718 research outputs found

    Fast integral equation methods for the modified Helmholtz equation

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    We present a collection of integral equation methods for the solution to the two-dimensional, modified Helmholtz equation, u(\x) - \alpha^2 \Delta u(\x) = 0, in bounded or unbounded multiply-connected domains. We consider both Dirichlet and Neumann problems. We derive well-conditioned Fredholm integral equations of the second kind, which are discretized using high-order, hybrid Gauss-trapezoid rules. Our fast multipole-based iterative solution procedure requires only O(N) or O(NlogN)O(N\log N) operations, where N is the number of nodes in the discretization of the boundary. We demonstrate the performance of the methods on several numerical examples.Comment: Published in Computers & Mathematics with Application

    Numerical treatment of the generalized Love integral equation

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    In this paper, the generalized Love integral equation has been considered. In order to approximate the solution, a Nyström method based on a mixed quadrature rule has been proposed. Such a rule is a combination of a product and a “dilation” quadrature formula. The stability and convergence of the described numerical procedure have been discussed in suitable weighted spaces and the efficiency of the method is shown by some numerical tests

    An efficient full-wave solver for eddy currents

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    An integral equation reformulation of the Maxwell transmission problem is presented. The reformulation uses techniques such as tuning of free parameters and augmentation of close-to-rank-deficient operators. It is designed for the eddy current regime and works both for surfaces of genus 0 and 1. Well-conditioned systems and field representations are obtained despite the Maxwell transmission problem being ill-conditioned for genus 1 surfaces due to the presence of Neumann eigenfields. Furthermore, it is shown that these eigenfields, for ordinary conductors in the eddy current regime, are different from the classical Neumann eigenfields for superconductors. Numerical examples, based on the reformulation, give an unprecedented 13-digit accuracy both for transmitted and scattered fields

    Unsteady two dimensional airloads acting on oscillating thin airfoils in subsonic ventilated wind tunnels

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    The numerical calculation of unsteady two dimensional airloads which act upon thin airfoils in subsonic ventilated wind tunnels was studied. Neglecting certain quadrature errors, Bland's collocation method is rigorously proved to converge to the mathematically exact solution of Bland's integral equation, and a three way equivalence was established between collocation, Galerkin's method and least squares whenever the collocation points are chosen to be the nodes of the quadrature rule used for Galerkin's method. A computer program displayed convergence with respect to the number of pressure basis functions employed, and agreement with known special cases was demonstrated. Results are obtained for the combined effects of wind tunnel wall ventilation and wind tunnel depth to airfoil chord ratio, and for acoustic resonance between the airfoil and wind tunnel walls. A boundary condition is proposed for permeable walls through which mass flow rate is proportional to pressure jump