10 research outputs found

    Student Perceptions of Online and Face-to-Face Learning

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    The rapid expansion of online learning in higher education in recent years has attracted a large number of students. In this paper, the researchers examined students’ perceptions of both online and face-to-face learning by conducting a qualitative study that surveyed 313 students from an Ontario community college. The objective was to explore students’ perspectives on the issues of learner preference, interactivity, workload, performance, and challenges. An analysis between the two groups, online and F2F, showed a difference in student perceptions and experiences

    Student engagement in online and blended learning in a higher education institution in the Middle East: Challenges and solutions

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    This paper aims to identify challenges to students’ engagement in online learning at the Qatar branch campus of America’s Georgetown University, and to propose solutions. Specifically, it: 1) identifies challenges and solutions from students’ perspectives; 2) provides recommendations for developing instructional policies to maximise student engagement in synchronous learning contexts; and 3) aims to contribute to the literature on the engagement of Arabic as a Foreign Language (AFL) learners and Arabic Heritage Learners (AHLs) in online learning in higher education (HE) in the Middle East. It did so by collecting qualitative data, using an open-ended questionnaire from 13 Arabic as a Foreign Language and Arab Heritage learners. We investigate these learners’ perceptions and experiences of student engagement in online learning within the social presence dimension of the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework. In addition to presenting a set of challenges that our students experienced in their online learning, especially under the unprecedented health, social and mental constraints created by Covid-19, we highlight their solutions to these challenges. We conclude by offering a set of recommendations that we hope AFL and Arabic Heritage (AH) programmes and institutions will find useful

    Collaborative learning in ESP classes – an exploration of university students’ opinions

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    The research aims to investigate the opinions of students on different facets of collaborative learning based on their experience with teamwork in English classes at the university. The results indicate that students find teamwork most beneficial when it comes to translation tasks. The main stated advantages of teamwork refer to more efficient accomplishing of tasks, developing teamwork skills and interacting with colleagues. The most often mentioned disadvantages include the unequal contribution of team members, frequent disagreement between them and a possible lack of motivation and interest, all of which may result in the lower achievement of the team as a whole.Cilj rada je da se ispita mišljenje studenata o različitim aspektima kolaborativnog učenja na časovima engleskog jezika za posebne namene na osnovu njihovog iskustva u izradi jezičkih zadataka u parovima i pravljenju usmene prezentacije u četvoročlanom ili petočlanom timu. Dodatno, bavimo se vezom između procene sopstvenog znanja engleskog jezika koju su davali ispitanici i koristi koje oni mogu imati od timskog rada na časovima engleskog jezika na univerzitetu. Uzorak su činili studenti Mašinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, koji su u drugom semestru školske 2019/20. godine popunili upitnik napravljen za potrebe istraživanja. Rezultati pokazuju da studenti na časovima engleskog jezika najviše vole da rade u paru i smatraju da je najveća korist od timskog rada u rešavanju zadataka prevođenja i pisanja eseja. Međutim, oni ispitanici koji procenjuju da poseduju viši nivo znanja engleskog jezika skloniji su da odaberu da rade samostalno. Glavne navedene prednosti timskog rada na časovima engleskog jezika na fakultetu odnose se na efikasnije izvršavanje zadataka, razvijanje veština timskog rada i interakciju sa kolegama. Najčešće pomenuti nedostaci jesu nejednak doprinos članova tima, često neslaganje i nedostatak motivacije i interesovanja kod nekih od njih, što može da dovede do nižeg postignuća tima u celini

    Collaborative learning in ESP classes – an exploration of university students’ opinions

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    The research aims to investigate the opinions of students on different facets of collaborative learning based on their experience with teamwork in English classes at the university. The results indicate that students find teamwork most beneficial when it comes to translation tasks. The main stated advantages of teamwork refer to more efficient accomplishing of tasks, developing teamwork skills and interacting with colleagues. The most often mentioned disadvantages include the unequal contribution of team members, frequent disagreement between them and a possible lack of motivation and interest, all of which may result in the lower achievement of the team as a whole.Cilj rada je da se ispita mišljenje studenata o različitim aspektima kolaborativnog učenja na časovima engleskog jezika za posebne namene na osnovu njihovog iskustva u izradi jezičkih zadataka u parovima i pravljenju usmene prezentacije u četvoročlanom ili petočlanom timu. Dodatno, bavimo se vezom između procene sopstvenog znanja engleskog jezika koju su davali ispitanici i koristi koje oni mogu imati od timskog rada na časovima engleskog jezika na univerzitetu. Uzorak su činili studenti Mašinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, koji su u drugom semestru školske 2019/20. godine popunili upitnik napravljen za potrebe istraživanja. Rezultati pokazuju da studenti na časovima engleskog jezika najviše vole da rade u paru i smatraju da je najveća korist od timskog rada u rešavanju zadataka prevođenja i pisanja eseja. Međutim, oni ispitanici koji procenjuju da poseduju viši nivo znanja engleskog jezika skloniji su da odaberu da rade samostalno. Glavne navedene prednosti timskog rada na časovima engleskog jezika na fakultetu odnose se na efikasnije izvršavanje zadataka, razvijanje veština timskog rada i interakciju sa kolegama. Najčešće pomenuti nedostaci jesu nejednak doprinos članova tima, često neslaganje i nedostatak motivacije i interesovanja kod nekih od njih, što može da dovede do nižeg postignuća tima u celini

