689 research outputs found

    Connectivity of the Cingulate Sulcus Visual Area (CSv) in the Human Cerebral Cortex

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    Contains fulltext : 181333.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)The human cingulate sulcus visual area (CSv) responds selectively to visual and vestibular cues to self-motion. Although it is more selective for visual self-motion cues than any other brain region studied, it is not known whether CSv mediates perception of self-motion. An alternative hypothesis, based on its location, is that it provides sensory information to the motor system for use in guiding locomotion. To evaluate this hypothesis we studied the connectivity pattern of CSv, which is completely unknown, with a combination of diffusion MRI and resting-state functional MRI. Converging results from the 2 approaches suggest that visual drive is provided primarily by areas hV6, pVIP (putative intraparietal cortex) and PIC (posterior insular cortex). A strong connection with the medial portion of the somatosensory cortex, which represents the legs and feet, suggests that CSv may receive locomotion-relevant proprioceptive information as well as visual and vestibular signals. However, the dominant connections of CSv are with specific components of the motor system, in particular the cingulate motor areas and the supplementary motor area. We propose that CSv may provide a previously unknown link between perception and action that serves the online control of locomotion.13 p

    Multimodal neuroimaging of vestibular and postural networks: Investigating the pathophysiology of idiopathic dizziness in older adults

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    Successful ageing - the preservation of good performance into old age, is an aspiration for many and a challenge for society. Modifiable factors which account for ageing-related functional decline should thus be identified and reduced. As life expectancy increases, brain ageing and its functional consequences become an increasingly important target for research and intervention. Cerebral small vessel disease, largely driven by vascular risk factors, has emerged as a strong contributor to cognitive and balance decline in late life. Though the early effects of cerebral small vessel disease on cognition are increasingly better understood, its symptomatic effects on other functional systems are not well characterised. In this thesis, I investigated the long recognised, but pathophysiologically enigmatic syndrome of dizziness in older adults, not accounted for by neurological disease or vestibular dysfunction. I considered the hypothesis that this ‘idiopathic dizziness’ is secondary to cerebral small vessel disease through its deleterious effects on white matter networks which subserve vestibular perceptual processes and/or the control of balance. I first defined the functional anatomy of the core human vestibular cortex by its functional connectivity (Chapter 3). I related the resulting anatomical subregions to behavioural and task neuroimaging data to define a vestibular network involved in self-motion perception. I proceeded to characterise the syndrome of idiopathic dizziness using clinical, cognitive and behavioural (vestibular function, balance and gait) data from patients and controls (Chapter 4). I combined this data with structural and diffusion magnetic resonance imaging data to investigate the pathophysiology of idiopathic dizziness. I found that frontal white matter tracts relevant to the control of balance had lower integrity in patients with idiopathic dizziness than controls. These findings occurred in the context of excess vascular risk, and markers of cerebral small vessel disease. Additionally, I found vestibular function and perception were normal in patients with idiopathic dizziness. The results suggest disrupted balance control may underpin idiopathic dizziness in cerebral small vessel disease. I proceeded to investigate whether neural correlates of balance control were altered in idiopathic dizziness as a model for mild balance impairment in cerebral small vessel disease (Chapter 5). To do this, I applied electroencephalography during quiet standing and related brain activity to spontaneous sway. I showed idiopathic dizziness was linked to altered cortical activity in relation to balance control, and this cortical activity was influenced by the burden of cerebral small vessel disease. Additionally, patients with idiopathic dizziness uniquely engaged a low frequency postural connectivity network, consistent with a different mode of postural control. Overall, the results within this thesis show a relationship between idiopathic dizziness and vascular injury to frontal tracts involved in the control of balance in cerebral small vessel disease. Small vessel disease may disrupt the cortical control of balance as a basis for symptoms in this syndrome.Open Acces

    Associations between Proprioceptive Neural Pathway Structural Connectivity and Balance in People with Multiple Sclerosis

