85 research outputs found

    Computer Security

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    Wireless Network Security: Challenges, Threats and Solutions. A Critical Review

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    Abstract: Wireless security is the avoidance of unlawful access or impairment to computers using wireless networks. Securing wireless network has been a research in the past two decades without coming up with prior solution to which security method should be employed to prevent unlawful access of data. The aim of this study was to review some literatures on wireless security in the areas of attacks, threats, vulnerabilities and some solutions to deal with those problems. It was found that attackers (hackers) have different mechanisms to attack the networks through bypassing the security trap developed by organizations and they may use one weak pint to attack the whole network of an organization. However the author suggested using firewall in each wireless access point as the counter measure to protect data of the whole organization not to be attacked

    Проблемы обеспечения информационной безопасности Республики Казахстан

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    В данной работе представлены проблемы обеспечения информационной безопасности Казахстана. Рассмотрены современные аспекты обеспечения информационной безопасности Республики Казахстан. Развитие государства и общества как политико-правовых явлений осуществляется всегда в четко определенных исторических и территориальных факторах, которые обусловливают это развитие. При этом угрозы для государства, общества и человека также находятся в постоянном изменении, адекватном развитию общества и государства. Современные мировые тенденции сегодня сигнализируют о возникновении новых форматов угроз для национальной безопасности Казахстана в XXI в.This paper presents the problem of information security Kazakhstan. The modern aspects of information security of the Republic of Kazakhstan.Development of the state and society as a political and legal phenomena is always carried out in well-defined historical and regional factors that cause this development. At the same time a threat to the state, society and man are also in constant change, adequate development of the society and the state. Modern global trends today signaled the emergence of new formats threats to the national security of Kazakhstan in the XXI century

    Towards improving the security of low-interaction honeypots: insights from a comparative analysis

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    The recent increase in the number of security attacks by cyber-criminals on small businesses meant that security remained a concern for such organizations. In many such cases, detecting the attackers remained a challenge. A common tool to augment existing attack detection mechanisms within networks involves the use of honeypot systems. A fundamental feature of low-interaction honeypots is to be able to lure intruders, but the effectiveness of such systems has nevertheless been affected by various constraints. To be able to secure honeypots systems, it is important to firstly determine its requirements, before taking appropriate actions to ensure that the identified requirements have been achieved. This paper critically examines how existing low-interaction honeypot systems abide to major requirements before recommending how their security could be improved

    Securing an Information Systems from Threats: A Critical Review

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    The technology behind information systems in today’s world has been embedded in nearly every aspect of our lives. Thus, the idea of securing our information systems and/or computer networks has become very paramount. Owing to the significance of computer networks in transporting the information and knowledge generated by the increased diversity and sophistication of computational machinery, it would be very imperative to engage the services of network security professionals to manage the resources that are passed through the various terminals (end points) of the these network, so as to achieve a maximum reliability of the information passed, making sure that this is achieved without creating a discrepancy between the security and usability of such network. This paper examines the various techniques involved in securely maintaining the safe states of an active computer network, its resources and the information it carries. We examined techniques of compromising an information system by breaking into the system without authorised access (Hacking), we also looked at the various phases of digital analysis of an already compromised system, and then we investigated the tools and techniques for digitally analysing a compromised system in other to bring it back to a safe stat

    Computer Network Security- The Challenges of Securing a Computer Network

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    This article is intended to give the reader an overall perspective on what it takes to design, implement, enforce and secure a computer network in the federal and corporate world to insure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. While we will be giving you an overview of network design and security, this article will concentrate on the technology and human factors of securing a network and the challenges faced by those doing so. It will cover the large number of policies and the limits of technology and physical efforts to enforce such policies