1,426 research outputs found

    Well-Structured Futures and Cache Locality

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    In fork-join parallelism, a sequential program is split into a directed acyclic graph of tasks linked by directed dependency edges, and the tasks are executed, possibly in parallel, in an order consistent with their dependencies. A popular and effective way to extend fork-join parallelism is to allow threads to create futures. A thread creates a future to hold the results of a computation, which may or may not be executed in parallel. That result is returned when some thread touches that future, blocking if necessary until the result is ready. Recent research has shown that while futures can, of course, enhance parallelism in a structured way, they can have a deleterious effect on cache locality. In the worst case, futures can incur Ω(PT+tT)\Omega(P T_\infty + t T_\infty) deviations, which implies Ω(CPT+CtT)\Omega(C P T_\infty + C t T_\infty) additional cache misses, where CC is the number of cache lines, PP is the number of processors, tt is the number of touches, and TT_\infty is the \emph{computation span}. Since cache locality has a large impact on software performance on modern multicores, this result is troubling. In this paper, however, we show that if futures are used in a simple, disciplined way, then the situation is much better: if each future is touched only once, either by the thread that created it, or by a thread to which the future has been passed from the thread that created it, then parallel executions with work stealing can incur at most O(CPT2)O(C P T^2_\infty) additional cache misses, a substantial improvement. This structured use of futures is characteristic of many (but not all) parallel applications

    Extending the Nested Parallel Model to the Nested Dataflow Model with Provably Efficient Schedulers

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    The nested parallel (a.k.a. fork-join) model is widely used for writing parallel programs. However, the two composition constructs, i.e. "\parallel" (parallel) and ";;" (serial), are insufficient in expressing "partial dependencies" or "partial parallelism" in a program. We propose a new dataflow composition construct "\leadsto" to express partial dependencies in algorithms in a processor- and cache-oblivious way, thus extending the Nested Parallel (NP) model to the \emph{Nested Dataflow} (ND) model. We redesign several divide-and-conquer algorithms ranging from dense linear algebra to dynamic-programming in the ND model and prove that they all have optimal span while retaining optimal cache complexity. We propose the design of runtime schedulers that map ND programs to multicore processors with multiple levels of possibly shared caches (i.e, Parallel Memory Hierarchies) and provide theoretical guarantees on their ability to preserve locality and load balance. For this, we adapt space-bounded (SB) schedulers for the ND model. We show that our algorithms have increased "parallelizability" in the ND model, and that SB schedulers can use the extra parallelizability to achieve asymptotically optimal bounds on cache misses and running time on a greater number of processors than in the NP model. The running time for the algorithms in this paper is O(i=0h1Q(t;σMi)Cip)O\left(\frac{\sum_{i=0}^{h-1} Q^{*}({\mathsf t};\sigma\cdot M_i)\cdot C_i}{p}\right), where QQ^{*} is the cache complexity of task t{\mathsf t}, CiC_i is the cost of cache miss at level-ii cache which is of size MiM_i, σ(0,1)\sigma\in(0,1) is a constant, and pp is the number of processors in an hh-level cache hierarchy

    Redesigning OP2 Compiler to Use HPX Runtime Asynchronous Techniques

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    Maximizing parallelism level in applications can be achieved by minimizing overheads due to load imbalances and waiting time due to memory latencies. Compiler optimization is one of the most effective solutions to tackle this problem. The compiler is able to detect the data dependencies in an application and is able to analyze the specific sections of code for parallelization potential. However, all of these techniques provided with a compiler are usually applied at compile time, so they rely on static analysis, which is insufficient for achieving maximum parallelism and producing desired application scalability. One solution to address this challenge is the use of runtime methods. This strategy can be implemented by delaying certain amount of code analysis to be done at runtime. In this research, we improve the parallel application performance generated by the OP2 compiler by leveraging HPX, a C++ runtime system, to provide runtime optimizations. These optimizations include asynchronous tasking, loop interleaving, dynamic chunk sizing, and data prefetching. The results of the research were evaluated using an Airfoil application which showed a 40-50% improvement in parallel performance.Comment: 18th IEEE International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing (PDSEC 2017

    EbbRT: a customizable operating system for cloud applications

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    Efficient use of hardware requires operating system components be customized to the application workload. Our general purpose operating systems are ill-suited for this task. We present Genesis, a new operating system that enables per-application customizations for cloud applications. Genesis achieves this through a novel heterogeneous distributed structure, a partitioned object model, and an event-driven execution environment. This paper describes the design and prototype implementation of Genesis, and evaluates its ability to improve the performance of common cloud applications. The evaluation of the Genesis prototype demonstrates memcached, run within a VM, can outperform memcached run on an unvirtualized Linux. The prototype evaluation also demonstrates an 14% performance improvement of a V8 JavaScript engine benchmark, and a node.js webserver that achieves a 50% reduction in 99th percentile latency compared to it run on Linux

    Spaceborne VHSIC multiprocessor system for AI applications

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    A multiprocessor system, under design for space-station applications, makes use of the latest generation symbolic processor and packaging technology. The result will be a compact, space-qualified system two to three orders of magnitude more powerful than present-day symbolic processing systems

    Easy Dataflow Programming in Clusters with UPC++ DepSpawn

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    Versión final aceptada de: https://doi.org/10.1109/TPDS.2018.2884716This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. The Version of Record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1109/TPDS.2018.2884716[Abstract]: The Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) programming model is one of the most relevant proposals to improve the ability of developers to exploit distributed memory systems. However, despite its important advantages with respect to the traditional message-passing paradigm, PGAS has not been yet widely adopted. We think that PGAS libraries are more promising than languages because they avoid the requirement to (re)write the applications using them, with the implied uncertainties related to portability and interoperability with the vast amount of APIs and libraries that exist for widespread languages. Nevertheless, the need to embed these libraries within a host language can limit their expressiveness and very useful features can be missing. This paper contributes to the advance of PGAS by enabling the simple development of arbitrarily complex task-parallel codes following a dataflow approach on top of the PGAS UPC++ library, implemented in C++. In addition, our proposal, called UPC++ DepSpawn, relies on an optimized multithreaded runtime that provides very competitive performance, as our experimental evaluation shows.This research was supported by the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad of Spain and FEDER funds of the EU (TIN2016-75845-P), and by the Xunta de Galicia co-founded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Consolidation Programme of Competitive Reference Groups (ED431C 2017/04) as well as under the Centro Singular de Investigación de Galicia accreditation 2016-2019 (ED431G/01). We also acknowledge the Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia (CESGA) for the use of their computers.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2017/04Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/0