1,149 research outputs found

    Reverse Intervention for Dealing with Malicious Information in Online Social Networks

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    Malicious information is often hidden in the massive data flow of online social networks. In “We Media'' era, if the system is closed without intervention, malicious information may spread to the entire network quickly, which would cause severe economic and political losses. This paper adopts a reverse intervention strategy from the perspective of topology control, so that the spread of malicious information could be suppressed at a minimum cost. Noting that as the information spreads, social networks often present a community structure and multiple malicious information promoters may appear. Therefore, this paper adopts a divide and conquer strategy and proposes an intervention algorithm based on subgraph partitioning, in which we search for some influential nodes to block or release clarification. The main algorithm consists of two main phases. Firstly, a subgraph partitioning method based on community structure is given to quickly extract the community structure of the information dissemination network. Secondly, a node blocking and clarification publishing algorithm based on the Jordan Center is proposed in the obtained subgraphs. Experiments show that the proposed algorithm can effectively suppress the spread of malicious information with a low time complexity compared with the benchmark algorithms

    Development under conditions of inequality and distrust: Social cohesion in Latin America

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    "This paper analyzes the role of social cohesion in economic and institutional development and, broadly, the creation of welfare in Latin America. The paper defines the concept of social cohesion with reference to the notions of social capital and inequality. Using data and literature on Latin America, the paper argues that low interpersonal trust and entrenched inequality interfere with cohesion. The paper develops and introduces an exploratory index of cohesion structured around the definition proposed. Relying on correlations, and with appropriate caveats, the paper uses this index to explore tentative linkages between levels of cohesion and development outcomes. The paper presents evidence of positive linkages among social cohesion and economic growth, investment and innovation capacity, governmental effectiveness, the quality of public policies, and the predictability of the policy environment. Finally, the paper discusses the significance of these findings and some of the policy implications." from Author's AbstractSocial cohesion, Social capital, Trust, Inequality, Exclusion, Opportunities, Governance, Institutional development, economic growth, Development strategies,

    Audit of Antenatal Testing of Sexually Transmissible Infections and Blood Borne Viruses at Western Australian Hospitals

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    In August 2007, the Western Australian Department of Health (DOH) released updated recommendations for testing of sexually transmissible infections (STI) and blood-borne viruses (BBV) in antenates. Prior to this, the Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) antenatal testing recommendations had been accepted practice in most antenatal settings. The RANZCOG recommends that testing for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C be offered at the first antenatal visit. The DOH recommends that in addition, chlamydia testing be offered. We conducted a baseline audit of antenatal STI/BBV testing in women who delivered at selected public hospitals before the DOH recommendations. We examined the medical records of 200 women who had delivered before 1st July 2007 from each of the sevenWAhospitals included in the audit. STI and BBV testing information and demographic data were collected. Of the 1,409 women included, 1,205 (86%) were non-Aboriginal and 200 (14%) were Aboriginal. High proportions of women had been tested for HIV (76%), syphilis (86%), hepatitis C (87%) and hepatitis B (88%). Overall, 72% of women had undergone STI/BBV testing in accordance with RANZCOG recommendations. However, chlamydia testing was evident in only 18% of records. STI/BBV prevalence ranged from 3.9% (CI 1.5– 6.3%) for chlamydia, to 1.7% (CI 1–2.4%) for hepatitis C, 0.7% (CI 0.3–1.2) for hepatitis B and 0.6% (CI 0.2–1) for syphilis. Prior to the DOH recommendations, nearly three-quarters of antenates had undergone STI/BBV testing in accordance with RANZCOG recommendations, but less than one fifth had been tested for chlamydia. The DOH recommendations will be further promoted with the assistance of hospitals and other stakeholders. A future audit will be conducted to determine the proportion of women tested according to the DOH recommendations. The hand book from this conference is available for download Published in 2008 by the Australasian Society for HIV Medicine Inc © Australasian Society for HIV Medicine Inc 2008 ISBN: 978-1-920773-59-

    Multi-dimensional omics approaches to dissect natural immune control mechanisms associated with RNA virus infections