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    Mobility and balance impairments are a hallmark of multiple sclerosis (MS), affecting nearly half of patients at presentation and resulting in decreased activity and participation, falls, injuries, and reduced quality of life. A growing body of work suggests that balance impairments in people with mild MS are primarily the result of deficits in proprioception, the ability to determine body position in space in the absence of vision. A better understanding of the pathophysiology of balance disturbances in MS is needed to develop evidence-based rehabilitation approaches. The purpose of the current study was to (1) map the cortical proprioceptive pathway in vivo using diffusion-weighted imaging and (2) assess associations between proprioceptive pathway white matter microstructural integrity and performance on clinical and behavioral balance tasks. We hypothesized that people with MS (PwMS) would have reduced integrity of cerebral proprioceptive pathways, and that reduced white matter microstructure within these tracts would be strongly related to proprioceptive-based balance deficits. We found poorer balance control on proprioceptive-based tasks and reduced white matter microstructural integrity of the cortical proprioceptive tracts in PwMS compared with age-matched healthy controls (HC). Microstructural integrity of this pathway in the right hemisphere was also strongly associated with proprioceptive-based balance control in PwMS and controls. Conversely, while white matter integrity of the right hemisphere’s proprioceptive pathway was significantly correlated with overall balance performance in HC, there was no such relationship in PwMS. These results augment existing literature suggesting that balance control in PwMS may become more dependent upon (1) cerebellar-regulated proprioceptive control, (2) the vestibular system, and/or (3) the visual system

    The Neuroanatomical Correlates of Training-Related Perceptuo-Reflex Uncoupling in Dancers

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    Sensory input evokes low-order reflexes and higher-order perceptual responses. Vestibular stimulation elicits vestibular-ocular reflex (VOR) and self-motion perception (e.g., vertigo) whose response durations are normally equal. Adaptation to repeated whole-body rotations, for example, ballet training, is known to reduce vestibular responses. We investigated the neuroanatomical correlates of vestibular perceptuo-reflex adaptation in ballet dancers and controls. Dancers' vestibular-reflex and perceptual responses to whole-body yaw-plane step rotations were: (1) Briefer and (2) uncorrelated (controls' reflex and perception were correlated). Voxel-based morphometry showed a selective gray matter (GM) reduction in dancers' vestibular cerebellum correlating with ballet experience. Dancers' vestibular cerebellar GM density reduction was related to shorter perceptual responses (i.e. positively correlated) but longer VOR duration (negatively correlated). Contrastingly, controls' vestibular cerebellar GM density negatively correlated with perception and VOR. Diffusion-tensor imaging showed that cerebral cortex white matter (WM) microstructure correlated with vestibular perception but only in controls. In summary, dancers display vestibular perceptuo-reflex dissociation with the neuronatomical correlate localized to the vestibular cerebellum. Controls' robust vestibular perception correlated with a cortical WM network conspicuously absent in dancers. Since primary vestibular afferents synapse in the vestibular cerebellum, we speculate that a cerebellar gating of perceptual signals to cortical regions mediates the training-related attenuation of vestibular perception and perceptuo-reflex uncoupling

    Structural reorganization of the cerebral cortex after vestibulo-cerebellar stroke

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    Objective: Structural reorganization following cerebellar infarcts is not yet known. This study aimed to demonstrate structural volumetric changes over time in the cortical vestibular and multisensory areas (i.e., brain plasticity) after acute cerebellar infarcts with vestibular and ocular motor symptoms. Additionally, we evaluated whether structural reorganization in the patients topographically correlates with cerebello-cortical connectivity that can be observed in healthy participants. Methods: We obtained high-resolution structural imaging in seven patients with midline cerebellar infarcts at two time points. These data were compared to structural imaging of a group of healthy age-matched controls using voxel-based morphometry (2×2 ANOVA approach). The maximum overlap of the infarcts was used as a seed region for a separate resting-state functional connectivity analysis in healthy volunteers. Results: Volumetric changes were detected in the multisensory cortical vestibular areas around the parieto-opercular and (retro-) insular cortex. Furthermore, structural reorganization was evident in parts of the frontal, temporal, parietal, limbic, and occipital lobes and reflected functional connections between the main infarct regions in the cerebellum and the cerebral cortex in healthy individuals. Conclusions: This study demonstrates structural reorganization in the parieto-opercular insular vestibular cortex after acute vestibulo-cerebellar infarcts. Additionally, the widely distributed structural reorganization after midline cerebellar infarcts provides additional in vivo evidence for the multifaceted contribution of cerebellar processing to cortical functions that extend beyond vestibular or ocular motor function

    Modulation of the central vestibular networks through aging and high-strength magnetic fields

