1,781,844 research outputs found

    Review of Backpacking with the Saints: Wilderness Hiking as Spiritual Practice

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    This review shows how all journeys are not futile; how human frailty makes us holy, in a certain sense. This review shows the great depth of the sovereignty of the Good. And how Professor Lane shows us that while all feet are clay; some realise so and go beyond their own frailties to tap into that which can only be experienced. Professor Lane should not be called Lane because academic styles demand us to do so. He actually professes what he writes. If only one read the book then one will know what literature is. Literature is a journey. And not gobbledygook and blah. Wake up. COVID 19 and EBOLA are here. In my practise as a mental healthcare person, I am yet to hear a person call on Freud or Lacan or Marx, for that matter before going into wonderland. So take it or leave it; this is a great book. I have tried doing justice to Professor Lane's scholarship

    The (Lack of) Evidence for the Kuhnian Image of Science

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    In their reviews of The Kuhnian Image of Science: Time for a Decisive Transformation? (2018), both Markus Arnold (2018) and Amanda Bryant (2018) complain that the contributors who criticize Kuhn’s theory of scientific change have misconstrued his philosophy of science and they praise those who seek to defend the Kuhnian image of science. In what follows, then, I would like to address their claims about misconstruing Kuhn’s theory of scientific change. But my focus here, as in the book, will be the evidence (or lack thereof) for the Kuhnian image of science. I will begin with Arnold’s review and then move on to Bryant’s review

    Keeping Focus Isn’t Easy: A Review of Refocusing Focus Groups: A Practical Guide

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    The purpose of this review is to examine the salient aspects of the book Refocusing Focus Groups: A Practical Guide by Robert J. Morais (2010). This review will consider some of the strengths and weaknesses of focus groups as well as explain whether or not the author effectively achieved his goal of providing a tool that can be used by veterans and novices of qualitative research. Additionally, this review will further describe, analyze, and explore the book as well as what other researchers have shared about focus groups by comparing my experience with reading the book and how I was affected by what I read with how I might employ some of the skills highlighted by the author

    Book Review

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    Racial Reckoning: Prosecuting America’s Civil Rights Murders is an exceptional work by Renee C. Romano. This review will first discuss a concern I had prior to reading her book. Discussion of this alleviated concern will be followed by brief consideration of Romano’s well selected titled, which will be followed by a discussion of what I see as major contributions of the book

    Opening Peer Review in LIS: Identities, Dualities, and Multiplicities

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    What does it mean to peer review in library and information science? What does it mean to be reviewed? How do our professional identities intersect with this vital research and publishing role? And what does it mean when peer review is opened to reveal these identities? In celebration of Peer Review Week 2021, this free webcast with Emily Ford will share insights into peer review in LIS as discussed in Stories of Open: Opening Peer Review through Narrative Inquiry, a newly published book from ACRL

    Murdering the Spirit: Racism, Rights, and Commerce

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    Patricia Williams\u27 The Alchemy of Race and Rights: The Diary of a Law Professor, is an eloquent, profoundly original, and often brilliant collection of interdisciplinary essays and stories concerning the impact of racism and poverty on the human spirit; the historic and continuing role of law and legal institutions in defining, facilitating, and perpetuating those harms; and the possibilities and dangers imminent in the attempt to use law to effect a remedy for them. This is a book that we should celebrate: it reminds us that books are occasionally very, very important, that reading can be transformative, and that writing sometimes can be and should always strive to be a moral act of the highest order. In the first Part of this review, I will briefly discuss just three of the substantive and disciplinary accomplishments of this book, and then I will present two possible objections (and possible responses) to some of the implicit and explicit theses the book defends. It is my view, however, that the greatness of this book lies neither in its disciplinary breakthroughs nor in its explicit analysis of race and law. The book\u27s importance and uniqueness is in what it shows about the nature of private racism, which Williams provocatively calls a form of spirit-murder -- the generic disregard for others whose lives qualitatively depend on our regard. Much of Williams\u27 book is given over to rich personal depictions of both the nature of the act of spirit murder thus defined and, more importantly, perhaps, the nature of the injury its victims experience. Thus, in the second and major Part of this review, I will try to describe spirit-murder, the depiction of which I take to be the heart of Williams\u27 contribution to our modem understanding of race relations in this country. In the concluding Part, I will review the two possible legal paths toward compensating or correcting the multiple injuries of spirit-murder that Williams describes. The first, toward which Williams is deeply ambivalent, consists in the related worlds of commerce and contract. If spirit-murder is, in its legal sense, that injury that results from being the object rather than the subject of property, contract, and commerce -- a legal disregard felt most dramatically by the slave -- then inclusion as subjects rather than objects in the world of commerce might be thought an adequate remedy. The promise, however, that the injuries sustained from the legacy of slavery would be eradicated simply through the legally mandated inclusion of African Americans in this country\u27s commerce has turned out to be at least somewhat illusory. Consequently, both commerce and the law of commercial relations play a pivotal but deeply ambiguous role in Williams\u27 book. The second route of recovery, about which Williams is less equivocal and far more hopeful, is through an expansive and avowedly utopian conception of rights