    Student Teacher and Lecturer Perceptions of the Use of Asynchronous Discussion Forums, Quizzes and Uploaded Resources for Promoting Critical Thinking

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    This study examined student teacher and lecturer perceptions of the use of asynchronous discussion forums, quizzes and uploaded resources for promoting critical thinking within a pre-service teacher education programme in Tanzania. Critical thinking is necessary both in life in general, and in education in particular. Critical thinking skills and thinking dispositions help people solve their problems, make rational decisions, evaluate information, guide their beliefs and actions, and improve their reasoning skills. While critical thinking skills influence the ability to carry out a thinking task, thinking dispositions may determine which actions should be carried out, the manner in which they should be carried out, and when they should be carried out. This means that critical thinking is influenced by contextual factors such as time, place, intentions, motivations of the thinker, and subject matter under discussion. However, most of the previous studies have tended to measure the two components of critical thinking separately and use different instruments. This way of measuring critical thinking is incompatible with the current conceptualisation of critical thinking, where critical thinking is understood as a set of related cognitive skills and dispositions. Since critical thinking varies over time and in different places, to get a clearer picture of an individual’s critical thinking, both critical thinking skills and thinking dispositions need to be measured simultaneously using the same instrument in order to offset the influence of contextual factors. Learning management systems (LMS) have tools such as asynchronous discussion forums, and quizzes that can promote critical thinking, especially when conscious planning is considered. Since, these tools have the potential for promoting critical thinking, measuring the evidence of critical thinking manifested in those tools is important. Current instruments measuring critical thinking in tasks related to asynchronous discussion forums do not relate thinking skills such as recall, and comprehension, and dispositional factors to critical thinking. Recall, comprehension and dispositional factors need to be measured in asynchronous discussion forums because they influence critical thinking. This study used sociocultural theory as its theoretical framework. Employing a case study approach, 54 students and 15 lecturers from three public universities in Tanzania participated in a survey. Using sample integration, eight students and six lecturers were selected for focus group discussions and one-to-one interviews. Mixed methods research was used to collect and generate data through surveys, focus group discussions, documentary review, and researcher’s reflective journal. While quantitative data were analysed through SPSS 21, qualitative data were analysed through NVivo 10. Results revealed similarities and differences in critical thinking between students and lecturers, pre-service and in-service student teachers, male and female students, and between younger and older lecturers. The study contributes to knowledge by developing a combined instrument for capturing critical thinking skills and thinking dispositions simultaneously. Another instrument, the RCS-CAIS model is an attempt to show the relationship between critical thinking skills and dispositional factors in tasks related to asynchronous discussion forums. The study contributes to theory by demonstrating that thinking skills are not hierarchical, but are rather overlapping, iterative and multi-directional depending on prevailing circumstances at the time of engaging in a thinking task. Pedagogical and institutional implications of the findings have been discussed. Finally, areas for further research have been suggested

    Ensinar e aprender no ensino superior através do ensino a distância: o perfil pedagógico do professor/tutor e o perfil de aprendizagem dos estudantes em cursos b-learning

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    Dissertação de mestrado, Ciências da Educação e da Formação, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2013O fenómeno da globalização provocou profundas alterações a nível económico, político, social, cultural e consequentemente, ao nível da educação. A necessidade de uma educação e formação ao longo da vida é uma das grandes exigências da sociedade da informação e da comunicação. Neste contexto, surge-nos um novo perfil de estudante que pretende investir na continuação da sua formação académica e profissional: o estudante adulto e/ou jovem adulto, profissionalmente ativo e, muitas vezes, com responsabilidades familiares. O ensino a distância online surge, pois, como uma resposta concreta a esta necessidade. A investigação que apresentamos teve como principal objetivo aprofundar a temática do ensino a distância online no ensino superior, mais concretamente, analisar a relação pedagógica entre o professor/tutor e o estudante/formando. Procurámos, igualmente, conhecer as principais características dos perfis do professor/tutor e do estudante/formando online e compreender a importância da relação pedagógica nesta modalidade de ensino. Trata-se de uma investigação qualitativa em que os dados foram recolhidos através de entrevista a dois sujeitos: um professor/tutor e um estudante/formando. Os resultados obtidos apontam para algumas considerações: o ensino a distância online no ensino superior constitui uma resposta concreta à necessidade de uma formação ao longo da vida e de uma requalificação profissional; o professor/tutor online desempenha um papel imprescindível na dinamização do processo de ensino e aprendizagem e na orientação do percurso formativo do estudante; o estudante/formando online, na sua generalidade, é um indivíduo adulto, ativo profissionalmente e, muitas vezes, com responsabilidades familiares. É determinado na intenção de atingir os seus objetivos, é organizado e disciplinado e deverá ser intrinsecamente motivado; o processo de ensino e aprendizagem online encontra-se, maioritariamente, alicerçado nas teorias construtivista e socioconstrutivista, privilegiando as práticas colaborativas e cooperativas