855 research outputs found

    A Data-driven Approach to Robust Control of Multivariable Systems by Convex Optimization

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    The frequency-domain data of a multivariable system in different operating points is used to design a robust controller with respect to the measurement noise and multimodel uncertainty. The controller is fully parametrized in terms of matrix polynomial functions and can be formulated as a centralized, decentralized or distributed controller. All standard performance specifications like H2H_2, HH_\infty and loop shaping are considered in a unified framework for continuous- and discrete-time systems. The control problem is formulated as a convex-concave optimization problem and then convexified by linearization of the concave part around an initial controller. The performance criterion converges monotonically to a local optimal solution in an iterative algorithm. The effectiveness of the method is compared with fixed-structure controllers using non-smooth optimization and with full-order optimal controllers via simulation examples. Finally, the experimental data of a gyroscope is used to design a data-driven controller that is successfully applied on the real system

    Unified control/structure design and modeling research

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    To demonstrate the applicability of the control theory for distributed systems to large flexible space structures, research was focused on a model of a space antenna which consists of a rigid hub, flexible ribs, and a mesh reflecting surface. The space antenna model used is discussed along with the finite element approximation of the distributed model. The basic control problem is to design an optimal or near-optimal compensator to suppress the linear vibrations and rigid-body displacements of the structure. The application of an infinite dimensional Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control theory to flexible structure is discussed. Two basic approaches for robustness enhancement were investigated: loop transfer recovery and sensitivity optimization. A third approach synthesized from elements of these two basic approaches is currently under development. The control driven finite element approximation of flexible structures is discussed. Three sets of finite element basic vectors for computing functional control gains are compared. The possibility of constructing a finite element scheme to approximate the infinite dimensional Hamiltonian system directly, instead of indirectly is discussed

    Control of flexible motion systems using frequency response data

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    Contributions to impedance shaping control techniques for power electronic converters

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    El conformado de la impedancia o admitancia mediante control para convertidores electrónicos de potencia permite alcanzar entre otros objetivos: mejora de la robustez de los controles diseñados, amortiguación de la dinámica de la tensión en caso de cambios de carga, y optimización del filtro de red y del controlador en un solo paso (co-diseño). La conformación de la impedancia debe ir siempre acompañada de un buen seguimiento de referencias. Por tanto, la idea principal es diseñar controladores con una estructura sencilla que equilibren la consecución de los objetivos marcados en cada caso. Este diseño se realiza mediante técnicas modernas, cuya resolución (síntesis del controlador) requiere de herramientas de optimización. La principal ventaja de estas técnicas sobre las clásicas, es decir, las basadas en soluciones algebraicas, es su capacidad para tratar problemas de control complejos (plantas de alto orden y/o varios objetivos) de una forma considerablemente sistemática. El primer problema de control por conformación de la impedancia consiste en reducir el sobreimpulso de tensión ante cambios de carga y minimizar el tamaño de los componentes del filtro pasivo en los convertidores DC-DC. Posteriormente, se diseñan controladores de corriente y tensión para un inversor DC-AC trifásico que logren una estabilidad robusta del sistema para una amplia variedad de filtros. La condición de estabilidad robusta menos conservadora, siendo la impedancia de la red la principal fuente de incertidumbre, es el índice de pasividad. En el caso de los controladores de corriente, el impacto de los lazos superiores en la estabilidad basada en la impedancia también se analiza mediante un índice adicional: máximo valor singular. Cada uno de los índices se aplica a un rango de frecuencias determinado. Finalmente, estas condiciones se incluyen en el diseño en un solo paso del controlador de un convertidor back-to-back utilizado para operar generadores de inducción doblemente alimentados (aerogeneradores tipo 3) presentes en algunos parques eólicos. Esta solución evita los problemas de oscilación subsíncrona, derivados de las líneas de transmisión con condensadores de compensación en serie, a los que se enfrentan estos parques eólicos. Los resultados de simulación y experimentales demuestran la eficacia y versatilidad de la propuesta.Impedance or admittance shaping by control for power electronic converters allows to achieve among other objectives: robustness enhancement of the designed controls, damped voltage dynamics in case of load changes, and grid filter and controller optimization in a single step (co-design). Impedance shaping must always be accompanied by a correct reference tracking performance. Therefore, the main idea is to design controllers with a simple structure that balance the achievement of the objectives set in each case. This design is carried out using modern techniques, whose resolution (controller synthesis) requires optimization tools. The main advantage of these techniques over the classical ones, i.e. those based on algebraic solutions, is their ability to deal with complex control problems (high order plants and/or several objectives) in a considerably systematic way. The first impedance shaping control problem is to reduce voltage overshoot under load changes and minimize the size of passive filter components in DC-DC converters. Subsequently, current and voltage controllers for a three-phase DC-AC inverter are designed to achieve robust system stability for a wide variety of filters. The least conservative robust stability condition, with grid impedance being the main source of uncertainty, is the passivity index. In the case of current controllers, the impact of higher loops on impedance-based stability is also analyzed by an additional index: maximum singular value. Each of the indices is applied to a given frequency range. Finally, these conditions are included in the one-step design of the controller of a back-to-back converter used to operate doubly fed induction generators (type-3 wind turbines) present in some wind farms. This solution avoids the sub-synchronous oscillation problems, derived from transmission lines with series compensation capacitors, faced by these wind farms. Simulation and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and versatility of the proposa

