204 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Current, Charge and Mass

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    Electricity plays a special role in our lives and life. Equations of electron dynamics are nearly exact and apply from nuclear particles to stars. These Maxwell equations include a special term the displacement current (of vacuum). Displacement current allows electrical signals to propagate through space. Displacement current guarantees that current is exactly conserved from inside atoms to between stars, as long as current is defined as Maxwell did, as the entire source of the curl of the magnetic field. We show how the Bohm formulation of quantum mechanics allows easy definition of current. We show how conservation of current can be derived without mention of the polarization or dielectric properties of matter. Matter does not behave the way physicists of the 1800's thought it does with a single dielectric constant, a real positive number independent of everything. Charge moves in enormously complicated ways that cannot be described in that way, when studied on time scales important today for electronic technology and molecular biology. Life occurs in ionic solutions in which charge moves in response to forces not mentioned or described in the Maxwell equations, like convection and diffusion. Classical derivations of conservation of current involve classical treatments of dielectrics and polarization in nearly every textbook. Because real dielectrics do not behave in a classical way, classical derivations of conservation of current are often distrusted or even ignored. We show that current is conserved exactly in any material no matter how complex the dielectric, polarization or conduction currents are. We believe models, simulations, and computations should conserve current on all scales, as accurately as possible, because physics conserves current that way. We believe models will be much more successful if they conserve current at every level of resolution, the way physics does.Comment: Version 4 slight reformattin

    The Emergence of Gravitational Wave Science: 100 Years of Development of Mathematical Theory, Detectors, Numerical Algorithms, and Data Analysis Tools

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    On September 14, 2015, the newly upgraded Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) recorded a loud gravitational-wave (GW) signal, emitted a billion light-years away by a coalescing binary of two stellar-mass black holes. The detection was announced in February 2016, in time for the hundredth anniversary of Einstein's prediction of GWs within the theory of general relativity (GR). The signal represents the first direct detection of GWs, the first observation of a black-hole binary, and the first test of GR in its strong-field, high-velocity, nonlinear regime. In the remainder of its first observing run, LIGO observed two more signals from black-hole binaries, one moderately loud, another at the boundary of statistical significance. The detections mark the end of a decades-long quest, and the beginning of GW astronomy: finally, we are able to probe the unseen, electromagnetically dark Universe by listening to it. In this article, we present a short historical overview of GW science: this young discipline combines GR, arguably the crowning achievement of classical physics, with record-setting, ultra-low-noise laser interferometry, and with some of the most powerful developments in the theory of differential geometry, partial differential equations, high-performance computation, numerical analysis, signal processing, statistical inference, and data science. Our emphasis is on the synergy between these disciplines, and how mathematics, broadly understood, has historically played, and continues to play, a crucial role in the development of GW science. We focus on black holes, which are very pure mathematical solutions of Einstein's gravitational-field equations that are nevertheless realized in Nature, and that provided the first observed signals.Comment: 41 pages, 5 figures. To appear in Bulletin of the American Mathematical Societ

    On a poroviscoelastic model for cell crawling

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    In this paper a minimal, one–dimensional, two–phase, viscoelastic, reactive, flow model for a crawling cell is presented. Two–phase models are used with a variety of constitutive assumptions in the literature to model cell motility. We use an upper–convected Maxwell model and demonstrate that even the simplest of two–phase, viscoelastic models displays features relevant to cell motility. We also show care must be exercised in choosing parameters for such models as a poor choice can lead to an ill–posed problem. A stability analysis reveals that the initially stationary, spatially uniform strip of cytoplasm starts to crawl in response to a perturbation which breaks the symmetry of the network volume fraction or network stress. We also demonstrate numerically that there is a steady travelling–wave solution in which the crawling velocity has a bell–shaped dependence on adhesion strength, in agreement with biological observation

    Dielectric relaxation time spectroscopy for tissue characterisation

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    This thesis is concerned with Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), a noninvasive technique for characterising biological tissue and distinguishing pathology. The thesis is focused on the development of an improved method for extracting physiologically related parameters from the measured impedance data in vivo and instrumentation for spectroscopic measurements. In EIS, the electrical properties of physiological tissues, defined by their composition and structure, are measured as functions of frequency. Experimental observations of the existence of dielectric dispersions caused by distributions of dielectric relaxation time (DRT) constants were made on different types of biological material. It is postulated that widely used approaches for modelling these electrical properties are fundamentally flawed. The research work concentrates on the reconstruction of DRT spectra directly from the measured frequency response. The reconstruction problem involves inversion of a linear operator and like many inverse problems, is complicated by the ill-posed nature of the problem. In this thesis an inversion algorithm - Galerkin Regularised Inverse Method (GRIM) - based on standard mathematical methods is developed. The DRT spectrum establishes a link between the raw impedance data and the physiological structure and function of biological tissues. The GRIM yields a large number of independent parameters each related to process on a different scale. Special care was taken in testing the method on simulated data and improving its resolution. The thesis is also concerned with the design and practical implementation of EIS systems. Two approaches are considered: systems based on commercially available Impedance Analysers and systems designed specially for studies in vivo. To evaluate the GRIM, an Impedance Analyser, benefitting from a higher accuracy and a wider frequency range, is used. To meet the more rigorous specification demanded for studies on living human tissues, an electrical impedance spectrometer is developed. The suitability of different current sources is investigated. This research work includes studies of animal tissue in vitro and in vivo. Optimal experiments are defined in terms of the measurement frequency range and the entire experimental protocol for dielectric spectroscopy is established. These biological data are used to evaluate the GRIM. A comparison between different tissue classes in vivo is made. From studying ischemic tissues, it is postulated and verified that physiological differences and changes can be measured using the technique of DRT spectroscopy

