11 research outputs found

    What Can Be Verified Locally?

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    We are considering distributed network computing, in which computing entities are connected by a network modeled as a connected graph. These entities are located at the nodes of the graph, and they exchange information by message-passing along its edges. In this context, we are adopting the classical framework for local distributed decision, in which nodes must collectively decide whether their network configuration satisfies some given boolean predicate, by having each node interacting with the nodes in its vicinity only. A network configuration is accepted if and only if every node individually accepts. It is folklore that not every Turing-decidable network property (e.g., whether the network is planar) can be decided locally whenever the computing entities are Turing machines (TM). On the other hand, it is known that every Turing-decidable network property can be decided locally if nodes are running non-deterministic Turing machines (NTM). However, this holds only if the nodes have the ability to guess the identities of the nodes currently in the network. That is, for different sets of identities assigned to the nodes, the correct guesses of the nodes might be different. If one asks the nodes to use the same guess in the same network configuration even with different identity assignments, i.e., to perform identity-oblivious guesses, then it is known that not every Turing-decidable network property can be decided locally. In this paper, we show that every Turing-decidable network property can be decided locally if nodes are running alternating Turing machines (ATM), and this holds even if nodes are bounded to perform identity-oblivious guesses. More specifically, we show that, for every network property, there is a local algorithm for ATMs, with at most 2 alternations, that decides that property. To this aim, we define a hierarchy of classes of decision tasks where the lowest level contains tasks solvable with TMs, the first level those solvable with NTMs, and level k contains those tasks solvable with ATMs with k alternations. We characterize the entire hierarchy, and show that it collapses in the second level. In addition, we show separation results between the classes of network properties that are locally decidable with TMs, NTMs, and ATMs. Finally, we establish the existence of completeness results for each of these classes, using novel notions of local reduction

    Distributed Detection of Cycles

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    Distributed property testing in networks has been introduced by Brakerski and Patt-Shamir (2011), with the objective of detecting the presence of large dense sub-networks in a distributed manner. Recently, Censor-Hillel et al. (2016) have shown how to detect 3-cycles in a constant number of rounds by a distributed algorithm. In a follow up work, Fraigniaud et al. (2016) have shown how to detect 4-cycles in a constant number of rounds as well. However, the techniques in these latter works were shown not to generalize to larger cycles CkC_k with k≄5k\geq 5. In this paper, we completely settle the problem of cycle detection, by establishing the following result. For every k≄3k\geq 3, there exists a distributed property testing algorithm for CkC_k-freeness, performing in a constant number of rounds. All these results hold in the classical CONGEST model for distributed network computing. Our algorithm is 1-sided error. Its round-complexity is O(1/Ï”)O(1/\epsilon) where ϔ∈(0,1)\epsilon\in(0,1) is the property testing parameter measuring the gap between legal and illegal instances

    Towards a complexity theory for the congested clique

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    The congested clique model of distributed computing has been receiving attention as a model for densely connected distributed systems. While there has been significant progress on the side of upper bounds, we have very little in terms of lower bounds for the congested clique; indeed, it is now know that proving explicit congested clique lower bounds is as difficult as proving circuit lower bounds. In this work, we use various more traditional complexity-theoretic tools to build a clearer picture of the complexity landscape of the congested clique: -- Nondeterminism and beyond: We introduce the nondeterministic congested clique model (analogous to NP) and show that there is a natural canonical problem family that captures all problems solvable in constant time with nondeterministic algorithms. We further generalise these notions by introducing the constant-round decision hierarchy (analogous to the polynomial hierarchy). -- Non-constructive lower bounds: We lift the prior non-uniform counting arguments to a general technique for proving non-constructive uniform lower bounds for the congested clique. In particular, we prove a time hierarchy theorem for the congested clique, showing that there are decision problems of essentially all complexities, both in the deterministic and nondeterministic settings. -- Fine-grained complexity: We map out relationships between various natural problems in the congested clique model, arguing that a reduction-based complexity theory currently gives us a fairly good picture of the complexity landscape of the congested clique