    Design, test, and evaluation of three active flutter suppression controllers

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    Three control law design techniques for flutter suppression are presented. Each technique uses multiple control surfaces and/or sensors. The first method uses traditional tools (such as pole/zero loci and Nyquist diagrams) for producing a controller that has minimal complexity and which is sufficiently robust to handle plant uncertainty. The second procedure uses linear combinations of several accelerometer signals and dynamic compensation to synthesize the model rate of the critical mode for feedback to the distributed control surfaces. The third technique starts with a minimum-energy linear quadratic Gaussian controller, iteratively modifies intensity matrices corresponding to input and output noise, and applies controller order reduction to achieve a low-order, robust controller. The resulting designs were implemented digitally and tested subsonically on the active flexible wing wind-tunnel model in the Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel. Only the traditional pole/zero loci design was sufficiently robust to errors in the nominal plant to successfully suppress flutter during the test. The traditional pole/zero loci design provided simultaneous suppression of symmetric and antisymmetric flutter with a 24-percent increase in attainable dynamic pressure. Posttest analyses are shown which illustrate the problems encountered with the other laws

    Model-based and data-based frequency domain design of fixed structure robust controller: a polynomial optimization approach

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    Robust control of ill-conditioned plants: high-purity distillation

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    Using a high-purity distillation column as an example, the physical reason for the poor conditioning and its implications on control system design and performance are explained. It is shown that an acceptable performance/robustness tradeoff cannot be obtained by simple loop-shaping techniques (using singular values) and that a good understanding of the model uncertainty is essential for robust control system design. Physically motivated uncertainty descriptions (actuator uncertainties) are translated into the H∞/structured singular value framework, which is demonstrated to be a powerful tool to analyze and understand the complex phenomena

    Robust Loopshaping for Process Control

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    Strong trends in chemical engineering and plant operation have made the control of processes increasingly difficult and have driven the process industry's demand for improved control techniques. Improved control leads to savings in resources, smaller downtimes, improved safety, and reduced pollution. Though the need for improved process control is clear, advanced control methodologies have had only limited acceptance and application in industrial practice. The reason for this gap between control theory and practice is that existing control methodologies do not adequately address all of the following control system requirements and problems associated with control design: * The controller must be insensitive to plant/model mismatch, and perform well under unmeasured or poorly modeled disturbances. * The controlled system must perform well under state or actuator constraints. * The controlled system must be safe, reliable, and easy to maintain. * Controllers are commonly required to be decentralized. * Actuators and sensors must be selected before the controller can be designed. * Inputs and outputs must be paired before the design of a decentralized controller. A framework is presented to address these control requirements/problems in a general, unified manner. The approach will be demonstrated on adhesive coating processes and distillation columns