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    In recent decades, global health has been challenged by emerging and re-emerging viruses such as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2), human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV-1), and Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV). Studies have shown dysregulations in the host metabolic processes against SARS-CoV2 and HIV-1 infections, and the research on CCHFV infection is still in the infant stage. Hence, understanding the host metabolic re-programming on the reaction level in infectious disease has therapeutic importance. The thesis uses systems biology methods to investigate the host metabolic alterations in response to SARS-CoV2, HIV-1, and CCHFV infections. The three distinct viruses induce distinct effects on human metabolism that, nevertheless, show some commonalities. We have identified alterations in various immune cell types in patients during the infections of the three viruses. Further, differential expression analysis identified that COVID-19 causes disruptions in pathways related to antiviral response and metabolism (fructose mannose metabolism, oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), and pentose phosphate pathway). Up-regulation of OXPHOS and ROS pathways with most changes in OXPHOS complexes I, III, and IV were identified in people living with HIV on treatment (PLWHART). The acute phase of CCHFV infection is found to be linked with OXPHOS, glycolysis, N-glycan biosynthesis, and NOD-like receptor signaling pathways. The dynamic nature of the metabolic process and adaptive immune response in CCHFV-pathogenesis are also observed. Further, we have identified different metabolic flux in reactions transporting TCA cycle intermediates from the cytosol to mitochondria in COVID-19 patients. Genes such as monocarboxylate transporter (SLC16A6) and nucleoside transporter (SLC29A1) and metabolites such as α-ketoglutarate, succinate, and malate were found to be linked with COVID-19 disease response. Metabolic reactions associated with amino acid, carbohydrate, and energy metabolism pathways and various transporter reactions were observed to be uniquely disrupted in PLWHART along with increased production of αketoglutarate (αKG) and ATP molecules. Changes in essential (leucine and threonine) and non-essential (arginine, alanine, and glutamine) amino acid transport were found to be caused by acute CCHFV infection. The altered flux of reactions involving TCA cycle compounds such as pyruvate, isocitrate, and alpha-ketoglutarate was also observed in CCHFV infection. The research described in the thesis displayed dysregulations in similar metabolic processes against the three viral Infections. But further downstream analysis unveiled unique alterations in several metabolic reactions specific to each virus in the same metabolic pathways showing the importance of increasing the resolution of knowledge about host metabolism in infectious diseases

    Culture, Identity, and Security: An Overview

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    Assesses how issues of culture and identity affect international security, and argues that current trends may require radical new thinking about individuals, societies, and nature