    Time-dependent electromagnetic scattering from dispersive materials

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    This paper studies time-dependent electromagnetic scattering from metamaterials that are described by dispersive material laws. We consider the numerical treatment of a scattering problem in which a dispersive material law, for a causal and passive homogeneous material, determines the wave-material interaction in the scatterer. The resulting problem is nonlocal in time inside the scatterer and is posed on an unbounded domain. Well-posedness of the scattering problem is shown using a formulation that is fully given on the surface of the scatterer via a time-dependent boundary integral equation. Discretizing this equation by convolution quadrature in time and boundary elements in space yields a provably stable and convergent method that is fully parallel in time and space. Under regularity assumptions on the exact solution we derive error bounds with explicit convergence rates in time and space. Numerical experiments illustrate the theoretical results and show the effectiveness of the method

    Dynamics of Current, Charge and Mass

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    abstract: Electricity plays a special role in our lives and life. The dynamics of electrons allow light to flow through a vacuum. The equations of electron dynamics are nearly exact and apply from nuclear particles to stars. These Maxwell equations include a special term, the displacement current (of a vacuum). The displacement current allows electrical signals to propagate through space. Displacement current guarantees that current is exactly conserved from inside atoms to between stars, as long as current is defined as the entire source of the curl of the magnetic field, as Maxwell did.We show that the Bohm formulation of quantum mechanics allows the easy definition of the total current, and its conservation, without the dificulties implicit in the orthodox quantum theory. The orthodox theory neglects the reality of magnitudes, like the currents, during times that they are not being explicitly measured.We show how conservation of current can be derived without mention of the polarization or dielectric properties of matter. We point out that displacement current is handled correctly in electrical engineering by ‘stray capacitances’, although it is rarely discussed explicitly. Matter does not behave as physicists of the 1800’s thought it did. They could only measure on a time scale of seconds and tried to explain dielectric properties and polarization with a single dielectric constant, a real positive number independent of everything. Matter and thus charge moves in enormously complicated ways that cannot be described by a single dielectric constant,when studied on time scales important today for electronic technology and molecular biology. When classical theories could not explain complex charge movements, constants in equations were allowed to vary in solutions of those equations, in a way not justified by mathematics, with predictable consequences. Life occurs in ionic solutions where charge is moved by forces not mentioned or described in the Maxwell equations, like convection and diffusion. These movements and forces produce crucial currents that cannot be described as classical conduction or classical polarization. Derivations of conservation of current involve oversimplified treatments of dielectrics and polarization in nearly every textbook. Because real dielectrics do not behave in that simple way-not even approximately-classical derivations of conservation of current are often distrusted or even ignored. We show that current is conserved inside atoms. We show that current is conserved exactly in any material no matter how complex are the properties of dielectric, polarization, or conduction currents. Electricity has a special role because conservation of current is a universal law.Most models of chemical reactions do not conserve current and need to be changed to do so. On the macroscopic scale of life, conservation of current necessarily links far spread boundaries to each other, correlating inputs and outputs, and thereby creating devices.We suspect that correlations created by displacement current link all scales and allow atoms to control the machines and organisms of life. Conservation of current has a special role in our lives and life, as well as in physics. We believe models, simulations, and computations should conserve current on all scales, as accurately as possible, because physics conserves current that way. We believe models will be much more successful if they conserve current at every level of resolution, the way physics does.We surely need successful models as we try to control macroscopic functions by atomic interventions, in technology, life, and medicine. Maxwell’s displacement current lets us see stars. We hope it will help us see how atoms control life.View the article as published at https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/mlbmb.2017.5.issue-1/mlbmb-2017-0006/mlbmb-2017-0006.xm

    A stability criterion for high-frequency oscillations

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    We show that a simple Levi compatibility condition determines stability of WKB solutions to semilinear hyperbolic initial-value problems issued from highly-oscillating initial data with large amplitudes. The compatibility condition involves the hyperbolic operator, the fundamental phase associated with the initial oscillation, and the semilinear source term; it states roughly that hyperbolicity is preserved around resonances. If the compatibility condition is satisfied, the solutions are defined over time intervals independent of the wavelength, and the associated WKB solutions are stable under a large class of initial perturbations. If the compatibility condition is not satisfied, resonances are exponentially amplified, and arbitrarily small initial perturbations can destabilize the WKB solutions in small time. The amplification mechanism is based on the observation that in frequency space, resonances correspond to points of weak hyperbolicity. At such points, the behavior of the system depends on the lower order terms through the compatibility condition. The analysis relies, in the unstable case, on a short-time Duhamel representation formula for solutions of zeroth-order pseudo-differential equations. Our examples include coupled Klein-Gordon systems, and systems describing Raman and Brillouin instabilities.Comment: Final version, to appear in M\'em. Soc. Math. F
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