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    The importance of the vestibular system usually goes unnoticed in our daily lives and its significance is only experienced by patients suffering from vestibular diseases. The vestibular system is essential for orientation in space, and perception of motion, as well as keeping balance, and maintaining stable visual perception while moving in a three-dimensional world. Functional imaging has long been used to study the multisensory vestibular network in healthy subjects, as well as in patients with diseases of the vestibular system. The majority of these previous studies sought to associate brain areas with vestibular processing, by evaluating increases or decreases in blood-oxygen-level dependent signal (BOLD-signal) during application of artificial vestibular stimulations. However, many basic network properties of the multisensory vestibular cortical network still remain unknown. Since it is now possible to infer networks from functional connectivity analysis, that associates areas into networks based on their spatiotemporal signal behavior, a few of the remaining questions can be addressed. The dynamics of the vestibular networks and other co-activated networks in regard to the processing of a multisensory stimulation remain largely unknown. Do subjects of different ages respond differently to a vestibular challenge? Furthermore, a new form of vestibular stimulation, termed magnetic vestibular stimulation (MVS), has recently been discovered. It occurs in strong magnetic fields (≥1.5 tesla), that are commonly used in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and raises questions about a possible modulation of vestibular networks during fMRI, potentially biasing functional neuroimaging results. The purpose of this thesis is to develop suggestions for studying the multisensory vestibular network and the influence of vestibular modulations on resting-state networks with fMRI. The focus lies on basic scientific investigations of (1) the influence of aging on the ability of subjects to respond to a challenge of the multisensory vestibular network and (2) the modulatory influence of magnetic fields (the MR environment) on functional imaging and resting-state networks in general. To this end, we carried out two studies. The first study was a cross-sectional aging study investigating the modulation of vestibular, somatosensory and motor networks in healthy adults (N=39 of 45 in total, age 20 to 70 years, 17 males). We used galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS) to stimulate all afferences of the peripheral vestibular end organs or vestibular nerve in order to activate the entire multisensory vestibular network, as age-associated changes might be specific to sensory processing. We also controlled for changes of the motor network, structural fiber integrity (fractional anisotropy – FA), and volume changes to simultaneously compare the effects of aging across structure and function. The second study investigated the influence of the static magnetic field of the MR environment in a group of healthy subjects (N=27 of 30 in total, age 21 to 38 years, 19 females), as it was recently shown that a strong magnetic field produces a vestibular imbalance in healthy subjects. We examined MVS at field strengths of 1.5 tesla and 3 tesla. The associated spontaneous nystagmus, the scaling of the nystagmus’ slow phase velocity (SPV) across field strengths, the between subject variance of the SPV were analysed, and the analogous scaling relationship was identified in the modulation of resting-state network amplitudes, like the default mode network (DMN), between 1.5 tesla and 3 tesla to reveal its effect on fMRI results. Aging and MVS modulated networks associated with vestibular function and resting-state networks known for vestibular interactions. The results from our aging study imply that the dynamics of vestibular networks is limited by the influence of aging even in healthy adults without any noticeable vestibular deficit. Vestibular networks show a decline of functional connectivity with age and an increase of temporal variability (in excess of stimulation induced changes) with age. In contrast somatosensory and motor networks did not show any significant linear relationship with age or any significant changes between the youngest and oldest participants. Age-associated structural changes (gray matter volume changes or structural connectivity changes) did not explain the decline in functional connectivity or increase in temporal variability. Furthermore, stimulation thresholds did not change with age (nor did they correlate with the functional connectivity amplitudes or temporal variability), indicating that the age-associated changes that were found for the vestibular network, were not dependent on peripheral decline, as GVS is thought to directly stimulate the vestibular nerve. The results from our study of the influence of the static magnetic field of the MR environment showed that MVS was already present at a field strength of 1.5 tesla, as evident from the induced nystagmus, indicating a state of vestibular imbalance. Furthermore, MVS scaled linearly with field strength between 1.5 tesla and 3 tesla, and identified the effects of MVS in the scaling of functional resting-state network fluctuations, showing that MVS does indeed influence resting-state networks due to vestibular imbalance. Specifically, MVS does influence DMN resting-state network dynamics in accordance with the predicted scaling of MVS based on the Lorentz-force model for MVS. These results taken together not only imply that subjects were in a vestibular state of imbalance, but also that the extent and direction of the state of imbalance showed more variance between subjects with increasing field strength. In summary, the following suggestions for vestibular research can be delineated to extend the kind of questions that can be answered by functional MRI experiments and to improve these investigations for the benefit of clinically relevant research of healthy controls and patients. Regarding the influence of age, we suggest that researchers comparing patients with vestibular deficits and healthy controls should separate the age-matched group into age-strata (non-overlapping subgroups with different age spans, e.g. 20-40 years, 40-60 years and above 60 years of age). Each stratum should be compared and interpreted separately given that different age-groups have different levels of vestibular network dynamics available for compensation (or responding to a challenge). This is particularly relevant when patients show a wide age-distribution, e.g. in the case of vestibular neuritis patients. With respect to the influence of magnetic fields, we suggest that MVS should be seen as a new way of manipulating networks that either process vestibular information or show vestibular interactions, by using strong magnetic fields (≥1.5 tesla), as commonly used in MRI. The potential of modulating vestibular influences on networks via MVS lies in being able to induce or manipulate vestibular imbalances. In the healthy this can be used to create states that are similar to the diseased state, but without peripheral or central lesions. In patients this will allow to extend or reduce vestibular imbalances. In both cases this can be done while performing functional MRI simply by using the magnetic field of the MRI scanner and adjusting the head position of the subject in question. In studies that need to avoid vestibular perturbations MVS should be controlled by adjusting the head position of the subject and measuring the resulting eye movements. This should then be seen as an effort to remove unwanted variance, i.e., as an effort to homogenize the group, and achieve better statistical results due to less (uncontrolled) MVS interference that increases bias and variance with increasing field strength. In summary, these suggestions result in three short questions that researchers could ask themselves when thinking about vestibular research projects in the future. Age-grouping: “Is the response to a challenge different for younger adults than older adults, i.e., does each age-group compensate differently?” MVS modulation: “Can a manipulation of the imbalance state of our subjects with MVS help us to reveal more about the vestibular network’s response to a challenge or should we avoid interference by MVS in the imbalance state of our subjects?” Sensitivity: “Is the measure that I want to use sensitive enough to show the differences that I am looking for?” Connectivity and temporal variability might be sensitive enough, but many clinical tests might not be sufficient

