40 research outputs found

    China versus The United States: Cultural Differences in Participation Intention in The Sharing Economy

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    Sharing economy, which allows people to have access to others’ resources without owning them, has had rapid development throughout the world. However, most of the current research focuses on the practices in western cultures, but the results may not necessarily hold in eastern cultures. In this paper, we discuss the possible differences between Chinese and Americans in their intention to participate in sharing economy. This session will be relevant for attendees interested in understanding and facilitating the sharing economy across the world.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136164/1/CSCW China (Submitted).pd

    Corporate Reputation on Performance of Banking Industries in Nigeria: Using PLS-SEM Tool of Analysis

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    This analysis examines the influence of corporate reputation on performance of banking industries in Kano state North-West of Nigeria. A survey with 384 qualified observations from financial institutions’ customers in Kano was conducted. Partial Least Squares (PLS-SEM) was used as an alternative to covariance-based SEM, which provides researcher with some flexibility in terms of model complexity and relationship specification.. The model shows corporate reputation that is a reflective construct that has a significant direct effect on performance. The results, besides indicating the suitability of the PLS in statistical analysis, has also contributed to a better understanding of Banking customer in Kano which hitherto has not been tested. Findings are useful for policy makers, management of banking industries and practitioners to enhance corporate reputation, Implications for research and practice and future recommendations are discussed. Keywords: Corporate Reputation, Performance, Banking Industries, PLS-SEM, Nigeria

    Faktor Penentu Niat Kepatuhan Cukai Jualan Tempatan

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    The level of local sales tax collection in Malaysia is still unsatisfactory although the sales tax collection act was gazetted in Malaysia since 1972. This phenomenon may be due to low rate of local sales tax compliance behavior among the sales tax licenses. The low rate of sales tax compliance behavior may be due to the low rate of local sales tax compliance intention. According to theory of planned behavior, behavioral intention is the key predictor of actual behavior. Until now, local sales tax compliance intention is rarely found in the literature. Thus, this study is the first attempt to investigate the determinant factors that could influence local sales tax compliance intention in Malaysia. This study used the theory of planned behavior as the underlying theory in determining local sales tax compliance intention. Several factors, which relate to sociology, psychology and quality, were incorporated in the theory. This study employed decomposition of original variables in the theory of planned behavior. The first objective was to determine how construction of attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control (law, enforcement, service quality, payment infrastructure and knowledge) influence local sales tax compliance intention. The second objective of this study was to determine which factors among attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control are most likely to influence the local sales tax compliance intention . The last the objective of this study was to investigate the mediating effect of attitudes on subjective norms towards compliance intention. Data for the study were collected via survey and multiple regression analysis was run on the data collected from 338 respondents. Principle component analysis indicated that the attitude construct can be decomposed into one smaller component and subjective norms and perceived behavioral control can be decomposed into multi-dimensional components. The results of this study indicated that several factors relate to local sales tax compliance intention. The models tested were found to have a good fit when 65% of the variance (R-square) in the intention of the local sales tax compliance can be explained by the independent variables used. This shows that the model used in this study is suitable to predict the intention of the local sales tax compliance well. The independent variables found to influence compliance intention and that are attitude, prime normative believe, secondary normative believe, and ethics. The present study also found that attitude, partially mediated compliance intention. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are also discussed

    Exploring chinese accounting students’ acceptance of electronic learning using technological acceptance model

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    According to the COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control requirements, the Ministry of Education put forward the "no suspension of classes" initiative. Colleges and universities are opening e-learning programs. Through the online questionnaire survey, this study took 543 accounting students of Xi 'an University of Finance and Economics as the research objects. Through the online questionnaire survey, the research was carried out, and PLS-SEM software was used for data analysis. This paper discusses the factors that influence college students' actual use of e-learning from the perspective of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude towards technology and behavioral intention. In this study, only behavioral intention and the actual use of e-learning had no significant impact. The other three objectives are the relationship between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and technology attitude, the relationship between perceived ease of use and technology attitude, and the relationship between technology attitude and behavior intention. Finally, it summarizes the theoretical and practical significance of the influencing factors of network learning. This study discusses the significance, limitations and approaches of future research

    Mobile Information Systems: An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Mobile Commerce Acceptance in Jordan

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    Although mobile commerce have been used and widely researched in developed nations, there is a low usage in the Arab world. Also, there is a limited empirical research on mobile commerce in Jordan despite the high penetration of mobile phone subscribers in 2009. Among the aims of this quantitative research is to empirically investigate the determinants of mobile commerce adoption in a collectivist culture such as Jordan where social norms are valued and individual actions are influenced greatly by important reference groups. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is extended to include four factors (facilitating conditions, cost, personal innovativeness in IT (PIIT) and subjective norms). Furthermore, in order to understand subjective norms in collectivist culture; subjective norms were decomposed into different levels (personal and societal injunctive and descriptive norms). The research framework consists of twelve latent variables (seven exogenous and five endogenous). Using self-administered survey, 40 items with 7-point Likert scale is used to collect data. Out of the 500 samples, 448 responses (89.6 % response rate) were collected; eventually 401 responses were usable. Structural Equation Modeling is applied to analyze the data. The findings of this study revealed that facilitating conditions, cost, PIIT, attitude and perceived usefulness are significant determinants of behavioral intention in Jordan. In addition, subjective norms, facilitating conditions, cost and perceived ease of use are significant antecedents of attitude which in turn influencing behavioral intention. Moreover, the empirical evidence indicated that personal injunctive norm, personal descriptive norm and societal injunctive norm are indeed antecedents of subjective norms. It can be concluded that extended TAM successfully enriched the model and increased the exploratory power to 53% in explaining behavioral intention variance

