13 research outputs found

    Tourist adoption of mapping apps: a UTAUT2 perspective of smart travellers

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    Purpose – Mapping apps are location based travel apps used for navigation and routing. These apps are gaining worldwide popularity because of its enormous potential. Despite of the growing popularity and utility of the mapping apps, the published literature in this area is scarce, leaving an unexplored area of research. Thus, the current study aims to identify factors affecting tourist’s intentions to use mapping apps while travelling. Design – The Extended Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) was applied as the basis of the present study Methodology – The data was collected from 284 travellers in India using a structured questionnaire. The data was analyzed using Partial Least Square approach. Findings – The results indicated that the most significant antecedents of behavioral intentions are habit, facilitating conditions, performance expectancy and hedonic motivation. It was observed that the actual usage behavior was influenced by traveler’s intentions and habit to use the technology (mapping apps). However it was noted that effort expectancy, social influence and price value had no significant effects on the tourist’s intentions to use mapping apps while travelling. Originality of the research – Till date limited empirical studies have explored the adoption of mapping apps by travelers. This study is unique as it explores the adoption intentions using a relevant theoretical framework in the developing economy context wherein the use of mapping apps is still in the nascent stage. This research contributes to the literature of innovation adoption and provides an interesting perspective to companies developing location based travel mobile apps

    Exploring the Role of \u27Price Value\u27 for Understanding Consumer Adoption of Technology: A Review and Meta-analysis of UTAUT2 based Empirical Studies

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    Price value is important theoretical addition to the extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) as individuals bear monetary cost in using technology in consumer setting. A preliminary review of 650 UTAUT2 citations revealed majority of the studies utilized UTAUT2 in combination with external theories omitting some of original UTAUT2 constructs and rarely included moderators. Only 147 studies utilized at least one UTAUT2 construct in their research model. Thus, the aim of this study is to identify usage of price value construct in UTAUT2 based studies and their reason for inclusion or omission. The findings from 79 UTAUT2 empirical studies revealed only 32 studies (41%) utilized price value while the remaining 47 studies (59%) excluded the construct from their research model. The major reason for exclusion was studies examined technologies such as mobile applications and social networking sites that are available to individuals at free of cost

    Predicting consumer product demands via Big Data: the roles of online promotional marketing and online reviews

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    This study aims to investigate the contributions of online promotional marketing and online reviews as predictors of consumer product demands. Using electronic data from Amazon.com, we attempt to predict if online review variables such as valence and volume of reviews, the number of positive and negative reviews, and online promotional marketing variables such as discounts and free deliveries, can influence the demand of electronic products in Amazon.com. A Big Data architecture was developed and Node.JS agents were deployed for scraping the Amazon.com pages using asynchronous Input/Output calls. The completed Web crawling and scraping data-sets were then preprocessed for Neural Network analysis. Our results showed that variables from both online reviews and promotional marketing strategies are important predictors of product demands. Variables in online reviews in general were better predictors as compared to online marketing promotional variables. This study provides important implications for practitioners as they can better understand how online reviews and online promotional marketing can influence product demands. Our empirical contributions include the design of a Big Data architecture that incorporate Neural Network analysis which can used as a platform for future researchers to investigate how Big Data can be used to understand and predict online consumer product demands

    Analyzing key influences of tourists’ acceptance of online reviews in travel decisions

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    Purpose: This study aims to examine what influence travelers’ adoption of online reviews, and whether the online reviews will influence their travel planning decisions. Design/methodology/approach: Data was collected from 193 respondents from eWOM websites and analyzed using structural equation modeling. Findings: Our results revealed that eWOM has a significant influence on travel decisions. Furthermore, travelers were willing to adopt information from eWOM and this information was useful in their travel planning and decisions. Gender and time spent on online reviews were found to affect travel planning and decisions. Travelers also found that the reviews and issues raised in eWOM had credibility and were of good quality. Research limitations/implications: Our study was not able to incorporate all factors which may be relevant to this study and so further theoretical development may be necessary to develop the conceptual model. The sample size, while adequate, can be expanded further. Practical implications: Operators and administrators of eWOM can use these findings to develop more user-friendly interfaces so that more positive reviews and sales can be generated. Social implications: Our results showed that travelers who adopt the information in eWOM will, in turn, use eWOM in their travel planning. This confirms the importance of eWOM and travelers in general will translate their pre-travel decisions into actual travel planning. Originality/value: This research extended existing eWOM and information system adoption studies and focused on the travel planning context. This research validated the significant roles of eWOM argument quality and credibility in predicting the information usefulness of eWOM

