5 research outputs found

    Advertising communication strategies for cancer treatment and prevention. Spanish case

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    Muchas son las marcas que hacen uso de la publicidad emocional para dirigirse a su público objetivo. Este método se ha convertido en una forma eficiente de conquistar la mente de los consumidores ante la saturación informativa actual, pero también porque les permite mostrar situaciones de la vida cotidiana con las cuales las personas se pueden llegar a sentir identificadas y de esta forma establecer una relación más profunda. Este trabajo analiza el impacto y la efectividad en el público español de los anuncios de enfermedades cancerígenas cuando hacen uso de las distintas estrategias de la publicidad emocional. Para ello se ha llevado a cabo una revisión bibliográfica de la evolución de la publicidad desde sus inicios y se ha aplicado un análisis del discurso de una serie de spots de organizaciones españolas que luchas contra el cáncer. Finalmente se ha utilizado la técnica de la entrevista semiestructuradaa cualitativa como base, además de una encuesta masiva. Los resultados apuntan a una eficacia mayor en quienes han tenido una relación más cercana con la enfermedad además de observarse la necesidad un contenido más realista e informativo para con la población de estudio. Como conclusiones se extrae que existe posibilidad de empatizar con las receptoras cuando en los mensajes se combinan estrategias racionales y emocionales.Many brands make use of emotional advertising to address their target audience. This method has become an efficient way to conquer the minds of consumers in the face of the current information saturation, but also because it allows them to show situations from everyday life with which people can identify and thus establish a deeper relationship. This study analyses the impact and effectiveness of cancer disease advertisements on the Spanish public when they make use of different emotional advertising strategies. To this end, a bibliographical review of the evolution of advertising since its beginnings has been carried out and a discourse analysis of a series of spots from Spanish organisations fighting against cancer has been applied. Finally, the qualitative semi-structured interview technique was used as a basis, in addition to a mass survey. The results point to a greater effectiveness in those who have had a closer relationship with the disease, as well as the need for a more realistic and informative content for the study population. The conclusions are that there is a possibility of empathising with the recipients when rational and emotional strategies are combined in the messages

    Emotion and Virality of Food Safety Risk Communication Messages on Social Media

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    This study investigates how the emotional tone of food safety risk communication messages predicts message virality on social media. Through a professional Internet content tracking service, we gathered news articles written about the 2018 romaine lettuce recall published online between October 30th and November 29th, 2018. We retrieved the number of times each article was shared on Twitter and Pinterest, and the number of engagements (shares, likes, and comments) for each article on Facebook and Reddit. We randomly selected 10% of the articles (n = 377) and characterized the emotional tone of each article using machine learning, including emotional characteristics such as discrete emotions, emotional valence, arousal, and dominance. Conveying negative valence, low arousal, and high dominance, as well as anger and sadness emotions were associated with greater virality of articles on social media. Implications of these findings for risk communication in the age of social media are discussed

    Outdoor sports brands’ strategies for building Instagram brand community

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    Over 56% of the world’s population now live with social media (“Digital in 2019,” n.d.). Most direct-to-consumer brands are now using social media as a market tool to communicate with consumers, and the outdoor industry is no exception. Instagram, as the second most popular social networking medium globally, is a popular place to share photos and videos within the online brand community. Most outdoor brands maintain Instagram accounts as a part of their online brand community to interact with followers. This research examines 957 Instagram posts from three leading outdoor sports brands, namely, Arc’teryx, Patagonia, and Salomon via content analysis. The purpose of this study is to investigate post orientations and sports types across the three target brands, and gain insights into their Instagram practices by examining visual elements, textual attributes, and technical factors. Results suggest that outdoor brands with different followers took diverse strategies to build either a transactional or relationship Instagram brand community. Findings from this study offer important implications for researchers as well as practitioners in the domain of social media brand management

    Themes and Participants’ Role in Online Health Discussion: Evidence From Reddit

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    Health-related topics are discussed widely on different social networking sites. These discussions and their related aspects can reveal significant insights and patterns that are worth studying and understanding. In this dissertation, we explore the patterns of mandatory and voluntary vaccine online discussions including the topics discussed, the words correlated with each of them, and the sentiment expressed. Moreover, we explore the role opinion leaders play in the health discussion and their impact on participation in a particular discussion. Opinion leaders are determined, and their impact on discussion participation is differentiated based on their different characteristics such as their connections and locations in the social network, their content, and their sentiment. We apply social network analysis, topic modeling, sentiment analysis, machine learning, econometric analysis, and other techniques to analyze the collected data from Reddit. The results of our analyses show that sentiment is an important factor in health discussion, and it varies between different types of discussions. In addition, we identified the main topics discussed for each vaccine. Furthermore, the results of our study found that global opinion leaders have more influence compared to local opinion leaders in elevating the health discussion. Our study has important theoretical and practical implications