    Neural correlates of motor deficits in young patients with traumatic brain injury

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    We discuss the changes in motor control as a result of traumatic brain injury (TBI) in children and adolescents. Besides behavioral/kinematic studies, the neural correlates of altered motor control, examined by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion tensor imaging, will be presented. These studies show evidence for not only principal deficits in the control of movements in young TBI patients but also plastic changes in the brain to compensate for these deficits

    The impact of vestibular modulations on whole brain structure and function in humans

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    The vestibular system is a sensory system that monitors active and passive headmovements while at the same time permanently sensing gravity. Vestibular information is important for maintaining balance and stabilisation of vision and ultimately for general orientation in space. A distributed set of cortical vestibular regions process vestibular sensory information, together with other sensory and motor signals. How these brain regions are influenced by or interact with each other, and how this depends on the context in which the system is acting is not well understood. In my research I investigated the whole brain consequences of different vestibular sensory contexts by means of structural and functional magnetic resonance (MR) imaging on three different time scales (long-term, short-term, and medium-term). For the long-term time scale, I investigated functional brain connectivity in individuals experiencing a type of chronic dizziness that cannot be explained by structural damage within the nervous system. These patients exhibit chronic or long-term alterations in their processing of vestibular information, which leads to dizziness and vertigo. I found altered sensory and cerebellar network connectivity when they experience a dizziness-provoking stimulus. These two networks contain, but are not limited to, vestibular processing regions, demonstrating the importance of a whole-brain approach. The alterations correspond the notion that these patients have dysfunctional stimulus expectations. The short-term vestibular processing I investigated was the effect of artificial vestibular stimulation, which is frequently used in vestibular research and treatment. For this, I analysed functional network connectivity in healthy participants. I found that short-term vestibular stimulation does not cause a cortical functional reorganisation, although a nociceptive stimulus, which was matched for the somatosensory component of this stimulation, led to a reorganisation. The fact that cortical reorganisation does not occur during exclusively vestibular stimulation may reflect subconscious nature of vestibular processing in that it does not induce a different internal brain state. On the medium-term time scale, I investigated whole-brain structural changes as a result of gravity. Astronauts that travel to space for extended periods of time experience several physiological symptoms also affecting the fluid exchange of the brain. To characterise if these fluid exchanges also affect size of the spaces around brain blood vessels (perivascular spaces), I developed a semi-automatic detection pipeline which requires only one type of structural MR image. I found that space travellers have enlarged perivascular spaces even before their mission, when compared to a control population. These spaces were to a small extend further increased shortly after a long duration space flight of 6 months. Astronaut training thus contributes to structural changes in the whole brain in combination with long-duration space flight. This further suggests that additional contextual factors such as sleep quality should be considered in the future. Overall, in my thesis I show that investigating the whole brain during different vestibular modulations provides additional and novel insights about the underlying neural processes. I found that long-term vestibular states have an impact on functional networks, whilst short-term vestibular modulations do not seem to impact functional network organisation. In addition, I quantified the structural impact of microgravity and astronaut training in the whole brain using a new analysis pipeline. In the future, I expect that new advancements in the field of neuroimaging analysis, such as high sampling of individuals and dynamic network analysis will advance the field. This will potentially also provide new means to monitor disease progression or intervention success

