36 research outputs found

    On the Impact of Stereo 3D Image on User Learning in the Web Environment

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    Recent technological breakthroughs have cultivated a Web3D movement. It is safe to say we will see more and more stereo 3D images on websites. This research investigates how stereo 3D can be employed on websites to influence user learning. A set of theory-driven hypotheses were developed to compare websites with embedded stereo 3D and websites with either static 2D images or virtual realities in terms of user comprehension, user control in learning, and user adoption of the website. Controlled experiments were conducted to test the hypotheses. The results show that stereo 3D can reduce learning effort and induce positive user attitude. At the same time, it can also reduce users’ perceived control. While answering some fundamental research questions, this research also reveals that more investigation is needed regarding the use of stereo 3D on websites

    Customer Intention to Shop Online on the Lazada E-commerce Platform: A Study of Customers in Hanoi City

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    This research focuses on measuring the factors influencing customers' intention to shop online on the Lazada e-commerce platform in Hanoi City. Using both qualitative and quantitative research methods, the authors reference and adapt relevant theories to develop an appropriate research model to evaluate the impact of various factors on customers' intention to shop online on Lazada's e-commerce platform. The research results, based on a sample size of 301 customers in Hanoi City, indicate that the factors of (1) Trust, (2) Convenience, and (3) Security have a positive relationship with the intention to shop online. Consequently, the authors provide managerial implications to assist managers in improving and enhancing customers' intention to shop online on the Lazada e-commerce platform

    The impact of organizational efforts on consumer concerns in an online context

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    As organizations spend a significant amount of their resources on online channels, it is vitally important to understand the effects of this cost on consumer behavior. The author developed and empirically tested an integrated model combining the effects of organizational efforts on consumer concerns, process satisfaction, and purchase intentions. The results of this effort suggested that consumers are still skeptical of the organizational efforts in an online context and their concerns remain a critical factor in influencing their satisfaction and purchase intention. The study provided insights for managers about how they may reduce shopping cart abandonment in online purchasing environment by focusing on consumer concerns. © 2013 Elsevier B.V

    Emotion as a Signal of Product Quality: Exploring Its Effects on Purchase Decisions In Online Customer Reviews

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    Two critical problems of online customer reviews is the caused information asymmetry and information overload. To reveal consumers’ information processing under this circumstance, this paper proposes a model to investigate pleasure versus displeasure embedded in reviews as a potential signal of product quality and the moderating effects of perceived empathy and perceived cognitive effort based on the signaling theory. A laboratory experiment with 120 subjects was used to empirically test the research hypotheses. The results show that pleasure and displeasure embedded in reviews influence perceived product quality, which subsequently affects purchase decisions. Additionally, pleasant online reviews were found to have a greater influence on perceived product quality compared to unpleasant online reviews when the perceived empathy and perceived cognitive effort are higher. The findings demonstrate positive effects of pleasant online customer reviews, and provide important practical implications for both sellers and consumers

    On the Effectiveness of eWOM Communications: the Moderating Effect of Consumers\u27 Prior Experience

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    Electronic word of mouth (eWOM) are online consumer-generated communications that are expected to affect consumers’ perceptions of adopting online services. While adoption of an online service consists of pre and post-usage stages, much of literature implicitly assumes that the effectiveness of positive/negative eWOM is the same across the two stages. In this paper, we draw on the accessibility-diagnosticity model and elaboration likelihood model to show that the effectiveness of eWOM on consumers’ perceptions of adopting experience services is contingent on: (1) the stage of the service adoption, (2) consumers’ prior experience with the context of the eWOM communications, and (3) the eWOM communications framing (i.e., positive and negative). Our findings explain that the confluence of aforementioned factors determines the effectiveness of eWOM communications

    Physicians’ Online Popularity and Price Premiums for Online Health Consultations: A Combined Signaling Theory and Online Feedback Mechanisms Explanation

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    Online health consultation communities (OHCCs) provide a digital channel for physicians to signal their professional competence (i.e., credibility) and compassionate care (i.e., benevolence), and for patients to spread word-of-mouth reviews. The valence, volume, and variance of patient reviews may shape the effectiveness of signals transmitted by physicians in OHCCs. We investigate the interactions between the signaling mechanism and the online feedback mechanism through which OHCCs help physicians build online popularity and achieve price premiums for online health consultations. We are using web scraping to collect weekly data for 12 months from a large OHCC in China. Applying mixed effects models on the data collected to date, we find online popularity and price premiums to be two benefits that physicians can derive from OHCCs. Importantly, in the presence of benevolence actions, an absence of consistently favorable online feedback slows down physicians’ online popularity and reduces price premiums for online health consultations

