197 research outputs found

    Infrastructure-less D2D Communications through Opportunistic Networks

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorIn recent years, we have experienced several social media blackouts, which have shown how much our daily experiences depend on high-quality communication services. Blackouts have occurred because of technical problems, natural disasters, hacker attacks or even due to deliberate censorship actions undertaken by governments. In all cases, the spontaneous reaction of people consisted in finding alternative channels and media so as to reach out to their contacts and partake their experiences. Thus, it has clearly emerged that infrastructured networks—and cellular networks in particular—are well engineered and have been extremely successful so far, although other paradigms should be explored to connect people. The most promising of today’s alternative paradigms is Device-to-Device (D2D) because it allows for building networks almost freely, and because 5G standards are (for the first time) seriously addressing the possibility of using D2D communications. In this dissertation I look at opportunistic D2D networking, possibly operating in an infrastructure-less environment, and I investigate several schemes through modeling and simulation, deriving metrics that characterize their performance. In particular, I consider variations of the Floating Content (FC) paradigm, that was previously proposed in the technical literature. Using FC, it is possible to probabilistically store information over a given restricted local area of interest, by opportunistically spreading it to mobile users while in the area. In more detail, a piece of information which is injected in the area by delivering it to one or more of the mobile users, is opportunistically exchanged among mobile users whenever they come in proximity of one another, progressively reaching most (ideally all) users in the area and thus making the information dwell in the area of interest, like in a sort of distributed storage. While previous works on FC almost exclusively concentrated on the communication component, in this dissertation I look at the storage and computing components of FC, as well as its capability of transferring information from one area of interest to another. I first present background work, including a brief review of my Master Thesis activity, devoted to the design, implementation and validation of a smartphone opportunistic information sharing application. The goal of the app was to collect experimental data that permitted a detailed analysis of the occurring events, and a careful assessment of the performance of opportunistic information sharing services. Through experiments, I showed that many key assumptions commonly adopted in analytical and simulation works do not hold with current technologies. I also showed that the high density of devices and the enforcement of long transmission ranges for links at the edge might counter-intuitively impair performance. The insight obtained during my Master Thesis work was extremely useful to devise smart operating procedures for the opportunistic D2D communications considered in this dissertation. In the core of this dissertation, initially I propose and study a set of schemes to explore and combine different information dissemination paradigms along with real users mobility and predictions focused on the smart diffusion of content over disjoint areas of interest. To analyze the viability of such schemes, I have implemented a Python simulator to evaluate the average availability and lifetime of a piece of information, as well as storage usage and network utilization metrics. Comparing the performance of these predictive schemes with state-of-the-art approaches, results demonstrate the need for smart usage of communication opportunities and storage. The proposed algorithms allow for an important reduction in network activity by decreasing the number of data exchanges by up to 92%, requiring the use of up to 50% less of on-device storage, while guaranteeing the dissemination of information with performance similar to legacy epidemic dissemination protocols. In a second step, I have worked on the analysis of the storage capacity of probabilistic distributed storage systems, developing a simple yet powerful information theoretical analysis based on a mean field model of opportunistic information exchange. I have also extended the previous simulator to compare the numerical results generated by the analytical model to the predictions of realistic simulations under different setups, showing in this way the accuracy of the analytical approach, and characterizing the properties of the system storage capacity. I conclude from analysis and simulated results that when the density of contents seeded in a floating system is larger than the maximum amount which can be sustained by the system in steady state, the mean content availability decreases, and the stored information saturates due to the effects of resource contention. With the presence of static nodes, in a system with infinite host memory and at the mean field limit, there is no upper bound to the amount of injected contents which a floating system can sustain. However, as with no static nodes, by increasing the injected information, the amount of stored information eventually reaches a saturation value which corresponds to the injected information at which the mean amount of time spent exchanging content during a contact is equal to the mean duration of a contact. As a final step of my dissertation, I have also explored by simulation the computing and learning capabilities of an infrastructure-less opportunistic communication, storage and computing system, considering an environment that hosts a distributed Machine Learning (ML) paradigm that uses observations collected in the area over which the FC system operates to infer properties of the area. Results show that the ML system can operate in two regimes, depending on the load of the FC scheme. At low FC load, the ML system in each node operates on observations collected by all users and opportunistically shared among nodes. At high FC load, especially when the data to be opportunistically exchanged becomes too large to be transmitted during the average contact time between nodes, the ML system can only exploit the observations endogenous to each user, which are much less numerous. As a result, I conclude that such setups are adequate to support general instances of distributed ML algorithms with continuous learning, only under the condition of low to medium loads of the FC system. While the load of the FC system induces a sort of phase transition on the ML system performance, the effect of computing load is more progressive. When the computing capacity is not sufficient to train all observations, some will be skipped, and performance progressively declines. In summary, with respect to traditional studies of the FC opportunistic information diffusion paradigm, which only look at the communication component over one area of interest, I have considered three types of extensions by looking at the performance of FC: over several disjoint areas of interest; in terms of information storage capacity; in terms of computing capacity that supports distributed learning. The three topics are treated respectively in Chapters 3 to 5.This work has been supported by IMDEA Networks InstitutePrograma de Doctorado en Ingeniería Telemática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Claudio Ettori Casetti.- Secretario: Antonio de la Oliva Delgado.- Vocal: Christoph Somme