    Use of ‘Habit’ is not a habit in understanding individual technology adoption: A review of UTAUT2 based empirical studies

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    yes‘Habit’ was the most important theoretical addition into UTAUT2 to challenge the role of behavioural intention as a lone predictor of technology use. However, systematic review and meta-analysis of Price value the other UTAUT2 additional construct revealed major inconsistency of the model with just 41% UTAUT2 based studies including the construct in their research. Thus, the aim of this research is to understand the appropriateness of ‘habit’ construct usage among UTAUT2 based empirical studies and their reason for omission or inclusion. The findings from 66 empirical studies revealed only 23 studies a meagre (35%) utilised ‘habit’ construct and the remaining massive 43 studies (65%) excluded the construct from their research model. The major reason for studies not including “habit” construct was they were examining users of new technology at early stage of adoption where sufficient time hasn’t elapsed for users to form habit. Moreover this study caution the use of experience as an alternative for habit. Since experience can be gained under mandatory settings which is not sufficient enough to form habit that occurs more naturally under voluntary settings. This study also provided number of recommendations for theory and practice based on the findings

    Location-based Services as Marketing Promotional Tools to Provide Value-added in E-tourism

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    Purpose: E-tourism is the most cost-effective way to communicate with the target market and to publish information. It is also an easy way for customers to buy travel products. Recent advances in mobile communication technologies are leading the way for the next generation of travel commercial applications. Location-based services are among these facilities available on the mobile platform. These services use mobile tracking techniques to provide users with relevant information at the right time, based on their current location. This study investigates the LBSs value in tourism and their effect on destination brand equity components and tourist behavior. Method: The sample of the study totaled 210 visitors from Isfahan as one of the popular tourist cities in the world. The research hypotheses were analyzed using Smart-PLS3 software. Findings: The research findings revealed that LBSs have positive and significant effects on destination brand image, destination brand loyalty and WOM. Conclusion: As this paper is among the first studies investigating the positive effect of LBS on destination brand equity components and tourist behavior, the findings are beneficial for DMOs and their marketing managers. Due to their potential to create a unique travel experience as well as to personalize and tailor tourism services based on tourists' needs and personal preferences, LBS provide them with significant added value

    What Influences Travellers’ Adoption of a Location-based Social Media Service for Their Travel Planning?

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    Advances in location-acquisition and mobile communication technologies have empowered people to use location data with online social networks known as location-based social media. However, the technology is relatively new, and literature on the relevant factors determining location-based social media adoption and usage for the specific purpose of travel planning is sparse. Using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) as a base model, we extended the model by including users’ mobile Internet experience and the Information Adoption Model in the context of location-based social media adoption and use for travel planning. Data was collected from 200 Chinese respondents and partial least square was employed to test the research model. Our results showed that our model was able to explain about 64% of variance in intention and 48% in location-based social media use in travel planning. We found that besides variables from UTAUT2, argument strength, review rating, reviewer trustworthiness, reviewer expertise and review sidedness can influence users’ adoption of online reviews, which in turn will influence their use of location-based social media. The results of this study will be useful for location-based social media providers in formulating appropriate marketing strategies, as well as developing applications that will attract more users

    Concept and implementation of digital beacons

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh pemahaman yang lebih baik terhadap penerimaan dan penggunaan e-banking oleh nasabah di Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta dengan menggunakan Model Unified Theory Of Acceptance And Use Of Technology (UTAUT). Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pengguna e-banking di Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta. Pengambilan sampel sebanyak 100 responden yang berdomisi di Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuisioner. Teknik pengumpulan sampel yang digunakan adalah incidental sampling. Teknik analisis menggunakan analisis Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil Penelitian ini adalah (1) Harapan kinerja berpengaruh positif terhadap keinginan untuk menggunakan layanan e-banking, (2) Harapan usaha berpengaruh positif terhadap keinginan untuk menggunakan layanan e-banking, (3) Pengaruh sosial tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap keinginan untuk menggunakan layanan e-banking, (4) Kondisi fasilitas berpengaruh positif terhadap keinginan untuk menggunakan sistem e-banking, (5) Harapan kinerja berpengaruh positif terhadap penggunaan layanan e-banking, (6) Harapan usaha tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap penggunaan layanan e-banking, (7) Sosial berpengaruh positif terhadap penggunaan layanan e-banking, (8) Kondisi fasilitas berpengaruh positif terhadap penggunaan layanan e-banking, (9) Keinginan untuk menggunakan layanan e-banking berpengaruh positif terhadap penggunaan layanan e-banking