9 research outputs found

    Analisis Hubungan Antara Variabel Loyalitas Merek, Kekuatan Merek, dan Niat Beli terhadap Keterlibatan Pelanggan di Gojek

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    Gojek is a service company that serves in terms of transportation and shopping. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the variables of Brand Loyalty, Brand Strength, and Purchase Intent on Customer Engagement in Gojek. The technique used in this study is the non-probability sampling method. The data analysis method used by this study provides questions through Google Form, which is an online questionnaire. The questionnaire was spread in Sidoarjo, Gresik, and Surabaya. The results of responses were collected as many as 130 respondents, then the results were analyzed descriptively using SPSS and statistically using WPLS. This research shows that Brand Loyalty has a significant effect on Customer Engagement on Gojek. Purchase Intent has a significant effect on Customer Engagement in Gojek. and Customer Trust has a significant effect on Customer Engagement in Gojek. The results of this study provide marketing insights about the need to further develop this application so that customers are more interested in Gojek than other competitors. Keyword : Brand Loyalty, Brand Power, Purchase Intent, Customer Engagement

    To engage or not: how does concern for personal brand impact consumers’ Social Media Engagement Behaviour (SMEB)?

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    In the present society, people have become cautious about their online presence. By adopting a qualitative methodological approach, the study investigates consumers’ approach to SMEB (Social Media Engagement Behaviour). Through the lens of the personal branding construct, it is understood that people seek to create a satisfying presentation of the desired self. A further con-cern is to maintain the public’s perception of such an identity. Psychological experiences include the negative impact of self- disclosure, social phobia, and concerns for the brand of ‘me’. The fear is not being perceived correctly or being associated with con-troversial opinions in the eye of the target audience that they regard as important. Going beyond career advancement, the study contributes to understand how concerns for personal brand impact Gen Y’s SMEB. The findings assist commercial brands in gaining more knowledge of such consumer groups in terms of the future engagement process.publishedVersio

    Parasocial relationships with micro-influencers: do sponsorship disclosure and electronic word-of-mouth disrupt?

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    Purpose This study aims to examine whether and how the effect of intimate relationships with micro-influencers on customer behaviour is interrupted by external cues such as sponsorship disclosures and negative electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM). Design/methodology/approach The study worked with Instagram micro-influences to conduct a vignette survey with four experimental scenarios. Findings The benefits of parasocial relationships (PSR) in enhancing customer engagement (CE), brand preference (BP) and purchase intention (PI) cannot be sustained in the presence of external interruptive cues. For micro-influencers, whilst sponsorship disclosures do not moderate the influence of PSR, customers are considerably sensitive to negative eWOM or when the two cues co-occur. Originality/value This study focusses on micro-influencers and investigates whether the follower–micro-influencer bond can be moderated by external cues including sponsorship disclosure and negative eWOM

    Comunidades de marca en línea como un espacio virtual para co–crear valor dentro de las empresas

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    En el presente trabajo de investigación es una revisión de literatura sistemática, lo cual tiene como objetivo general; revisar la literatura existente sobre como las comunidades de marca en línea generan una co-creación de valor y fomentan una participación del cliente para las empresas. Así mismo, se pudo recolectar, analizar e identificar distintos artículos científicos mas relevantes para el estudio. Por consiguiente, se encontró como discusión principal que; la obtención de una correcta co-creación de valor es el resultado final de una participación activa y constante lo cual genera beneficios a la marca con la finalidad de lograr el éxito dentro de una comunidad virtual. Finalmente, se concluyó que los clientes al participar dentro de estas comunidades mejoran el proceso de innovación de una manera significativa al compartir información, conocimientos, experiencias y ofrecer diversas habilidades que permita afrontar problemas y actuar no solo como fuentes de ideas o de cocreadores, sino también como probadores y, finalmente como compradore

    Short video marketing : what, when and how short-branded videos facilitate consumer engagement

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    Purpose This study explores whether and how four main factors of short-branded video content (content matching, information relevance, storytelling and emotionality) facilitate consumer engagement (likes, comments and shares), as well as the moderating effect of the release time (morning, afternoon and evening) in such relationships. Design/methodology/approach This study uses Python to write programs to crawl relevant data information, such as consumer engagement and short video release time. It combines coding methods to empirically analyze the impact of short-branded video content characteristics on consumer engagement. A total of 10,240 Weibo short videos (total duration: 238.645 h) from 122 well-known brands are utilized as research objects. Findings Empirical results show that the content characteristics of short videos significantly affected consumer engagement. Furthermore, the release time of videos significantly moderated the relationship between the emotionality of short videos and consumer engagement. Content released in the morning enhanced the positive impact of warmth, excitement and joy on consumer engagement, compared to that released in the afternoon. Practical implications The findings provide new insights for the dissemination of products and brand culture through short videos. The authors suggest that enterprises that use brand videos consider content matching, information relevance, storytelling and emotionality in their design. Originality/value From a broader perspective, this study constructs a new method for comprehensively evaluating short-branded video content, based on four dimensions (content matching, information relevance, storytelling and emotionality) and explores the value of these dimensions for creating social media marketing success, such as via consumer engagement.© 2023 Emerald Publishing Limited. This manuscript version is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution–NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY–NC 4.0) license, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Investigating Customer Knowledge Sharing in Online Brand Communities with a Meta-synthesis Approach