    Strain-resolved analysis of the human intestinal microbiota

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    The gut microbiota is ascribed a crucial role in human health, particularly in regulating immune and inflammatory responses, which is why it is being associated with a wide range of diseases, including obesity, diabetes, and cancer. Nonetheless, fundamental ecological questions of microbiome establishment, stability and resilience, as well as its transmission across hosts and generations remain incompletely understood, partly due to the lack of methods for high-resolution microbiome profiling. New insights in this field can therefore directly contribute to the development of bacterial and microbiota-based therapies. This work introduces SameStr, a novel bioinformatic program for strain-resolved metagenomics that allows for the specific tracking of microbes across samples, enabling the detection and quantification of microbial transmission and persistence, as well as the observation of direct strain competition. Deployed across cohorts to process over 4200 metagenomes, SameStr enabled analysis of the microbiome with unprecedented phylogenetic resolution. The data included both publicly available metagenomes and sequence data generated in collaboration with our research partners, and was examined using multivariate statistics and machine learning frameworks. First, the establishment and development of the neonatal microbiota was studied, revealing a birth mode-dependent vertical transmission of the maternal microbiota. The microbiota of neonates born by cesarean section was characterized by increased relative abundance of oxygen-tolerant and atypical organisms and showed signs of a delayed establishment of a strictly anaerobic gut environment in these children. Such birth mode-dependent differences diminished over time, yet were measurable within the first two years of life. Furthermore, strain analysis verified the transmission and colonization of parental microbes, which indicated a possible lifelong colonization by microbes from selected species. The temporal persistence of microbes was also characterized in healthy adults, revealing similar taxonomy-dependent patterns of stability. For some species, persistence has been demonstrated both in children and in adults over a period of at least two years. These species are known for their capability to metabolize host-derived glycans found both in breastmilk and intestinal mucus, pointing to a potential strategy for effective cross-generational microbiota transmission, and warranting additional research to assess the implications of their disturbed transfer for long-term health. Since their specificity allows assignment to individual hosts, fingerprints of individual microbial strains offer the potential to be used in forensics and data quality control applications. Finally, to gain new insights into the microbiota dynamics during Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT), microbial strain transmission was analyzed in the context of a diverse set of patient, microbiome, and clinical conditions. In the analyzed studies, FMT was used for the experimental treatment of a variety of diseases, including colonization with drug-resistant and pathogenic microbes, metabolic and inflammatory bowel diseases, and as an adjunct to the immunotherapeutic treatment of cancer. Analyses uncovered what appear to be the universal drivers of post-FMT microbiota assembly, including clinical and ecological factors that are important for successful transplantation of donor strains. In particular, the relevance of the microbiota dysbiosis of the recipient was emphasized, which was inducible by pre-treating the patient with antibiotics or laxatives. Presumably, this can open up ecological niches in the patients intestines, which favors colonization with donor strains. Colonization rates did not play a role for the treatment success of recurrent C. difficile infections and inflammatory bowel disease, but indicated a trend associated with an improved immune response in cancer patients. Concerningly, the transfer of an atypical and potentially pro-inflammatory microbial community from one donor was also observed, calling for further investigations into the immediate and long-term clinical consequences of FMT. These analyses demonstrate the advantages of a strain-based microbiome analysis. Due to the achieved methodological accuracy, strain-resolved microbial dynamics could be precisely disentangled when comparing longitudinal samples from healthy adults as well as parent-child and patient-donor pairs. This revealed taxonomic, clinical, and ecological factors that are critical to microbiome assembly, including microbial transmission, persistence, and competition. Together, these findings lay the groundwork for future developments of precision personalized microbiota modulation therapies.Der Darmmikrobiota wird eine entscheidende Rolle fĂŒr die menschliche Gesundheit zugeschrieben, was insbesondere die Regulation von Immun- und EntzĂŒndungsreaktionen betrifft, weshalb sie mit einer Vielzahl von Krankheiten wie etwa Fettleibigkeit, Diabetes oder Krebs in Verbindung gebracht wird. Nichtsdestotrotz sind grundlegende ökologische Fragen der Etablierung, StabilitĂ€t und Resilienz von Mikrobiomen sowie ihrer Übertragung ĂŒber Wirte und Generationen hinweg noch immer unvollstĂ€ndig untersucht, was teilweise auf das Fehlen von Methoden zur hochauflösenden Mikrobiom-Profilierung zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren ist. Neue Erkenntnisse auf diesem Gebiet können daher unmittelbar zur Entwicklung von Bakterien- und Mikrobiota-basierten Therapien beitragen. Diese Arbeit stellt SameStr vor, ein neues bioinformatisches Programm fĂŒr stammaufgelöste Metagenomik, das die spezifische probenĂŒbergreifende Untersuchung von Mikroorganismen ermöglicht. Hiermit können der Nachweis und die Quantifizierung der Übertragung und Persistenz, sowie die Beobachtung der direkten Konkurrenz mikrobieller StĂ€mme erfolgen. SameStr wurde kohortenĂŒbergreifend fĂŒr die Analyse von ĂŒber 4200 Metagenomen eingesetzt und ermöglichte die