    Modulation of the central vestibular networks through aging and high-strength magnetic fields

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    The importance of the vestibular system usually goes unnoticed in our daily lives and its significance is only experienced by patients suffering from vestibular diseases. The vestibular system is essential for orientation in space, and perception of motion, as well as keeping balance, and maintaining stable visual perception while moving in a three-dimensional world. Functional imaging has long been used to study the multisensory vestibular network in healthy subjects, as well as in patients with diseases of the vestibular system. The majority of these previous studies sought to associate brain areas with vestibular processing, by evaluating increases or decreases in blood-oxygen-level dependent signal (BOLD-signal) during application of artificial vestibular stimulations. However, many basic network properties of the multisensory vestibular cortical network still remain unknown. Since it is now possible to infer networks from functional connectivity analysis, that associates areas into networks based on their spatiotemporal signal behavior, a few of the remaining questions can be addressed. The dynamics of the vestibular networks and other co-activated networks in regard to the processing of a multisensory stimulation remain largely unknown. Do subjects of different ages respond differently to a vestibular challenge? Furthermore, a new form of vestibular stimulation, termed magnetic vestibular stimulation (MVS), has recently been discovered. It occurs in strong magnetic fields (≥1.5 tesla), that are commonly used in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and raises questions about a possible modulation of vestibular networks during fMRI, potentially biasing functional neuroimaging results. The purpose of this thesis is to develop suggestions for studying the multisensory vestibular network and the influence of vestibular modulations on resting-state networks with fMRI. The focus lies on basic scientific investigations of (1) the influence of aging on the ability of subjects to respond to a challenge of the multisensory vestibular network and (2) the modulatory influence of magnetic fields (the MR environment) on functional imaging and resting-state networks in general. To this end, we carried out two studies. The first study was a cross-sectional aging study investigating the modulation of vestibular, somatosensory and motor networks in healthy adults (N=39 of 45 in total, age 20 to 70 years, 17 males). We used galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS) to stimulate all afferences of the peripheral vestibular end organs or vestibular nerve in order to activate the entire multisensory vestibular network, as age-associated changes might be specific to sensory processing. We also controlled for changes of the motor network, structural fiber integrity (fractional anisotropy – FA), and volume changes to simultaneously compare the effects of aging across structure and function. The second study investigated the influence of the static magnetic field of the MR environment in a group of healthy subjects (N=27 of 30 in total, age 21 to 38 years, 19 females), as it was recently shown that a strong magnetic field produces a vestibular imbalance in healthy subjects. We examined MVS at field strengths of 1.5 tesla and 3 tesla. The associated spontaneous nystagmus, the scaling of the nystagmus’ slow phase velocity (SPV) across field strengths, the between subject variance of the SPV were analysed, and the analogous scaling relationship was identified in the modulation of resting-state network amplitudes, like the default mode network (DMN), between 1.5 tesla and 3 tesla to reveal its effect on fMRI results. Aging and MVS modulated networks associated with vestibular function and resting-state networks known for vestibular interactions. The results from our aging study imply that the dynamics of vestibular networks is limited by the influence of aging even in healthy adults without any noticeable vestibular deficit. Vestibular networks show a decline of functional connectivity with age and an increase of temporal variability (in excess of stimulation induced changes) with age. In contrast somatosensory and motor networks did not show any significant linear relationship with age or any significant changes between the youngest and oldest participants. Age-associated structural changes (gray matter volume changes or structural connectivity changes) did not explain the decline in functional connectivity or increase in temporal variability. Furthermore, stimulation thresholds did not change with age (nor did they correlate with the functional connectivity amplitudes or temporal variability), indicating that the age-associated changes that were found for the vestibular network, were not dependent on peripheral decline, as GVS is thought to directly stimulate the vestibular nerve. The results from our study of the influence of the static magnetic field of the MR environment showed that MVS was already present at a field strength of 1.5 tesla, as evident from the induced nystagmus, indicating a state of vestibular imbalance. Furthermore, MVS scaled linearly with field strength between 1.5 tesla and 3 tesla, and identified the effects of MVS in the scaling of functional resting-state network fluctuations, showing that MVS does indeed influence resting-state networks due to vestibular imbalance. Specifically, MVS does influence DMN resting-state network dynamics in accordance with the predicted scaling of MVS based on the Lorentz-force model for MVS. These results taken together not only imply that subjects were in a vestibular state of imbalance, but also that the extent and direction of the state of imbalance showed more variance between subjects with increasing field strength. In summary, the following suggestions for vestibular research can be delineated to extend the kind of questions that can be answered by functional MRI experiments and to improve these investigations for the benefit of clinically relevant research of healthy controls and patients. Regarding the influence of age, we suggest that researchers comparing patients with vestibular deficits and healthy controls should separate the age-matched group into age-strata (non-overlapping subgroups with different age spans, e.g. 20-40 years, 40-60 years and above 60 years of age). Each stratum should be compared and interpreted separately given that different age-groups have different levels of vestibular network dynamics available for compensation (or responding to a challenge). This is particularly relevant when patients show a wide age-distribution, e.g. in the case of vestibular neuritis patients. With respect to the influence of magnetic fields, we suggest that MVS should be seen as a new way of manipulating networks that either process vestibular information or show vestibular interactions, by using strong magnetic fields (≥1.5 tesla), as commonly used in MRI. The potential of modulating vestibular influences on networks via MVS lies in being able to induce or manipulate vestibular imbalances. In the healthy this can be used to create states that are similar to the diseased state, but without peripheral or central lesions. In patients this will allow to extend or reduce vestibular imbalances. In both cases this can be done while performing functional MRI simply by using the magnetic field of the MRI scanner and adjusting the head position of the subject in question. In studies that need to avoid vestibular perturbations MVS should be controlled by adjusting the head position of the subject and measuring the resulting eye movements. This should then be seen as an effort to remove unwanted variance, i.e., as an effort to homogenize the group, and achieve better statistical results due to less (uncontrolled) MVS interference that increases bias and variance with increasing field strength. In summary, these suggestions result in three short questions that researchers could ask themselves when thinking about vestibular research projects in the future. Age-grouping: “Is the response to a challenge different for younger adults than older adults, i.e., does each age-group compensate differently?” MVS modulation: “Can a manipulation of the imbalance state of our subjects with MVS help us to reveal more about the vestibular network’s response to a challenge or should we avoid interference by MVS in the imbalance state of our subjects?” Sensitivity: “Is the measure that I want to use sensitive enough to show the differences that I am looking for?” Connectivity and temporal variability might be sensitive enough, but many clinical tests might not be sufficient