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    Today, the customer is considered the most important partner for the value-creation process in organizations. Companies and organizations have also turned to use social media and online communities in order to improve their efficiency, cost-effectiveness, or the quality of their customer operations. The purpose of the present study is to identify the factors affecting the sharing of customer knowledge in online brand communities with the meta-synthesis technique. In this research, using the systematic review and qualitative meta-synthesis approach, the findings and results of studies from 2006 to 2022 are analyzed. To do this, the method of Sandelowski and Barroso (2006) has been used. In this research, after the initial search and refining of resources related to the subject of customer knowledge sharing in online communities, 76 sources were selected as final sources with the critical evaluation method. Then, using the qualitative method of document analysis using ATLAS.ti software, 7 dimensions and 74 components were identified as factors of customer knowledge sharing in online communities. The main dimensions identified are individual factors, social, motivational, technological factors, brand network relationship structure factors, brand-related factors, and knowledge-related factors. Managers and decision-makers of organizations and companies can adapt their company and organization to the competitive environment by understanding different aspects of online knowledge sharing.   Introduction The issue of knowledge sharing in online communities is widely important in various fields of education, human resource management, and marketing. Sharing customer knowledge leads to new product creation, existing product development, facilitating understanding of emerging market opportunities, and improving long-term customer relationships (Salim et al., 2022). In other words, the sharing of customer knowledge is important for both the organization and the customers themselves because in this way the companies will benefit from the business of the customers, and the development and improvement of the companies' activities will be provided (Sari et al., 2019). Therefore, identifying the factors that encourage and facilitate customer knowledge in online communities, especially online brand communities, is very important and the basis for the progress and excellence of companies. In this regard, in the present study, an attempt is made to identify and categorize the factors affecting customer knowledge sharing in online brand communities.   Methodology The current research is qualitative in nature based on practical purposes. The statistical population of the research is all the scientific research related to the research topic, the most relevant of which were selected using a meta-composite approach, which is a kind of systematic review. In order to achieve the coherence and integration of the results of studies related to the effective factors on the sharing of customer knowledge in online communities, in this research, the meta-synthesis method based on the seven-stage model of Sandelowski and Barroso (2006) was used. In this section, reliable sources and studies were reviewed in the field of customer knowledge sharing in online brand communities between 2006 and 2022. Findings In this research, after the initial search and refining of sources related to the subject of customer knowledge sharing in online communities, 76 sources were selected as final sources with the Critical Appraisal Skills Program and then with the qualitative method of document analysis using the ATLAS ti software. Seven main factors (categories) and 74 components were identified as factors of customer knowledge sharing in online communities. The main dimensions identified are individual factors, social, motivational, technological factors, brand network relationship structure factors, brand-related factors, and knowledge-related factors.    Conclusion As mentioned above, seven categories of factors were identified and categorized by using the meta-synthesis method. Individual factors are more focused on the personality aspects of customers and have been discussed in many studies. For example, according to Chang et al. (2013), extrovert people have a greater desire to share knowledge in online communities, or people's desire to help others and altruism have also been proposed in several studies as individual factors affecting knowledge sharing. The second identified factor is social factors. Social factors refer to the indicators based on which customers tend to meet their social needs and maintain their interaction with the society through sharing knowledge in online communities. As an example, indicators such as the feeling of belonging to the community or seeking social support have been confirmed in various studies such as Sari et al. (2019) and Degbey and Pelto (2021). Motivational factors also play an important role in customer participation in knowledge sharing. Among the sub-characteristics of this category of factors, hedonistic, emotional and social benefits, and incentive mechanisms are mentioned more than others in studies such as Munjal et al. (2019). The fourth group of factors affecting customer knowledge sharing is technological factors that mostly refer to technical aspects and platforms that provide access to the company's online space for customers. In this category, factors such as privacy (Arief et al., 2018), ease of use (Baima et al., 2022), and platform design (Li & Cox, 2021) can be seen, which show the importance of choosing a platform and its design for companies. Brand-related factors constitute the fifth group of factors affecting customer knowledge sharing in online communities. These factors are directly related to the characteristics and coordinates of the brand. In other words, if a company is able to act successfully in the way of branding and features such as brand trust (Dessart et al., 2015), brand satisfaction (Salim et al., 2020), and brand loyalty (li et al., 2022) can hope for success in sharing customer knowledge in online communities. Brand network relationship structure factors are the sixth group of factors affecting customer knowledge sharing, which emphasize the important role of communication factors. These factors have been mentioned in the studies of Salim et al. (2022) and Elsharnouby (2021). The last and seventh group of factors affecting the sharing of customers' knowledge in online communities are knowledge-related factors that are more effective from the content aspect.      