    What Signals Are You Sending? How Website Quality Influences Perceptions of Product Quality and Purchase Intentions

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    An electronic commerce marketing channel is fully mediated by information technology, stripping away much of a product’s physical informational cues, and creating information asymmetries (i.e., limited information). These asymmetries may impede consumers’ ability to effectively assess certain types of products, thus creating challenges for online sellers. Signaling theory provides a framework for understanding how extrinsic cues— signals—can be used by sellers to convey product quality information to consumers, reducing uncertainty and facilitating a purchase or exchange. This research proposes a model to investigate website quality as a potential signal of product quality and consider the moderating effects of product information asymmetries and signal credibility. Three experiments are reported that examine the efficacy of signaling theory as a basis for predicting online consumer behavior with an experience good. The results indicate that website quality influences consumers’ perceptions of product quality, which subsequently affects online purchase intentions. Additionally, website quality was found to have a greater influence on perceived product quality when consumers had higher information asymmetries. Likewise, signal credibility was found to strengthen the relationship between website quality and product quality perceptions for a high quality website. Implications for future research and website design are examined

    Understanding customers’ purchase behaviour from online group buying websites: a transaction cost approach

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    This study examined customers’ purchase behaviour from online group buying (OGB) websites. Based on transaction cost approach, a research model was developed from OGB context. Overall, data from 208 OGB customers support the model and the developed relationships. Although price discount has been considered as the strongest driver for customers to purchase from OGB websites, for the first time, this study empirically established it. Moreover, it is found that information asymmetry negatively impacts purchase behaviour; however, the effect of information asymmetry can be reduced by proper signalling method such as disseminating prior customers’ reviews. This study also argued that customization, rather than personalization, is more relevant to transaction costs and OGB. Interestingly, while making a purchase, customers pay less importance to reputation of OGB vendor. The results have been discussed with implications


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    ABSTRACTThe fierce competition in the cosmetic product industry and the rise of imported products in Indonesia, make managers in this industry must pay attention to factors that influence consumers' purchase intentions. This study aims to understand how South Korea's country of origin as a market leader in Asia effect on brand equity and purchase intentions, how brand image of Y brand effect on brand equity and purchase intention and how brand equity of Y brand effect purchase intention. Based on previous research, five hypotheses were developed in this study. The population of this study was individuals who were familiar with Y cosmetic products from South Korea. Data collection was carried out by distributing 210 questionnaires with judgmental sampling techniques. The results of this study are that of the five hypotheses that are built, there are two accepted hypotheses namely, brand image has effect the brand equity and purchase intention. Three hypotheses are rejected namely, the country of origin does not effect brand equity and purchase intention, and brand equity does not effect purchase intention. The managerial implication of this research is that brand image is an important factor that influences brand equity and purchase intention. Therefore managers must pay attention and build a good brand image of the products they sell because it effects the brand equity and consumers’purchase intention.Keywords: country of origin, brand image, brand equity, purchase intention. ABSTRAKPersaingan yang sengit di industri produk kosmetik dan maraknya produk impor yang masuk, membuat pelaku bisnis di industri ini harus memperhatikan faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi niat beli konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh country of origin Korea Selatan sebagai market leader di Asia terhadap brand equity dan niat pembelian kosmetik, bagimana pengaruh brand image produk kosmetik Y terhadap brand equity dan niat pembelian dan bagaimana pengaruh brand equity kosmetik Y terhadap purchase intention. Berdasarkan penelitian terdahulu, maka dibangunlah 5 hipotesis pada penelitian ini. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah individu individu yang mengenal produk kosmetik Y yang berasal dari negara Korea Selatan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuisoner sebanyak 210 dengan teknik judgmental sampling. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah dari lima hipotesis yang dibangun, terdapat dua hipotesis yang diterima yaitu brand image berpengaruh terhadap brand equity dan purchase intention. Tiga hipotesis ditolak, yaitu country of origin tidak berpengaruh terhadp brand equity dan purchase intention, dan brand equity tidak berpengaruh terhadap purchase intention. Implikasi manajerial dari penelitian ini adalah brand image merupakan faktor penting yang mempengaruhi brand equity dan purchase intention. Oleh karena itu pelaku bisnis harus memperhatikan dan membangun brand image yang baik dari produk yang dijualnya karena mempengaruhi ekuitas merek tersebut dan nat membeli konsumen.Kata Kunci: negara asal, citra merek, ekuitas merek, niat membeli