26 research outputs found

    The influence of sponsorship engagement on brand loyalty: an analysis of the on-site and social media activational communications.

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of sponsorship engagement (enacted via sponsorship activations) on consumers’ responses to sponsors’ activational communications. Specifically, this study aimed at examining if interaction and engagement with their team’s sponsors’ activational communication on-site, as well as on social media, influenced loyalty towards the sponsors. The study utilized service-dominant (S-D) logic as the theoretical framework. The S-D logic perspective recognizes that consumer behavior is centered on the interactive experiences between a consumer and an object, in this case the sponsor, and that a level of consumer interest and/or personal relevance with respect to the sponsor is required prior to the emergence of specific engagement levels, the outcome of which is brand loyalty (Brodie et al., 2013). Additionally, the study also recognizes the multidimensional nature of consumer engagement, and that the engagement consumer has with a sponsor differs across contexts. Based on this perspective, six hypotheses were tested. The first hypothesis formulated was that sport team involvement will have a positive relationship with sponsorship engagement. Second, brand interactivity will be positively associated with sponsorship engagement. Third, sponsorship engagement will be positively related to brand loyalty. Fourth, sponsorship engagement acts as a mediator in the relationship between sport team involvement and brand loyalty. Fifth, sponsorship engagement acts as a mediator in the relationship between brand interactivity and brand loyalty. Sixth, gender will act as a moderator in these relationships with sponsorship engagement as the mediator. To address the purpose of the study, two separate research contexts were used. The first research context of the study was social media (study-1). In this study, a questionnaire was distributed to U.S.-based fans of a women’s professional soccer team via Facebook groups organized around fan support and interactions for the women’s professional soccer team. The second research context was on-site (study-2), and U.S.-based fans of a professional football team, who visited the sponsor activation zone and interacted with the representatives, were intercepted and asked to fill out a questionnaire. Both questionnaires assessed fans’ levels of involvement with their team, perceived interactivity of the sponsorship activation, level of engagement with the sponsorship activation, and level of loyalty towards the sponsor. Data were collected from a total of 422 respondents - 241 survey respondents recruited via Facebook groups for the social media study, and 181 survey respondents intercepted at the site of activation. Data were analyzed using path analysis. The results from both contexts supported the multi-dimensional structure of consumer brand engagement. Further, all the hypotheses were supported as involvement with the sport team and brand interactivity were found to be significant drivers of sponsorship engagement, which was also found to exert a significant impact on brand loyalty. The mediating effect of sponsorship engagement was also confirmed while gender acted as a moderating variable in the relationship between brand interactivity and brand loyalty via sponsorship engagement. Overall, the conceptual model performed better in an on-site context (sport team involvement, brand interactivity, and sponsorship engagement explained 39% of the variance in brand loyalty) compared to the social media context (sport team involvement, brand interactivity, and sponsorship engagement explained 35% of the variance in brand loyalty). The findings offer several theoretical and practical implications. From a theoretical standpoint, this research finds support for the use of S-D logic as a theoretical lens to investigate the multi-dimensional nature of CBE in a sport sponsorship setting. In addition, the findings also broaden the theoretical application of S-D logic to sponsorship effectiveness/evaluation models by establishing the importance of fan-sponsor interactions and fan involvement with the sport team. The results also provides researchers with a sponsorship engagement model which they can utilize in a variety of new research contexts covering sponsorship activations. Practitioners are informed by this research on the importance of engaging the fans through activations, which offers sponsors an avenue to break through the sponsorship clutter and achieve the key marketing objective of building loyalty with the fans

    Optimizing digital smoking cessation interventions

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    Responsible AI and Analytics for an Ethical and Inclusive Digitized Society

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    Self-infantilisation of Internet Sex Workers on Instagram

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    Adding some TEC-variety: 100+ activities for motivating and retaining learners online

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    The TEC-VARIETY framework purposely takes into account current technology trends and attempts to stimulate their use in pedagogically effective ways. As such, it rests at the intersection of such exciting educational affordances brought about by emerging learning technologies, intrinsic as well as extrinsic motivation-related theories, and the rapidly shifting perspectives on teaching and learning philosophies and approaches. For online educators who are frustrated with never-ending waves of technology and the lack of training on how to effectively use them in their courses, we hope that the TEC-VARIETY framework can offer a ray of sunshine and a new beginning for online educators worldwide. As part of that hope, such educators might find activities and strategies that they can make use of to nurture engagement and success online. These strategies can breathe life into current classes and programs that are failing to engage their learners. They tap into learners’ inner resources and desires to learn and grow toward a better future. At the same time, they can invite the global sharing of ideas and knowledge as part of a worldwide community or family of learners

    Research on Teaching and Learning In Biology, Chemistry and Physics In ESERA 2013 Conference

