10 research outputs found

    Management System for an Apartment

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    We all know that the population is growing daily, and the existing resources are not satisfying the population\u27s needs. If we consider a city where in finding a home for rent, knowing the amenities of the house, rent of the house, location of the house is difficult. In the current system, finding a house for rent is difficult for a tenant, but managing the home by the owner is also a complicated issue. Keeping in mind about the issues of the tenant and owner, a new application is developed which is known as Management system for Apartment. This application will be having the users like tenant, owner, and the administrator. If a tenant wants to find a house or apartment on rent, then he needs to go to the application and he should register with it. After registering with the application, he should log into it and at the same time he can search for the vacant houses or apartments in the given location. Application will be taking the input and provides the necessary details to the users. If we click on that information, then we can view all the details of the house or apartment. This information will help the tenant to view the home without going there, they can know the rent of the house, they can contact the owner directly. If both parties are agreed for the house, then they will be entering the house, owner will be having the right to enter the tenant details. A user name will be created for the tenant and then he can contact to the owner related to the issues of the homes, bills, payments etc. All this information will be stored in the database and whenever the owner, and the tenant is having any issue and they can make use of these details to clarify the issue. Existing applications will not be suitable for the current requirements, so we want to design and develop new applications. We are expecting to complete this application before 12th of December, 2022. This application is developed by using Java technologies and the database we use is MySQL. To design the GUI of the application, we will be using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and the coding will be written by using jQuery and PHP

    Management System for an Apartment

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    We all know that the population is growing daily, and the existing resources are not satisfying the population\u27s needs. If we consider a city where in finding a home for rent, knowing the amenities of the house, rent of the house, location of the house is difficult. In the current system, finding a house for rent is difficult for a tenant, but managing the home by the owner is also a complicated issue. Keeping in mind about the issues of the tenant and owner, a new application is developed which is known as Management system for Apartment. This application will be having the users like tenant, owner, and the administrator. If a tenant wants to find a house or apartment on rent, then he needs to go to the application and he should register with it. After registering with the application, he should log into it and at the same time he can search for the vacant houses or apartments in the given location. Application will be taking the input and provides the necessary details to the users. If we click on that information, then we can view all the details of the house or apartment. This information will help the tenant to view the home without going there, they can know the rent of the house, they can contact the owner directly. If both parties are agreed for the house, then they will be entering the house, owner will be having the right to enter the tenant details. A user name will be created for the tenant and then he can contact to the owner related to the issues of the homes, bills, payments etc. All this information will be stored in the database and whenever the owner, and the tenant is having any issue and they can make use of these details to clarify the issue. Existing applications will not be suitable for the current requirements, so we want to design and develop new applications. We are expecting to complete this application before 12th of December, 2022. This application is developed by using Java technologies and the database we use is MySQL. To design the GUI of the application, we will be using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and the coding will be written by using jQuery and PHP

    Logical Approach: Consistency Rules between Activity Diagram and Class Diagram

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    Requirements engineering (RE) is a fundamental in software development process. Requirements engineering encompasses activities ranging from requirements elicitation and analysis to specification, verification and validation. Poor requirements have been proved to be a major cause of software problems such as cost overruns, delivery delays, failure to meet expectation and degradation. Requirements validation especially models validation has gained quite an interest from a lot of researchers. In recent times, several researchers have expressed a great deal of interest in requirements validation, specifically models validation. The field of research related to consistency checking has undergone a considerable boom from time to time. Numerous methods, approaches and techniques have been recommended to address the requirements inconsistency issues, particularly in models validation. In the software development industry, UML modelling has been extensively used. The different forms of the UML model that characterise the system from various perspectives somehow establish a relation among the models to keep them inseparable from one another. This is the reason why the inconsistency becomes unavoidable. The inconsistency in the models arises when there is an overlap of the elements of the various models representing the different parts of the system and an absence of cooperation. In this paper, the emphasis is given on the consistency rules that exist between the two models. The focus is also on the class diagrams and activity, and the conversion of the rules into logical predicates, where the logical predicates are assessed with a sample case study that constitutes of the two models

    Проектирование электронного курса "Введение в визуальное моделирование на языке UML" на базе LMS Moodle

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    Цель работы – реализация открытого электронного практикума по языку визуального моделирования UML на базе современных концепций, образовательных технологий и средств электронного обучения. Главной задачей является направленность курса на саморазвитие у студентов навыков моделирования и грамотного использования средств визуализации при проектировании информационных систем. Внедрение курса в учебный процесс института математики и фундаментальной информатики СФУ позволяет устранить дефицит соответствующих дисциплин в учебном плане по направлениям подготовки: «Прикладная математика и информатика» (01.03.02) и «Математика и компьютерные науки» (02.03.01). В результате работы был создан открытый электронный практикум и разработано соответствующее наполнение

    A systematic identification of consistency rules for UML diagrams

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    UML diagrams describe different views of one piece of software. These diagrams strongly depend on each other and must therefore be consistent with one another, since inconsistencies between diagrams may be a source of faults during software development activities that rely on these diagrams. It is therefore paramount that consistency rules be defined and that inconsistencies be detected, analyzed and fixed. The relevant literature shows that authors typically define their own UML consistency rules, sometimes defining the same rules and sometimes defining rules that are already in the UML standard. The reason might be that no consolidated set of rules that are deemed relevant by authors can be found to date. The aim of our research is to provide a consolidated set of UML consistency rules and obtain a detailed overview of the current research in this area. We therefore followed a systematic procedure in order to collect and analyze UML consistency rules. We then consolidated a set of 116 UML consistency rules (avoiding redundant definitions or definitions already in the UML standard) that can be used as an important r