    Implementation of Floating Content Service

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    Traditional Internet technology makes a series of assumptions which may not exist in some cases especially in the challenged environments where some or all of those requirements are hard to meet. In addition, Internet-based communications face the privacy and data security issues simply because the data is essential to be sent to and maintained in a centralized infrastructure. DTN, by contrast, supports frequently interrupted communications by introducing a Store-and-Forward message switching mechanism: intermediate node keeps the bundle in its persistent storage and waits for a better opportunity to forward it at a later time to another custody node or directly to the final destination if reachable. Floating Content, as a DTN-based localized information sharing service exclusively dependent on mobile phones and other mobile devices, takes advantage of wireless interfaces such as Bluetooth or WLAN to communicate in ad-hoc mode. We evaluate Floating Content service and finally implement it into mobile platforms in the form of mobile application thus benefits the users by providing an opportunistic communication mechanism even in an extreme environment, as well, decreases the security and privacy worries to a certain extent

    Performance evaluation of floating content for context-aware applications

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    Context-awareness is a peculiar characteristic of an expanding set of applications that make use of a combination of restricted spatio-temporal locality and mobile communications, to deliver a variety of services. Opportunistic communications satisfy well the communication requirements of these applications, because they naturally incorporate context. Recently, an opportunistic communication paradigm called "Floating Content" was proposed, to support infrastructure-less, distributed content sharing. It aims at ensuring the availability of data within a certain geographic area called "anchor zone". In literature, the focus was on understanding the asymptotic properties of the floating lifetime, i.e., the duration of time for which content floats in the anchor zone. Instead, our objective is to characterize the performance of context-aware applications using floating content as a communication service. First, we present a simple approximate analytical model for accessing the viability of floating content to act as a communication service for context-aware applications. We focus on the "success probability", which captures the likelihood for a user to receive the content when traversing the anchor zone and apply our analysis to estimate the success probability for three representative categories of context-aware applications, and show how the system can be configured to achieve the application’s target. Second, we investigate the impact of different mobility models on the performance of context-aware applications that use floating content. In particular, we consider four different mobility models, and, by using extensive simulation experiments, we investigate the performance of three different categories of context-aware applications. By comparing the simulation results to the performance predictions of our previously proposed simple analytical model, we show that our model can provide useful performance predictions even for complex and realistic mobility models. Simulation results under different mobility models also confirm the viability of floating content to act as a communication service for a variety of context-aware applications. Finally, we investigate the performance of floating content in a real world setting by developing and deploying an Android mobile application based on floating content in an office and a university campus environment. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first ever experimental evaluation of floating content service in a real setting. Our results provide quite interesting indications for the viability and the implementation of applications using floating content in the considered environments. We also propose a novel simple analytical model that accounts for the peculiarities of the mobility patterns in such a real world setting, and that can accurately predict the effectiveness of floating content for the implementation of context-aware applications in an office and a campus setting.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería TelemáticaPresidente: Claudio E. Casetti.- Secretario: Carlos Jesús Bernardos Cano.- Vocal: Antonio García Marqué

    Science-based restoration monitoring of coastal habitats, Volume Two: Tools for monitoring coastal habitats

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    Healthy coastal habitats are not only important ecologically; they also support healthy coastal communities and improve the quality of people’s lives. Despite their many benefits and values, coastal habitats have been systematically modified, degraded, and destroyed throughout the United States and its protectorates beginning with European colonization in the 1600’s (Dahl 1990). As a result, many coastal habitats around the United States are in desperate need of restoration. The monitoring of restoration projects, the focus of this document, is necessary to ensure that restoration efforts are successful, to further the science, and to increase the efficiency of future restoration efforts

