249 research outputs found

    Reason Maintenance - Conceptual Framework

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    This paper describes the conceptual framework for reason maintenance developed as part of WP2

    Semantic Categorization Of Online Video

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    As internet users are increasing day by day, the users of video-sharing site are also increasing. Video-sharing is becoming more and more popular in e-learing, but the current famous websites like youtube are not structured when it come to serving the purpose of providing educational videos for preschool and high school students. There is a need to fill building more educationally focused video site, where the content is more structured, easy to use, support both direct search and browsing, and follow a particular curriculum for preschool and high school students. This report discuss the issues like categorization and search interface of these sites and propose alternatives to existing ones out there. In this project, I have built an educational website for preschool, high school, and college level students concentrating on improved categorization and search interface of the site. This report provides detail description of my system and the results of comparison between my site and youtube. supraj

    The big five: Discovering linguistic characteristics that typify distinct personality traits across Yahoo! answers members

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    IndexaciĂłn: Scopus.This work was partially supported by the project FONDECYT “Bridging the Gap between Askers and Answers in Community Question Answering Services” (11130094) funded by the Chilean Government.In psychology, it is widely believed that there are five big factors that determine the different personality traits: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness and Neuroticism as well as Openness. In the last years, researchers have started to examine how these factors are manifested across several social networks like Facebook and Twitter. However, to the best of our knowledge, other kinds of social networks such as social/informational question-answering communities (e.g., Yahoo! Answers) have been left unexplored. Therefore, this work explores several predictive models to automatically recognize these factors across Yahoo! Answers members. As a means of devising powerful generalizations, these models were combined with assorted linguistic features. Since we do not have access to ask community members to volunteer for taking the personality test, we built a study corpus by conducting a discourse analysis based on deconstructing the test into 112 adjectives. Our results reveal that it is plausible to lessen the dependency upon answered tests and that effective models across distinct factors are sharply different. Also, sentiment analysis and dependency parsing proven to be fundamental to deal with extraversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness. Furthermore, medium and low levels of neuroticism were found to be related to initial stages of depression and anxiety disorders. © 2018 Lithuanian Institute of Philosophy and Sociology. All rights reserved.https://www.cys.cic.ipn.mx/ojs/index.php/CyS/article/view/275

    Architectures of Meaning, A Systematic Corpus Analysis of NLP Systems

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    This paper proposes a novel statistical corpus analysis framework targeted towards the interpretation of Natural Language Processing (NLP) architectural patterns at scale. The proposed approach combines saturation-based lexicon construction, statistical corpus analysis methods and graph collocations to induce a synthesis representation of NLP architectural patterns from corpora. The framework is validated in the full corpus of Semeval tasks and demonstrated coherent architectural patterns which can be used to answer architectural questions on a data-driven fashion, providing a systematic mechanism to interpret a largely dynamic and exponentially growing field.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, 9 supplementary figures, Lexicon.txt in the appendi

    Validation and Evaluation

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    In this technical report, we present prototypical implementations of innovative tools and methods for personalized and contextualized (multimedia) search, collaborative ontology evolution, ontology evaluation and cost models, and dynamic access and trends in distributed (semantic) knowledge, developed according to the working plan outlined in Technical Report TR-B-12-04. The prototypes complete the next milestone on the path to an integral Corporate Semantic Web architecture based on the three pillars Corporate Ontology Engineering, Corporate Semantic Collaboration, and Corporate Semantic Search, as envisioned in TR-B-08-09