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    This paper provides an overview of the topics in educational research that were published in the ESERA 2013 conference proceedings. The aim of the research was to identify what aspects of the teacher-student-content interaction were investigated frequently and what have been studied rarely. We used the categorization system developed by Kinnunen, Lampiselkä, Malmi and Meisalo (2016) and altogether 184 articles were analyzed. The analysis focused on secondary and tertiary level biology, chemistry, physics, and science education. The results showed that most of the studies focus on either the teacher’s pedagogical actions or on the student - content relationship. All other aspects were studied considerably less. For example, the teachers’ thoughts about the students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the goals and the content, and the teachers’ conceptions of the students’ actions towards achieving the goals were studied only rarely. Discussion about the scope and the coverage of the research in science education in Europe is needed.Peer reviewe

    Situační parametry a škála formálnosti: víceaspektová analýza autentických vzorků diskursů

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    The thesis aims to investigate the influence of situational parameters on the choice of lexicogrammatical units of language producers. The main focus is placed on the register of language and individual aspects of it are introduced. The phenomenon of human language use is approached specifically from the point of view of sociolinguistics in order to prove the importance of the role of language in social interaction. The practical part of the diploma thesis is dedicated to the multiaspectual analysis of three authentic discourse samples, which differ from one another in the contexts they take place in. Based on the proportion of individual parts of speech in each of these samples, a scale of formality is finally designed in order to determine the most and the least formal of them.Diplomová práce zkoumá vliv situačních parametrů na výběr lexikogramatických prostředků jazykového uživatele. Cílem je zjistit, jak kontext, ve kterém je jazyk využíván, ovlivňuje formulace mluvčího. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována pojmu registr a v souvislosti s tímto pojmem jsou představeny jednotlivé aspekty, které předurčují způsob, jakým jazykoví uživatelé vyjadřují svá sdělení. Celá problematika je rozebírána především ze sociolingvistického hlediska, jazyk je tedy zkoumán v kontextu lidské společnosti. Praktická část se věnuje víceaspektové analýze třech autentických vzorků, které se liší právě situačními parametry, ve kterých je jazyk užíván. Na základě výpočtu založeného na poměru jednotlivých slovních druhů jsou tyto vzorky nakonec seřazeny od nejformálnějšího po nejméně formální.Katedra anglického jazyka a literaturyPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    The adoption of internet shopping for travel services

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    The study explores consumers' adoption of Internet shopping in the context of UK travel services. The key objective is to identify the profile of Internet shoppers and the antecedents of Internet shopping adoption for travel services. The study proposes a model for the prediction of Internet shopping adoption, drawing upon Davis' (1989) Technology Acceptance Model with the inclusion of individual characteristics, perceived risk and trust. The model identifies the structural relationships among the eight constructs (i.e. perceived usefulness, perceived ease-of-use, innovativeness, involvement, opinion leadership, perceived risk, trust and adoption), which were examined through Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with AMOS. The study employs a multi-methodology approach, which involves focus group discussions at the exploratory stage and a questionnaire survey in the data collection stage. The final survey was of a screened sample of 500 respondents who had purchased travel services online. A total of 299 qualified respondents from all over the UK completed the online survey. The descriptive results present a profile of travel e-shoppers in terms of demographic, geodemographic and buying patterns. The SEM tested the hypothesised relationships among the constructs, as postulated in the model. Nine of the hypothesised links were supported and six were rejected. Eventually, a robust model that has statistical and explanatory power was confirmed. The results explicitly clarified several key contributions to marketing theory and for the travel and tourism industry. For example, it was demonstrated that perceived usefulness is the key determinant of Internet shopping adoption decisions. Also, consumer innovativeness is the key influence on Internet shopping adoption at the personal level, followed by consumer involvement in the shopping process. The study also reveals three new relationships, between opinion leadership and perceived ease-of-use, consumer involvement and ease-of-use and consumer innovativeness and trust, which have not been examined empirically by previous research. By identifying the primary drivers of Internet shopping adoption for travel services, the study contributes to and extends the understanding of the Internet as a medium for commercial use in the B2C arena as well as expanding the literature on new technology adoption

    Introduction to speech communication

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    Introduction to Speech Communication is used to support teaching, learning and research for SPCH 2713 at Oklahoma State University (OSU). In addition to inclusion of original work authored by the editors to meet the needs of their course at OSU, the editors adapted portions of Exploring Public Speaking: 4th Edition, Stand Up, Speak Out, and Fundamentals of Public Speaking. Please see the Acknowledgements chapter for full citations. We at Oklahoma State University Libraries acknowledge our gratitude for the expertise and generosity of the scholars at Affordable Learning Georgia, College of the Canyons, the Open Education Network and elsewhere for creating and sharing customizable versions of their work