201 research outputs found

    Drive network to a desired orbit by pinning control

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    summary:The primary objective of the present paper is to develop an approach for analyzing pinning synchronization stability in a complex delayed dynamical network with directed coupling. Some simple yet generic criteria for pinning such coupled network are derived analytically. Compared with some existing works, the primary contribution is that the synchronization manifold could be chosen as a weighted average of all the nodes states in the network for the sake of practical control tactics, which displays the different influences and contributions of the various nodes in synchronization seeking processes of the dynamical network. Furthermore, it is shown that in order to drive a complex network to a desired synchronization state, the coupling strength should vary according to the controller. In addition, the theoretical results about the time-invariant network is extended to the time-varying network, and the result on synchronization problem can also be extended to the consensus problem of networked multi-agent systems. Subsequently, the theoretic results are illustrated by a typical scale-free (SF) neuronal network. Numerical simulations with three kinds of the homogenous solutions, including an equilibrium point, a periodic orbit, and a chaotic attractor, are finally given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control methodology

    Recent advances on filtering and control for nonlinear stochastic complex systems with incomplete information: A survey

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    This Article is provided by the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund - Copyright @ 2012 Hindawi PublishingSome recent advances on the filtering and control problems for nonlinear stochastic complex systems with incomplete information are surveyed. The incomplete information under consideration mainly includes missing measurements, randomly varying sensor delays, signal quantization, sensor saturations, and signal sampling. With such incomplete information, the developments on various filtering and control issues are reviewed in great detail. In particular, the addressed nonlinear stochastic complex systems are so comprehensive that they include conventional nonlinear stochastic systems, different kinds of complex networks, and a large class of sensor networks. The corresponding filtering and control technologies for such nonlinear stochastic complex systems are then discussed. Subsequently, some latest results on the filtering and control problems for the complex systems with incomplete information are given. Finally, conclusions are drawn and several possible future research directions are pointed out.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant nos. 61134009, 61104125, 61028008, 61174136, 60974030, and 61074129, the Qing Lan Project of Jiangsu Province of China, the Project sponsored by SRF for ROCS of SEM of China, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council EPSRC of the UK under Grant GR/S27658/01, the Royal Society of the UK, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    Controller design for synchronization of an array of delayed neural networks using a controllable

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    This is the post-print version of the Article - Copyright @ 2011 ElsevierIn this paper, a controllable probabilistic particle swarm optimization (CPPSO) algorithm is introduced based on Bernoulli stochastic variables and a competitive penalized method. The CPPSO algorithm is proposed to solve optimization problems and is then applied to design the memoryless feedback controller, which is used in the synchronization of an array of delayed neural networks (DNNs). The learning strategies occur in a random way governed by Bernoulli stochastic variables. The expectations of Bernoulli stochastic variables are automatically updated by the search environment. The proposed method not only keeps the diversity of the swarm, but also maintains the rapid convergence of the CPPSO algorithm according to the competitive penalized mechanism. In addition, the convergence rate is improved because the inertia weight of each particle is automatically computed according to the feedback of fitness value. The efficiency of the proposed CPPSO algorithm is demonstrated by comparing it with some well-known PSO algorithms on benchmark test functions with and without rotations. In the end, the proposed CPPSO algorithm is used to design the controller for the synchronization of an array of continuous-time delayed neural networks.This research was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of PR China (Grant No 60874113), the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (Grant No 200802550007), the Key Creative Project of Shanghai Education Community (Grant No 09ZZ66), the Key Foundation Project of Shanghai(Grant No 09JC1400700), the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council EPSRC of the U.K. under Grant No. GR/S27658/01, an International Joint Project sponsored by the Royal Society of the U.K., and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    Fast fixed-time synchronization of T–S fuzzy complex networks

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    In this paper, fast fixed-time (FDT) synchronization of T–S fuzzy (TSF) complex networks (CNs) is considered. The given control schemes can make the CNs synchronize with the given isolated system more fleetly than the most of existing results. By constructing comparison system and applying new analytical techniques, sufficient conditions are established to derive fast FDT synchronization speedily. In order to give some comparisons, FDT synchronization of the considered CNs is also presented by designing FDT fuzzy controller. Numerical examples are given to illustrate our new results

    Finite-time anti-synchronization of multi-weighted coupled neural networks with and without coupling delays

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    The multi-weighted coupled neural networks (MWCNNs) models with and without coupling delays are investigated in this paper. Firstly, the finite-time anti-synchronization of MWCNNs with fixed topology and switching topology is analyzed respectively by utilizing Lyapunov functional approach as well as some inequality techniques, and several anti-synchronization criteria are put forward for the considered networks. Furthermore, when the parameter uncertainties appear in MWCNNs, some conditions for ensuring robust finite-time anti-synchronization are obtained. Similarly, we also consider the finite-time anti-synchronization and robust finite-time anti-synchronization for MWCNNs with coupling delays under fixed and switched topologies respectively. Lastly, two numerical examples with simulations are provided to confirm the effectiveness of these derived results

    Data based identification and prediction of nonlinear and complex dynamical systems

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    We thank Dr. R. Yang (formerly at ASU), Dr. R.-Q. Su (formerly at ASU), and Mr. Zhesi Shen for their contributions to a number of original papers on which this Review is partly based. This work was supported by ARO under Grant No. W911NF-14-1-0504. W.-X. Wang was also supported by NSFC under Grants No. 61573064 and No. 61074116, as well as by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Beijing Nova Programme.Peer reviewedPostprin