    Survey of Distributed Decision

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    We survey the recent distributed computing literature on checking whether a given distributed system configuration satisfies a given boolean predicate, i.e., whether the configuration is legal or illegal w.r.t. that predicate. We consider classical distributed computing environments, including mostly synchronous fault-free network computing (LOCAL and CONGEST models), but also asynchronous crash-prone shared-memory computing (WAIT-FREE model), and mobile computing (FSYNC model)

    Introduction to local certification

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    A distributed graph algorithm is basically an algorithm where every node of a graph can look at its neighborhood at some distance in the graph and chose its output. As distributed environment are subject to faults, an important issue is to be able to check that the output is correct, or in general that the network is in proper configuration with respect to some predicate. One would like this checking to be very local, to avoid using too much resources. Unfortunately most predicates cannot be checked this way, and that is where certification comes into play. Local certification (also known as proof-labeling schemes, locally checkable proofs or distributed verification) consists in assigning labels to the nodes, that certify that the configuration is correct. There are several point of view on this topic: it can be seen as a part of self-stabilizing algorithms, as labeling problem, or as a non-deterministic distributed decision. This paper is an introduction to the domain of local certification, giving an overview of the history, the techniques and the current research directions.Comment: Last update: minor editin

    The Hardness of Local Certification of Finite-State Dynamics

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    Finite-State Dynamics (FSD) is one of the simplest and constrained distributed systems. An FSD is defined by an nn-node network, with each node maintaining an internal state selected from a finite set. At each time-step, these nodes synchronously update their internal states based solely on the states of their neighboring nodes. Rather than focusing on specific types of local functions, in this article, our primary focus is on the problem of determining the maximum time required for an FSD to reach a stable global state. This global state can be seen as the acceptance state or as the output of a distributed computation. For fixed kk and qq, we define the problem convergence(k,q)\text{convergence}(k,q), which consists of deciding if a qq-state FSD converges in at most kk time-steps. Our main focus is to study the problem convergence\text{convergence} from the perspective of distributed certification, with a focus on the model of proof-labeling schemes (PLS). First, we study the problem convergence\text{convergence} on arbitrary graphs and show that every PLS has certificates of size Θ(n2)\Theta(n^2) (up to logarithmic factors). Then, we turn to the restriction of the problem on graphs of maximum degree Δ\Delta. Roughly, we show that the problem admits a PLS with certificates of size Δk+1\Delta^{k+1}, while every PLS requires certificates of size at least 2k/6⋅6/k2^{k/6} \cdot 6/k on graphs of maximum degree 3

    Local Certification of Majority Dynamics

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    In majority voting dynamics, a group of nn agents in a social network are asked for their preferred candidate in a future election between two possible choices. At each time step, a new poll is taken, and each agent adjusts their vote according to the majority opinion of their network neighbors. After TT time steps, the candidate with the majority of votes is the leading contender in the election. In general, it is very hard to predict who will be the leading candidate after a large number of time-steps. We study, from the perspective of local certification, the problem of predicting the leading candidate after a certain number of time-steps, which we call Election-Prediction. We show that in graphs with sub-exponential growth Election-Prediction admits a proof labeling scheme of size O(log⁥n)\mathcal{O}(\log n). We also find non-trivial upper bounds for graphs with a bounded degree, in which the size of the certificates are sub-linear in nn. Furthermore, we explore lower bounds for the unrestricted case, showing that locally checkable proofs for Election-Prediction on arbitrary nn-node graphs have certificates on Ω(n)\Omega(n) bits. Finally, we show that our upper bounds are tight even for graphs of constant growth

    Deciding and verifying network properties locally with few output bits

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    International audienceGiven a boolean predicate on labeled networks (e.g., the network is acyclic, or the network is properly colored, etc.), deciding in a distributed manner whether a given labeled network satisfies that predicate typically consists, in the standard setting, of every node inspecting its close neighborhood, and outputting a boolean verdict, such that the network satisfies the predicate if and only if all nodes output true. In this paper, we investigate a more general notion of distributed decision in which every node is allowed to output a constant number b≄1b\geq 1 of bits, which are gathered by a central authority emitting a global boolean verdict based on these outputs, such that the network satisfies the predicate if and only if this global verdict equals true. We analyze the power and limitations of this extended notion of distributed decision