalist/pro-justice movement that recognises trade in arms as a core constraint on human potential, reaching beyond this fear - retaining the hope of the ‘politics of possibility’ with which this ‘movement of movements’ has come to be identified – emerges as a latent and essential challenge