    An Interested Response to a Wholly Disinterested Assessment : LeBel on Summers on LeBel on Summers on ….Er…Um…Oh, Yeah…Fuller

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    In 1985, I published in the Michigan Law Review a review of a recent book by Professor Robert S. Summers on the legal philosophy of Lon Fuller. Professor Summers has published in the Cornell Law Review an ironically titled criticism of my review and of another review. In a number of respects, Professor Summers\u27 Assessment has served to increase my understanding of his book, and I trust that other readers will be similarly benefited. Although Professor Summers\u27 response to my review of his book takes issue with what I said on a number of points, I strongly suspect that few readers would be interested in a detailed defense of what I said in that review. Such an exercise is likely to be as unproductive to the participants and as incomprehensible to the reader as the He said I said ... but what I really said was ... and anyway what I meant was ... and only an idiot would think that I meant ... exchanges between gonzo historians that fill the back pages of the New York Review of Books. Several of the points that Professor Summers makes are worthy of some further attention, however, if for no other reason than that they demonstrate the contemporary significance of some very old debates. Among the topics on which the differences between my views and those recently expressed by Professor Summers might matter are first, the meaning of the question whether a judicial decision is good law, second, the underpinnings of the morality characterization given to particular practices or goals within a legal system, and third, the significance of moral criticism. On each of these topics, I will give a very brief statement of how Professor Summers and I appear to differ, and attempt to explain why the differences may be important

    Pocket Book for Simulation Debriefing in Healthcare

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    © 2018 Springer International Publishing AG. This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit sample portion of 'Pocket Book for Simulation Debriefing in Healthcare'. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-59882-6This book is a concise manual on debriefing techniques in a clinical educational context. It presents the most popular debriefing techniques and, hence, can be used as a reference manual by educators to help them achieve their intended debriefing objectives. The overarching objective of debriefing is to promote reflection and improve patient safety awareness at an individual and a team level. This book provides clear explanations of what constitutes a valuable and effective debriefing, and presents the various approaches that can be used and how debriefing differs from feedback. It includes key recommendations on aspects that directly or indirectly impact debriefing with different populations of learners such as students or qualified healthcare professionals of various levels of seniority. This book can also be used as a survival guide for both simulation educators and clinicians during debriefings. It includes several useful sections explaining the different phases of a debriefing session, which help learners develop and consolidate their knowledge, and identify potential knowledge or performance gaps and near misses. The underlying philosophy of this book is to also promote profound respect for the trainee by using a non-offensive debriefing approach. Debriefing facilitators will appreciate the several key sentences that will help them lead and engage their learners in the various phases of expressing their emotions and analyzing their experience and actions

    Literature, A Window to Understanding: Using Children’s Books to Process Loss

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    This thesis explores how literature can smooth the process of grief. Specifically, it focuses on the loss of pets through the shape of a children’s book with a target audience of children ages two to six. The book is designed to be used with children as loss occurs in their life to provide them with a new lens to learn about what has happened. The book contains back matter for the adult to review to learn about loss and children, and it will also provide discussion starters to open conversations between the adult and the child. The goal of this book is that as the characters find understanding and hope, the children reading it—or having it read to them—will be able to experience the same sense of calm following what could be a traumatic experience. The second piece to this project is a written reflection following the composition of the children’s book which explores the writing process. There is also an expository section which discusses similar resources and research which guided the choices made in the production of this children’s book


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    The aim of the research is to know the ussage several of phonetic sign on a language, like onomatopoeia, phonesthemes and ideopone on the book "Diary of Wimpy Kids". The investigation is focused on the form and mean of a sound  symbol on the book called onomatopoeia. This research will be the background of a sound symbol sign as a description and the  writer presentation about what happen in that book for all of the reader . And the aim of the writing is to make the writer know more about the sound symbol of onomatopoeia on the story line of the book. The writer use the qualitative method on the research, the writer investigate, research , review and descript. The writer hope will get more about quality and the speciality of the onomatopoeia sound symbol. And the object of the research is the book of  "Diary of a Wimpy Kids", a book which popular among the young and adults's reader. The results of the research are the summary, review and meaningfull sentences which will be arranged by the writer so in the finally, the writer will know the deep information about type , meaning and the speciality of the onomatopoeia as the presentation/ description of the even and story line of the book specifically
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