7 research outputs found

    Weighted asynchronous cellular automata

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    Abstract. We study weighted distributed systems whose behavior can be described as a formal power series over a free partially commutative or trace monoid. We characterize the behavior of such systems both, in the deterministic and in the non-deterministic case. As a consequence, we obtain a particularly simple class of sequential weighted automata that have already the full expressive power.

    Models for Quantitative Distributed Systems and Multi-Valued Logics

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    We investigate weighted asynchronous cellular automata with weights in valuation monoids. These automata form a distributed extension of weighted finite automata and allow us to model concurrency. Valuation monoids are abstract weight structures that include semirings and (non-distributive) bounded lattices but also offer the possibility to model average behaviors. We prove that weighted asynchronous cellular automata and weighted finite automata which satisfy an I-diamond property are equally expressive. Depending on the properties of the valuation monoid, we characterize this expressiveness by certain syntactically restricted fragments of weighted MSO logics. Finally, we define the quantitative model-checking problem for distributed systems and show how it can be reduced to the corresponding problem for sequential systems

    Models for Quantitative Distributed Systems and Multi-Valued Logics

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    We investigate weighted asynchronous cellular automata with weights in valuation monoids. These automata form a distributed extension of weighted finite automata and allow us to model concurrency. Valuation monoids are abstract weight structures that include semirings and (non-distributive) bounded lattices but also offer the possibility to model average behaviors. We prove that weighted asynchronous cellular automata and weighted finite automata which satisfy an I-diamond property are equally expressive. Depending on the properties of the valuation monoid, we characterize this expressiveness by certain syntactically restricted fragments of weighted MSO logics. Finally, we define the quantitative model-checking problem for distributed systems and show how it can be reduced to the corresponding problem for sequential systems

    Models for Quantitative Distributed Systems and Multi-Valued Logics

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    We investigate weighted asynchronous cellular automata with weights in valuation monoids. These automata form a distributed extension of weighted finite automata and allow us to model concurrency. Valuation monoids are abstract weight structures that include semirings and (non-distributive) bounded lattices but also offer the possibility to model average behaviors. We prove that weighted asynchronous cellular automata and weighted finite automata which satisfy an I-diamond property are equally expressive. Depending on the properties of the valuation monoid, we characterize this expressiveness by certain syntactically restricted fragments of weighted MSO logics. Finally, we define the quantitative model-checking problem for distributed systems and show how it can be reduced to the corresponding problem for sequential systems

    Weighted Distributed Systems and Their Logics

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    We provide a model of weighted distributed systems and give a logical characterization thereof. Distributed systems are represented as weighted asynchronous cellular automata. Running over directed acyclic graphs, Mazurkiewicz traces, or (lossy) message sequence charts, they allow for modeling several communication paradigms in a unifying framework, among them probabilistic sharedvariable and probabilistic lossy-channel systems. We show that any such system can be described by a weighted existential MSO formula and, vice versa, any formula gives rise to a weighted asynchronous cellular automaton