    Antecedents and Consequences of the Engagement Concept

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    In today’s highly networked environment, the engagement concept has become increasingly important for scholars and practitioners. This dissertation offers a better understanding of engagement by providing insights into the nomological network of this concept and by considering the micro- and macro-level perspective. Empirical and conceptual methodological approaches and statistical methods/techniques such as quantitative content analyses, a qualitative case study approach, regression analyses, and partial least squares structural equation modeling are applied to identify key drivers and business consequences of engagement. This dissertation argues that the engagement of actors can have beneficial consequences if it is managed in an adequate and effective manner. Engaged actors offer other actors like companies access to resources. These resources can lead to the improvement of—or the development of new—offerings, activities, and processes. This doctoral thesis shows that actor engagement (macro-level perspective) can be a driver of business model modifications. Practitioners willing to benefit from the engagement of actors should consider the antecedents identified in this dissertation (i.e., shared goals, access to resources, outcome expectations). At the micro level, the quantitative engagement studies of this dissertation examine the dyadic interaction between customers and brands/companies in the social media environment. These studies emphasize the importance of appropriate (crisis) communication on social media. They reveal that post-related attributes such as interactive elements or crisis-related content can influence the behavioral engagement of customers on social media. The insights of this dissertation offer guidance for companies and their managers willing to improve their engagement strategies

    How social media brand community development impacts consumer engagement and value formation; perspectives from the cosmetics industry

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    Social media and social media brand communities (SMBCs) are powerful tools for long-term consumer-brand relationship building. As a result, SMBCs are becoming significant marketing channels. Despite the wide use and adoption of SMBCs, further research is called for, as both practitioners and academics lack an understanding of the processes taking place within SMBCs. This study aims to contribute to knowledge of: (1) consumer engagement, (2) value formation in SMBCs, and (3) establishing the relationship between consumer engagement and value formation within the SMBC environment. This thesis adopts netnography, a method commonly employed to explore online communities in the social media environment. Three cosmetics brands were selected for this study. The selection was driven by geographical location, posting frequency and user activity. Data were retrospectively collected from Facebook SMBCs between 1st December 2019 and 31st January 2020. The data analysis employed thematic analysis techniques and was further guided by netnographic procedural steps, encompassing 25 distinct data operations. In total, 87 conversation threads were examined, which included 6,401 consumer comments. The findings present a typology of brand posts consisting of five overarching themes: presentation of offerings, belongingness building, engagement building, value-led, and educational. The research also identified a consumer comment typology consisting of four overarching themes brand-centred communication, cognitive-centred communication, conversation-centred communication, and personal experience-centred communication. Additionally, the thesis explores value formation processes within SMBCs, and the value types formed through consumer-to-consumer value formation interaction, brand-to-consumer value formation interaction, consumer-to-brand value formation interaction, as well as individual value formation processes, i.e., customer independent value formation and brand independent value facilitation. Through the findings, thesis broadens knowledge of the implication of SMBC development on consumer engagement. Additionally, this study extends the scope of value formation beyond service marketing, providing valuable insights into how value is created and perceived in the context of SMBCs. This research is also of significance for practice as it offers guidance and insight into how different brand posts can facilitate SMBC development, and, in turn, consumer engagement and value formation. The research provides a link between SMBC development and consumer engagement, highlighting the importance of SMBCs in the successful facilitation of consumer engagement. In particular, it provides evidence that the development of an SMBC has a significant impact on consumer engagement. The typology of brand posts that this study generates highlights the link between the types of posts published by the brand and SMBC development. In addition, the typology of consumer posts also suggests that there is a link between the types of comments published by consumers and the degree of SMBC development. As a result, the findings indicate significant growth in the variety of topics discussed within more developed SMBCs alongside a shift within the topics discussed. The study also investigates value formation within SMBCs, thereby enhancing the understanding of how SMBCs can facilitate value formation. By doing so, this research successfully extends the value formation lens predominantly applied in service marketing. In particular, the findings highlight the role of different actors in enabling the formation of different value types. Furthermore, the research emphasises the value of SMBCs as knowledge repositories as important virtual spaces for both brands and consumers. The findings facilitate understanding of the importance of SMBCs in value formation processes, contributing to advancing knowledge of the role of SMBCs in the development of consumer engagement and value formation. The thesis presents a contextualised conceptual framework of value formation within SMBCs, that captures different interactions taking place in the SMBC environment but also draws attention to the different value types generated through interaction between different actors. Finally, the thesis offers a conceptual framework of SMBCs, consumer engagement and value formation, which captures the correlation between the three researched concepts