    Enhancing interaction in mixed reality

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    With continuous technological innovation, we observe mixed reality emerging from research labs into the mainstream. The arrival of capable mixed reality devices transforms how we are entertained, consume information, and interact with computing systems, with the most recent being able to present synthesized stimuli to any of the human senses and substantially blur the boundaries between the real and virtual worlds. In order to build expressive and practical mixed reality experiences, designers, developers, and stakeholders need to understand and meet its upcoming challenges. This research contributes a novel taxonomy for categorizing mixed reality experiences and guidelines for designing mixed reality experiences. We present the results of seven studies examining the challenges and opportunities of mixed reality experiences, the impact of modalities and interaction techniques on the user experience, and how to enhance the experiences. We begin with a study determining user attitudes towards mixed reality in domestic and educational environments, followed by six research probes that each investigate an aspect of reality or virtuality. In the first, a levitating steerable projector enables us to investigate how the real world can be enhanced without instrumenting the user. We show that the presentation of in-situ instructions for navigational tasks leads to a significantly higher ability to observe and recall real-world landmarks. With the second probe, we enhance the perception of reality by superimposing information usually not visible to the human eye. In amplifying the human vision, we enable users to perceive thermal radiation visually. Further, we examine the effect of substituting physical components with non-functional tangible proxies or entirely virtual representations. With the third research probe, we explore how to enhance virtuality to enable a user to input text on a physical keyboard while being immersed in the virtual world. Our prototype tracked the user’s hands and keyboard to enable generic text input. Our analysis of text entry performance showed the importance and effect of different hand representations. We then investigate how to touch virtuality by simulating generic haptic feedback for virtual reality and show how tactile feedback through quadcopters can significantly increase the sense of presence. Our final research probe investigates the usability and input space of smartphones within mixed reality environments, pairing the user’s smartphone as an input device with a secondary physical screen. Based on our learnings from these individual research probes, we developed a novel taxonomy for categorizing mixed reality experiences and guidelines for designing mixed reality experiences. The taxonomy is based on the human sensory system and human capabilities of articulation. We showcased its versatility and set our research probes into perspective by organizing them inside the taxonomic space. The design guidelines are divided into user-centered and technology-centered. It is our hope that these will contribute to the bright future of mixed reality systems while emphasizing the new underlining interaction paradigm.Mixed Reality (vermischte Realitäten) gehen aufgrund kontinuierlicher technologischer Innovationen langsam von der reinen Forschung in den Massenmarkt über. Mit der Einführung von leistungsfähigen Mixed-Reality-Geräten verändert sich die Art und Weise, wie wir Unterhaltungsmedien und Informationen konsumieren und wie wir mit Computersystemen interagieren. Verschiedene existierende Geräte sind in der Lage, jeden der menschlichen Sinne mit synthetischen Reizen zu stimulieren. Hierdurch verschwimmt zunehmend die Grenze zwischen der realen und der virtuellen Welt. Um eindrucksstarke und praktische Mixed-Reality-Erfahrungen zu kreieren, müssen Designer und Entwicklerinnen die künftigen Herausforderungen und neuen Möglichkeiten verstehen. In dieser Dissertation präsentieren wir eine neue Taxonomie zur Kategorisierung von Mixed-Reality-Erfahrungen sowie Richtlinien für die Gestaltung von solchen. Wir stellen die Ergebnisse von sieben Studien vor, in denen die Herausforderungen und Chancen von Mixed-Reality-Erfahrungen, die Auswirkungen von Modalitäten und Interaktionstechniken auf die Benutzererfahrung und die Möglichkeiten zur Verbesserung dieser Erfahrungen untersucht werden. Wir beginnen mit einer Studie, in der die Haltung der nutzenden Person gegenüber Mixed Reality in häuslichen und Bildungsumgebungen analysiert wird. In sechs weiteren Fallstudien wird jeweils ein Aspekt der Realität oder Virtualität untersucht. In der ersten Fallstudie wird mithilfe eines schwebenden und steuerbaren Projektors untersucht, wie die Wahrnehmung der realen Welt erweitert werden kann, ohne dabei die Person mit Technologie auszustatten. Wir zeigen, dass die Darstellung von in-situ-Anweisungen für Navigationsaufgaben zu einer deutlich höheren Fähigkeit führt, Sehenswürdigkeiten der realen Welt zu beobachten und wiederzufinden. In der zweiten Fallstudie erweitern wir die Wahrnehmung der Realität durch Überlagerung von Echtzeitinformationen, die für das menschliche Auge normalerweise unsichtbar sind. Durch die Erweiterung des menschlichen Sehvermögens ermöglichen wir den Anwender:innen, Wärmestrahlung visuell wahrzunehmen. Darüber hinaus untersuchen wir, wie sich das Ersetzen von physischen Komponenten durch nicht funktionale, aber greifbare Replikate oder durch die vollständig virtuelle Darstellung auswirkt. In der dritten Fallstudie untersuchen wir, wie virtuelle Realitäten verbessert werden können, damit eine Person, die in der virtuellen Welt verweilt, Text auf einer physischen Tastatur eingeben kann. Unser Versuchsdemonstrator detektiert die Hände und die Tastatur, zeigt diese in der vermischen Realität an und ermöglicht somit die verbesserte Texteingaben. Unsere Analyse der Texteingabequalität zeigte die Wichtigkeit und Wirkung verschiedener Handdarstellungen. Anschließend untersuchen wir, wie man Virtualität berühren kann, indem wir generisches haptisches Feedback für virtuelle Realitäten simulieren. Wir zeigen, wie Quadrokopter taktiles Feedback ermöglichen und dadurch das Präsenzgefühl deutlich steigern können. Unsere letzte Fallstudie untersucht die Benutzerfreundlichkeit und den Eingaberaum von Smartphones in Mixed-Reality-Umgebungen. Hierbei wird das Smartphone der Person als Eingabegerät mit einem sekundären physischen Bildschirm verbunden, um die Ein- und Ausgabemodalitäten zu erweitern. Basierend auf unseren Erkenntnissen aus den einzelnen Fallstudien haben wir eine neuartige Taxonomie zur Kategorisierung von Mixed-Reality-Erfahrungen sowie Richtlinien für die Gestaltung von solchen entwickelt. Die Taxonomie basiert auf dem menschlichen Sinnessystem und den Artikulationsfähigkeiten. Wir stellen die vielseitige Verwendbarkeit vor und setzen unsere Fallstudien in Kontext, indem wir sie innerhalb des taxonomischen Raums einordnen. Die Gestaltungsrichtlinien sind in nutzerzentrierte und technologiezentrierte Richtlinien unterteilt. Es ist unsere Anliegen, dass diese Gestaltungsrichtlinien zu einer erfolgreichen Zukunft von Mixed-Reality-Systemen beitragen und gleichzeitig die neuen Interaktionsparadigmen hervorheben

