11 research outputs found

    Numerical approximation of a phase-field surfactant model with fluid flow

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    Modelling interfacial dynamics with soluble surfactants in a multiphase system is a challenging task. Here, we consider the numerical approximation of a phase-field surfactant model with fluid flow. The nonlinearly coupled model consists of two Cahn-Hilliard-type equations and incompressible Navier-Stokes equation. With the introduction of two auxiliary variables, the governing system is transformed into an equivalent form, which allows the nonlinear potentials to be treated efficiently and semi-explicitly. By certain subtle explicit-implicit treatments to stress and convective terms, we construct first and second-order time marching schemes, which are extremely efficient and easy-to-implement, for the transformed governing system. At each time step, the schemes involve solving only a sequence of linear elliptic equations, and computations of phase-field variables, velocity and pressure are fully decoupled. We further establish a rigorous proof of unconditional energy stability for the first-order scheme. Numerical results in both two and three dimensions are obtained, which demonstrate that the proposed schemes are accurate, efficient and unconditionally energy stable. Using our schemes, we investigate the effect of surfactants on droplet deformation and collision under a shear flow, where the increase of surfactant concentration can enhance droplet deformation and inhibit droplet coalescence

    Transient electrohydrodynamic flow with concentration dependent fluid properties: modelling and energy-stable numerical schemes

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    Transport of electrolytic solutions under influence of electric fields occurs in phenomena ranging from biology to geophysics. Here, we present a continuum model for single-phase electrohydrodynamic flow, which can be derived from fundamental thermodynamic principles. This results in a generalized Navier-Stokes-Poisson-Nernst-Planck system, where fluid properties such as density and permittivity depend on the ion concentration fields. We propose strategies for constructing numerical schemes for this set of equations, where solving the electrochemical and the hydrodynamic subproblems are decoupled at each time step. We provide time discretizations of the model that suffice to satisfy the same energy dissipation law as the continuous model. In particular, we propose both linear and non-linear discretizations of the electrochemical subproblem, along with a projection scheme for the fluid flow. The efficiency of the approach is demonstrated by numerical simulations using several of the proposed schemes

    Asymptotically and exactly energy balanced augmented flux-ADER schemes with application to hyperbolic conservation laws with geometric source terms

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    In this work, an arbitrary order HLL-type numerical scheme is constructed using the flux-ADER methodology. The proposed scheme is based on an augmented Derivative Riemann solver that was used for the first time in Navas-Montilla and Murillo (2015) 1]. Such solver, hereafter referred to as Flux-Source (FS) solver, was conceived as a high order extension of the augmented Roe solver and led to the generation of a novel numerical scheme called AR-ADER scheme. Here, we provide a general definition of the FS solver independently of the Riemann solver used in it. Moreover, a simplified version of the solver, referred to as Linearized-Flux-Source (LFS) solver, is presented. This novel version of the FS solver allows to compute the solution without requiring reconstruction of derivatives of the fluxes, nevertheless some drawbacks are evidenced. In contrast to other previously defined Derivative Riemann solvers, the proposed FS and LFS solvers take into account the presence of the source term in the resolution of the Derivative Riemann Problem (DRP), which is of particular interest when dealing with geometric source terms. When applied to the shallow water equations, the proposed HLLS-ADER and AR-ADER schemes can be constructed to fulfill the exactly well-balanced property, showing that an arbitrary quadrature of the integral of the source inside the cell does not ensure energy balanced solutions. As a result of this work, energy balanced flux-ADER schemes that provide the exact solution for steady cases and that converge to the exact solution with arbitrary order for transient cases are constructed

    Ideal GLM-MHD - a new mathematical model for simulating astrophysical plasmas

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    Magnetic fields are ubiquitous in space. As there is strong evidence that magnetic fields play an important role in a variety of astrophysical processes, they should not be neglected recklessly. However, analytic models in astrophysical either do often not take magnetic fields into account or can do this after limiting simplifications reducing their overall predictive power. Therefore, computational astrophysics has evolved as a modern field of research using sophisticated computer simulations to gain insight into physical processes. The ideal MHD equations, which are the most often used basis for simulating magnetized plasmas, have two critical drawbacks: Firstly, they do not limit the growth of numerically caused magnetic monopoles, and, secondly, most numerical schemes built from the ideal MHD equations are not conformable with thermodynamics. In my work, at the interplay of math and physics, I developed and presented the first thermodynamically consistent model with effective inbuilt divergence cleaning. My new Galilean-invariant model is suitable for simulating magnetized plasmas under extreme conditions as those typically encountered in astrophysical scenarios. The new model is called the "ideal GLM-MHD" equations and supports nine wave solutions. The accuracy and robustness of my numerical implementation are demonstrated with a number of tests, including comparisons to other schemes available within in the multi-physics, multi-scale adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) simulation code FLASH. A possible astrophysical application scenario is discussed in detail