    An empirical studies of purchasing intention towards halal food among non-muslim consumers

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    The concept of halal has not been a major element among non-Muslim consumers, even for those who have lived in an Islamic country all their lives. Non-Muslim consumers lack the knowledge on the true meaning of halal food and view the concept only as a requirement for the Muslim. This has led them to ignore the advantages that could be obtained from purchasing halal food. Thus, the objective of the research is to explore whether attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control and knowledge influenced the intention to purchase halal food among non-Muslim consumers in Malaysia. A survey was conducted in Klang Valley where 427 non-Muslim respondents clicked and answered a structured questionnaire via SurveyMonkey to gather the related information. Based on the multiple linear regression analysis, attitude, subjective norm and knowledge significantly influenced the intention to purchase halal food, while perceived behavioral control did not significantly influence the intention to purchase. The research findings indicated that non-Muslim individuals were inclined to purchase halal food when they knew or were informed by their peers on the true meaning of halal. Therefore, entrepreneurs, manufacturers and marketers must create an effective strategy to educate the existing non-Muslim customers in Malaysia as a preparation to attract non- Muslim consumers globally

    Motivation impulses customers' online shopping intention via cashback and rewards mobile applications

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    The field of cashback and rewards applications is still a relatively new platform in the e-commerce platform that has not had many research papers pay attention to. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the factors that contribute to customers' impulsive online purchasing intentions when using cashback and rewards applications (apps) in Ho Chi Minh City. Using the theory of behavioral intention (TRA, TPB, TAM, UTAUT1,2) of Ajzen and Fishbein (1975, 1980), Ajzen (1985, 1991), Davis (1989) and Venkatesh, Thong and Xu (2012), and the Motivation Model - MM of Davis, Bagozzi and Warshaw (1992) as the foundation for proposing a research model, this research was conducted. Thus, six factors influence consumers' online purchasing intentions via cashback and rewards apps: Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Convenience Social Influence, Price Value, Trust, and Perceived Enjoyment. These factors are considered under two aspects: extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Official quantitative research conducted in Ho Chi Minh City surveyed 220 consumers. According to Cronbach's Alpha, EFA factor analysis, and regression correlation, the six factors that suggest studying consumers' online shopping intentions via cashback and rewards apps in Ho Chi Minh City in the same direction are Price Value, Social Influence, Trust, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Convenience, and Perceived Enjoyment, in order of strength. In general, when factors are classified as intrinsic or extrinsic motivations, research indicates that extrinsic motivations have a greater influence on users' intention for using. Additionally, the research reveals no differences in online shopping intention via cashback and rewards apps based on income or age, but did discover differences based on gender. Since then, proposing some governance implications for Vietnamese online shopping businesses in order to provide solutions for future sales growth. As a result, the company may consider segmenting its users according to gender in order to prioritize the creation of extrinsic influences in addition to intrinsic motivational stimuli. It will effectively promote customers' consumption behavior

    Examining citizens' perceived value of internet of things technologies in facilitating public sector services engagement

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    YesWith the advancement of disruptive new technologies, there has been a considerable focus on personalisation as an important component in nurturing users' engagement. In the context of smart cities, Internet of Things (IoT) offer a unique opportunity to help empower citizens and improve societies' engagement with their governments at both micro and macro levels. This study aims to examine the role of perceived value of IoT in improving citizens' engagement with public services. A survey of 313 citizens in the UK, engaging in various public services, enabled through IoT, found that the perceived value of IoT is strongly influenced by empowerment, perceived usefulness and privacy related issues resulting in significantly affecting their continuous use intentions. The study offers valuable insights into the importance of perceived value of IoT-enabled services, while at the same time, providing an intersectional perspective of UK citizens towards the use of disruptive new technologies in the public sector

    Factors Influencing the Intention to Purchase Real Estate in Saudi Arabia Role of Location

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    Factors affecting the real estate market are of great importance worldwide. This study will investigate the factors influencing Saudis to purchase real estate. The study examine the effect of attitude, subjective norm perceived behavior control and location on the intention to purchase real estate. A total of 450 questionnaires were distributed to respondents in Jeddah. Based on 322 questionnaires collected, the results show that there is a positive significant relationship between Attitude, and Subjective Norm toward the intention to purchase real estate, while the Perceived Behavior Control and Location had not effect on Norm toward the customers' intention to purchase real estate