    New frontiers in ocean exploration: the E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor 2019 field season

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Raineault, N.A., and J. Flanders, eds. (2020). New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor 2019 field season. Oceanography 33(1), supplement, 122 pp., https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2020.supplement.01.New Frontiers in Ocean Exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor 2019 Field Season is the tenth consecutive supplement on ocean exploration to accompany Oceanography. These booklets provide details about the innovative technologies deployed to investigate the seafloor and water column and explain how telepresence can both convey the excitement of ocean exploration to global audiences and allow scientists as well as the public on shore to participate in expeditions in real time. The supplements also describe the variety of educational programs the Ocean Exploration Trust, the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, and the Schmidt Ocean Institute support in conjunction with schools, museums, visitors centers, and aquariums, as well as internships that bring high school students, undergraduates, graduate students, teachers, and artists on board ships. Through these supplements, we have explored the geology, chemistry, biology, and archaeology of parts of the global ocean and seas. We hope you enjoy this booklet and share it widely.Support for this publication is provided by the Ocean Exploration Trust, the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, and the Schmidt Ocean Institute

    The Peruvian upwelling ecosystem: dynamics and interactions

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    Upwelling, Ecosystems, Fishery biology, Fishery oceanography, Conferences, Peru,

    YOUMARES 8 – Oceans Across Boundaries: Learning from each other

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    This open access book presents the proceedings volume of the YOUMARES 8 conference, which took place in Kiel, Germany, in September 2017, supported by the German Association for Marine Sciences (DGM). The YOUMARES conference series is entirely bottom-up organized by and for YOUng MARine RESearchers. Qualified early career scientists moderated the scientific sessions during the conference and provided literature reviews on aspects of their research field. These reviews and the presenters’ conference abstracts are compiled here. Thus, this book discusses highly topical fields of marine research and aims to act as a source of knowledge and inspiration for further reading and research

    Towards Our Common Digital Future. Flagship Report.

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    In the report “Towards Our Common Digital Future”, the WBGU makes it clear that sustainability strategies and concepts need to be fundamentally further developed in the age of digitalization. Only if digital change and the Transformation towards Sustainability are synchronized can we succeed in advancing climate and Earth-system protection and in making social progress in human development. Without formative political action, digital change will further accelerate resource and energy consumption, and exacerbate damage to the environment and the climate. It is therefore an urgent political task to create the conditions needed to place digitalization at the service of sustainable development
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