506 research outputs found

    Extremalis problémák többváltozós és súlyozott polinomokra = Extremal problems for multivariate and weighted polynomials

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    Jól ismert hogy a többváltozós polinomok sűrűek a d-dimenziós kompakt halmazokon folytonos függvények terében. A többváltozós polinomok egy fontos részhalmaza a homogén polinomok osztálya. Igy természetesen felmerül az a kérdés, hogy igaz-e a sűrüség a homogén polinomokra? Egy ismert sejtés szerint a konvex felületeken folytonos függvények megközelíthetőek két homogén polinom összegével. A pályázat keretében két fontos új eredmény született 1) igazoltuk a sejtést tetszőleges sima ( egyértelmü támasz sikkal rendelkező) konvex testeken egyenletes normában 2) igazoltuk a sejtést teljes általánosságban Lp normában Ezen kivül általánosított Freud súlyokra vonatkozó polinom-approximációs problémákat vizsgáltunk. Itt az általánosítás azt jelenti, hogy az eredeti Freud súlyokat megszorozzuk olyan un. általánosított polinomokkal, amelyeknek csak valós gyökeik vannak. A klasszikus polinom-egyenlotlenségek analogonjait, valamint direkt és fordított approximációs tételeket bizonyítottunk. Hibabecsléseket adtunk függvények súlyozott approximációjára Freud súlyok esetén, olyan egész függvényekkel történo approximáció esetén, amelyek véges, ill. végtelen sok pontban interpolálják a függvényt. Ezek a hibabecslések olyan súlyozott folytonossági modulusokat tartalmaznak, amelyeknél a polinom-suruség nem mindig garantált | It is well known that multivariate polynomials are dense in the space of continuous functions on compact subsets of the d-dimensional space. An important family of multivariate polynomials is the space of all homogeneous polynomials. Thus it is natural to ask if the density holds for homogeneous polynomials. It has been conjectured that any function continuous on a convex surface can be approximated by sums of two homogeneous polynomials. In the framework of the present project the above conjecture was verified in two new important cases: 1) the conjecture was verified for uniform norm on arbitrary regular convex bodies, i.e., in case when the body possesses a unique tangent plane at each point of its boundary 2) the conjecture was verified in full generality in the Lp norm We also considered polynomial approximation problems on the real line with generalized Freud weights. The generalization means multiplying these weights by so-called generalized polynomials which have real roots only. Analogues of classical polynomial inequalities, as well as direct and converse approximation theorems were proved. We gave error estimates for the weighted approximation of functions with Freud-type weights, by entire functions interpolating at finitely or infinitely many points on the real line. The error estimates involve weighted moduli of continuity corresponding to general Freud-type weights for which the density of polynomials is not always guaranteed

    Ziggurats and Rotation Numbers

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    We establish the existence of new rigidity and rationality phenomena in the theory of nonabelian group actions on the circle and introduce tools to translate questions about the existence of actions with prescribed dynamics into finite combinatorics. A special case of our theory gives a very short new proof of Naimi's theorem (i.e., the conjecture of Jankins-Neumann) which was the last step in the classification of taut foliations of Seifert fibered spaces

    Laplacian Growth, Elliptic Growth, and Singularities of the Schwarz Potential

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    The Schwarz function has played an elegant role in understanding and in generating new examples of exact solutions to the Laplacian growth (or "Hele- Shaw") problem in the plane. The guiding principle in this connection is the fact that "non-physical" singularities in the "oil domain" of the Schwarz function are stationary, and the "physical" singularities obey simple dynamics. We give an elementary proof that the same holds in any number of dimensions for the Schwarz potential, introduced by D. Khavinson and H. S. Shapiro [17] (1989). A generalization is also given for the so-called "elliptic growth" problem by defining a generalized Schwarz potential. New exact solutions are constructed, and we solve inverse problems of describing the driving singularities of a given flow. We demonstrate, by example, how \mathbb{C}^n - techniques can be used to locate the singularity set of the Schwarz potential. One of our methods is to prolong available local extension theorems by constructing "globalizing families". We make three conjectures in potential theory relating to our investigation

    Spectral methods for CFD

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    One of the objectives of these notes is to provide a basic introduction to spectral methods with a particular emphasis on applications to computational fluid dynamics. Another objective is to summarize some of the most important developments in spectral methods in the last two years. The fundamentals of spectral methods for simple problems will be covered in depth, and the essential elements of several fluid dynamical applications will be sketched

    Sampling and interpolation in Hilbert spaces of entire functions

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    Sampling theory is the study of spaces of functions which are reconstructible from their values at certain sets of points, which gives rise to a sampling formula for the underlying space. For this, it is necessary to consider spaces of functions whose values at a set of points are well-defined. In this work we consider the sampling and interpolation problems in reproducing kernel Hilbert space of entire functions, called de Branges space. Functions in such space are square integrable on the real line with respect to some weight function, and satisfying some growth conditions. Some sampling and interpolation results in the Paley-Wiener spaces, which are a primary example of de Branges spaces, are reviewed. We develop necessary conditions for sampling and interpolating sequences which generalize some well-known sampling and interpolation results in the Paley-Wiener space. The proofs of the necessary conditions rely very much on the Homogeneous Approximation Property and the Comparison Theorem that we prove in de Branges space. We also give necessary and sufficient conditions for Plancherel-Polya sequences, and sufficient conditions for interpolation in some de Branges spaces of exponential type

    Integration of expert knowledge into radial basis function surrogate models

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    A current application in a collaboration between Chalmers University of Technology and Volvo Group Trucks Technology concerns the global optimization of a complex simulation-based function describing the rolling resistance coefficient of a truck tyre. This function is crucial for the optimization of truck tyres selection considered. The need to explicitly describe and optimize this function provided the main motivation for the research presented in this article. Many optimization algorithms for simulation-based optimization problems use sample points to create a computationally simple surrogate model of the objective function. Typically, not all important characteristics of the complex function (as, e.g., non-negativity)—here referred to as expert knowledge—are automatically inherited by the surrogate model. We demonstrate the integration of several types of expert knowledge into a radial basis function interpolation. The methodology is first illustrated on a simple example function and then applied to a function describing the rolling resistance coefficient of truck tyres. Our numerical results indicate that expert knowledge can be advantageously incorporated and utilized when creating global approximations of unknown functions from sample points