893 research outputs found

    A transitive aligned Weisfeiler-Lehman subtree kernel

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    In this paper, we develop a new transitive aligned Weisfeiler-Lehman subtree kernel. This kernel not only overcomes the shortcoming of ignoring correspondence information between isomorphic substructures that arises in existing R-convolution kernels, but also guarantees the transitivity between the correspondence information that is not available for existing matching kernels. Our kernel outperforms state-of-the-art graph kernels in terms of classification accuracy on standard graph datasets

    Learning from graphs with structural variation

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    We study the effect of structural variation in graph data on the predictive performance of graph kernels. To this end, we introduce a novel, noise-robust adaptation of the GraphHopper kernel and validate it on benchmark data, obtaining modestly improved predictive performance on a range of datasets. Next, we investigate the performance of the state-of-the-art Weisfeiler-Lehman graph kernel under increasing synthetic structural errors and find that the effect of introducing errors depends strongly on the dataset.Comment: Presented at the NIPS 2017 workshop "Learning on Distributions, Functions, Graphs and Groups

    A Survey on Graph Kernels

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    Graph kernels have become an established and widely-used technique for solving classification tasks on graphs. This survey gives a comprehensive overview of techniques for kernel-based graph classification developed in the past 15 years. We describe and categorize graph kernels based on properties inherent to their design, such as the nature of their extracted graph features, their method of computation and their applicability to problems in practice. In an extensive experimental evaluation, we study the classification accuracy of a large suite of graph kernels on established benchmarks as well as new datasets. We compare the performance of popular kernels with several baseline methods and study the effect of applying a Gaussian RBF kernel to the metric induced by a graph kernel. In doing so, we find that simple baselines become competitive after this transformation on some datasets. Moreover, we study the extent to which existing graph kernels agree in their predictions (and prediction errors) and obtain a data-driven categorization of kernels as result. Finally, based on our experimental results, we derive a practitioner's guide to kernel-based graph classification

    Kernel Graph Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Graph kernels have been successfully applied to many graph classification problems. Typically, a kernel is first designed, and then an SVM classifier is trained based on the features defined implicitly by this kernel. This two-stage approach decouples data representation from learning, which is suboptimal. On the other hand, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have the capability to learn their own features directly from the raw data during training. Unfortunately, they cannot handle irregular data such as graphs. We address this challenge by using graph kernels to embed meaningful local neighborhoods of the graphs in a continuous vector space. A set of filters is then convolved with these patches, pooled, and the output is then passed to a feedforward network. With limited parameter tuning, our approach outperforms strong baselines on 7 out of 10 benchmark datasets.Comment: Accepted at ICANN '1

    A simple yet effective baseline for non-attributed graph classification

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    Graphs are complex objects that do not lend themselves easily to typical learning tasks. Recently, a range of approaches based on graph kernels or graph neural networks have been developed for graph classification and for representation learning on graphs in general. As the developed methodologies become more sophisticated, it is important to understand which components of the increasingly complex methods are necessary or most effective. As a first step, we develop a simple yet meaningful graph representation, and explore its effectiveness in graph classification. We test our baseline representation for the graph classification task on a range of graph datasets. Interestingly, this simple representation achieves similar performance as the state-of-the-art graph kernels and graph neural networks for non-attributed graph classification. Its performance on classifying attributed graphs is slightly weaker as it does not incorporate attributes. However, given its simplicity and efficiency, we believe that it still serves as an effective baseline for attributed graph classification. Our graph representation is efficient (linear-time) to compute. We also provide a simple connection with the graph neural networks. Note that these observations are only for the task of graph classification while existing methods are often designed for a broader scope including node embedding and link prediction. The results are also likely biased due to the limited amount of benchmark datasets available. Nevertheless, the good performance of our simple baseline calls for the development of new, more comprehensive benchmark datasets so as to better evaluate and analyze different graph learning methods. Furthermore, given the computational efficiency of our graph summary, we believe that it is a good candidate as a baseline method for future graph classification (or even other graph learning) studies.Comment: 13 pages. Shorter version appears at 2019 ICLR Workshop: Representation Learning on Graphs and Manifolds. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1810.00826 by other author
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