    “Front end” do protótipo funcional de um sistema internacional de acreditação para profissionais de saúde – Uma validação conceitual por estudo de caso instrumental

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    In this work, a conceptual validation of an international health accreditation system based on blockchain technology was performed. For this purpose, a functional prototype of the system was developed and an instrumental case study was carried out for its validation. The prototype was developed in two parts, front-end and back-end, so this research focuses on the development of the prototype front-end, defining as the front-end all the components responsible for the interaction with users and integration with the infrastructure and blockchain network provided by the back-end developed in another project. The prototype was developed using JAVA language for the web. The case study for the validation of the system consisted of the simulation of real use, where the usability and operability tests of the system were carried out with twenty users from different areas such as health, administration and information technology, allowing to evaluate the implementation of the proposed system. Finally, it was concluded that the development of the final system is feasible with available technologies and can be used to help, for example, in managing the professional international migration of health professionals and in combating pandemics, providing information in an agile and easy way.Neste trabalho foi realizada uma validação conceitual de um sistema internacional de acreditação em saúde baseado em tecnologia blockchain. Para este fim, foi desenvolvido um protótipo funcional do sistema e realizado um estudo de caso instrumental para sua validação. O protótipo foi desenvolvido em duas partes front-end e back-end, assim nesta pesquisa foca-se no desenvolvimento do front-end do protótipo, define-se como o front-end todos os componentes responsáveis pela interação com usuários e a integração com a infraestrutura e rede blockchain disponibilizada pela back-end desenvolvido em outro projeto. O protótipo foi desenvolvido utilizando linguagem JAVA para web. O estudo de caso para validação do sistema consistiu na simulação de uso real, onde os testes de usabilidade e operabilidade do sistema foram realizados com vinte usuários de diferentes áreas como saúde, administração e tecnologia da informação, permitindo avaliar a implementação do sistema proposto. Por fim concluiu-se que o desenvolvimento do sistema final é viável com as tecnologias disponíveis e pode ser utilizado para auxiliar por exemplo no gerenciamento da migração internacional profissional de profissionais de saúde e no combate de pandemias, fornecendo informações confiáveis de maneira ágil e fácil

    Constructing An Auditory Notation in Software Engineering: Understanding UML Models With Voice And Sound

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    Sound is crucial to how we interact with the world around us, providing feedback and contextualising information. However, when discussed in software, it is not given the same importance as vision. Neglecting this channel results in untapped possibilities that could enhance the user experience, and the exclusion of many visually impaired people from activities related to software engineering, since the visual notations and well-accepted tools in this field are not supportive of audio, such as UML. Several technologies have been developed and integrated into prototypes. Still, it became evident during our research that, among other factors, their usability is greatly impacted by unsuitable choices of sound and voice symbolism, as well as wrong interac- tion dialogues that can become too cumbersome to be used. Sound should be analysed in the context of software engineering, as it has the unexplored potential to significantly contribute to how we construct and interact with the software while allowing blind and visually impaired people to be part of these activities. For this purpose, we are interested in building a foundational framework to substanti- ate decisions when designing an auditory notation, and a tool that performs diagrammatic readings in UML, intended to validate these proposals. Supported by the semiotics of the audible field and music symbology, combined with the insights provided by Moody’s Physics of Notations, the findings of other research and developed tools concerning these topics, along with experimental studies that we carried out and are presented in this document. We believe that this work can be instrumental in creating a structured and intuitive auditory notation for software engineering, complemented by a tool built in the right direction for accessibility. Furthermore, it is an approach that aims to join both the visual and hearing senses in a manner that benefits a large and diverse population of experienced software engineers and novices alike, heightening the visual notation in the process.O som é crucial para a forma como interagimos com o mundo ao nosso redor, fornecendo feedback e contextualizando informação. No entanto, quando este é discutido em software, não lhe é dada a mesma importância que à visão. Negligenciar este canal resulta em possibilidades inexploradas que poderiam melhorar a experiência do utilizador, e na exclusão de pessoas com deficiências visuais de actividades relacionadas com engenharia de software, uma vez que as notações visuais e as ferramentas bem aceites neste domínio não suportam áudio, como é o caso do UML. Diversas tecnologias foram desenvolvidas e integradas em protótipos, mas durante a nossa pesquisa tornou-se evidente que, para além de outros factores, a sua usabilidade é bastante impactada por escolhas inadequadas de simbolismo relativamente ao som e voz, bem como diálogos de interação errados que se podem tornar demasiado incómodos para serem utilizados. O som deve ser analisado no contexto de engenharia de software, pois tem o potencial de contribuir para a forma como construímos e interagimos com software, permitindo ainda que pessoas com deficiências visuais façam parte destas atividades. Para esta finalidade, queremos construir uma framework para fundamentar decisões na construção de uma notação auditiva, em conjunto com uma ferramenta que efectua leituras diagramáticas em UML, destinada à validação destas propostas. Tendo por base a compreensão das semióticas do domínio audível e simbologia musical, combinado com os conhecimentos fornecidos pelo Physics of Notations de Moody, as descobertas de outros tra- balhos e ferramentas desenvolvidas neste âmbito, juntamente com estudos experimentais que realizámos, apresentados neste documento. Acreditamos que este trabalho possa ser fundamental na criação de uma notação auditiva estruturada e intuitiva para engenharia de software, complementada por uma ferramenta construída na direção certa para a acessibilidade. Além disso, é uma aborda- gem que visa a união dos sentidos de visão e audição, de forma a beneficiar uma ampla e diversa população de engenheiros de software experientes e novatos, elevando a notação visual no processo