    Structural connectivity of autonomic, pain, limbic, and sensory brainstem nuclei in living humans based on 7 Tesla and 3 Tesla MRI

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    Autonomic, pain, limbic, and sensory processes are mainly governed by the central nervous system, with brainstem nuclei as relay centers for these crucial functions. Yet, the structural connectivity of brainstem nuclei in living humans remains understudied. These tiny structures are difficult to locate using conventional in vivo MRI, and ex vivo brainstem nuclei atlases lack precise and automatic transformability to in vivo images. To fill this gap, we mapped our recently developed probabilistic brainstem nuclei atlas developed in living humans to high-spatial resolution (1.7 mm isotropic) and diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) at 7 Tesla in 20 healthy participants. To demonstrate clinical translatability, we also acquired 3 Tesla DWI with conventional resolution (2.5 mm isotropic) in the same participants. Results showed the structural connectome of 15 autonomic, pain, limbic, and sensory (including vestibular) brainstem nuclei/nuclei complex (superior/inferior colliculi, ventral tegmental area-parabrachial pigmented, microcellular tegmental-parabigeminal, lateral/medial parabrachial, vestibular, superior olivary, superior/inferior medullary reticular formation, viscerosensory motor, raphe magnus/pallidus/obscurus, parvicellular reticular nucleus-alpha part), derived from probabilistic tractography computation. Through graph measure analysis, we identified network hubs and demonstrated high intercommunity communication in these nuclei. We found good (r = .5) translational capability of the 7 Tesla connectome to clinical (i.e., 3 Tesla) datasets. Furthermore, we validated the structural connectome by building diagrams of autonomic/pain/limbic connectivity, vestibular connectivity, and their interactions, and by inspecting the presence of specific links based on human and animal literature. These findings offer a baseline for studies of these brainstem nuclei and their functions in health and disease, including autonomic dysfunction, chronic pain, psychiatric, and vestibular disorders