Profilierung des Mikrobioms mit einer beispiellosen phylogenetischen Auflösung. Die Metagenome, welche sowohl öffentlich verfĂŒgbare als auch in Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Forschungspartnern generierte Daten beinhalteten, konnten mittels multivariater Statistik und maschinellen Lernens beleuchtet werden. ZunĂ€chst wurde die Etablierung und Entwicklung der neonatalen Mikrobiota analysiert, was eine vom Geburtsmodus abhĂ€ngige vertikale Übertragung der mĂŒtterlichen Mikrobiota aufzeigte. Die Mikrobiota von Neugeborenen die durch einen Kaiserschnitt zur Welt gekommen waren, war vermehrt von Sauerstoff-toleranten und Darm-untypischen Organismen besiedelt und deutete darauf hin, dass sich ein strikt anaerobes Darmmilieu bei diesen Kindern mit einer gewissen Verzögerung einstellte. Derartige geburtsabhĂ€ngige VerĂ€nderungen schwĂ€chten sich mit der Zeit ab, waren jedoch bis zum zweiten Lebensjahr messbar. Weiterhin konnte die Übertragung und Kolonisierung elterlicher Organismen mittels Stamm-Analyse nachgewiesen werden, was außerdem auf eine mögliche lebenslange Besiedlung durch Mikroben ausgewĂ€hlter Spezies hindeutete. Die zeitliche Persistenz von Mikroorganismen wurde darĂŒber hinaus auch bei gesunden Erwachsenen charakterisiert, was ebenfalls Taxonomie-abhĂ€ngige StabilitĂ€tsmuster zum Vorschein brachte. Bei einigen Spezies, die bekannt dafĂŒr sind vom menschlichen Wirt stammende Glykane zu metabolisieren, wurde die Persistenz sowohl bei Kindern als auch bei Erwachsenen ĂŒber einen Zeitraum von mindestens zwei Jahren nachgewiesen. Diese Glykane kommen sowohl in der Muttermilch als auch im Darmschleim vor, was auf eine potenzielle Strategie fĂŒr eine effektive generationsĂŒbergreifende Übertragung der Mikrobiota hinweist. Um die langfristigen Auswirkungen einer gestörten Mikrobiota-Übertragung auf die Gesundheit bewerten zu können, wird jedoch weitere Forschung benötigt. Da ihre SpezifitĂ€t die Zuordnung zu individuellen Wirten ermöglicht, bieten mikrobielle StĂ€mme zudem das Potenzial in der Forensik und bei DatenqualitĂ€tstests Anwendung zu finden. Um schließlich neue Erkenntnisse zur Mikrobiota-Dynamik wĂ€hrend der fĂ€kalen Mikrobiota-Transplantation (FMT) zu gewinnen, wurde die StammĂŒbertragung im Kontext einer Vielzahl von Patienten-, Mikrobiom- und klinischen Parametern analysiert. FMT wurde in den vorliegenden Studien zur experimentellen Behandlung verschiedenster Erkrankungen eingesetzt, darunter Kolonisierung mit resistenten und pathogenen Keimen, metabolische Erkrankungen, entzĂŒndliche Erkrankungen des Darms, sowie begleitend zur immuntherapeutischen Behandlung von Krebs. Die Analysen zeigten scheinbar universelle klinische und ökologische Faktoren auf, welche fĂŒr eine erfolgreiche Integration von SpenderstĂ€mmen von Bedeutung sind. Insbesondere wurde die Relevanz der Mikrobiota-Dysbiose des EmpfĂ€ngers hervorgehoben, welche zudem durch Vorbehandlung der Patienten mittels Gabe von Antibiotika oder Laxativa induziert werden kann. Vermutlich können hierdurch ökologische Nischen im Darm der Patienten eröffnet werden, was eine Kolonisierung mit SpenderstĂ€mmen begĂŒnstigt. Kolonisierungsraten spielten fĂŒr den Behandlungserfolg wiederkehrender Clostridien-Infektionen und entzĂŒndlicher Darmerkrankungen keine Rolle, deuteten jedoch auf einen Trend hin, der mit einer verbesserten Immunantwort bei Krebspatienten einhergeht. Beunruhigenderweise wurde auch die Übertragung einer atypischen und potenziell entzĂŒndungsfördernden Mikrobiota eines Donoren beobachtet, was weitere Untersuchungen zu unmittelbaren und langfristigen klinischen Folgen der FMT erforderlich macht. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen die Vorteile einer Stamm-basierten Mikrobiom-Analyse auf. Durch die erreichte methodische Genauigkeit konnten bei Vergleichen von Zeitverlaufsproben gesunder Erwachsener sowie Eltern-Kind- und Patienten-Spender-Paaren, die Dynamiken mikrobieller StĂ€mme prĂ€zise entschlĂŒsselt werden. Dabei kamen taxonomische, klinische und ökologische Faktoren zum Vorschein, welche fĂŒr die Zusammensetzung der Mikrobiota, einschließlich der mikrobiellen Übertragung, Persistenz und Kompetition, maßgebend sind. Diese neuen Erkenntnisse bilden die Grundlage fĂŒr kĂŒnftige Entwicklungen von Therapien zur prĂ€zisen, personalisierten Modulation der Mikrobiota

    Living with Uncertainty

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    The last few years have seen a major rethinking of some of the hallowed assumptions of range ecology and range management practice. This book examines the management of policy implications of this new ecological thinking for pastoral development in dryland areas. With examples drawn from all over Africa, the contributors examine the consequences of living with uncertainty for pastoral development planning, range and fodder management, drought responses, livestock marketing, resource tenure, institutional development and pastoral administration

    From despair to hope studies in HIV and tuberculosis 1992-2011

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    Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references

    Living with Uncertainty

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    The last few years have seen a major rethinking of some of the hallowed assumptions of range ecology and range management practice. This book examines the management of policy implications of this new ecological thinking for pastoral development in dryland areas. With examples drawn from all over Africa, the contributors examine the consequences of living with uncertainty for pastoral development planning, range and fodder management, drought responses, livestock marketing, resource tenure, institutional development and pastoral administration

    The Cinderella moment:Exploring consumers’ motivations to engage with renting as collaborative luxury consumption mode

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    Past literature argued that the purchase of luxury goods is driven by people’s motivation to conform or fit into our economic and social system. In this study, the authors focus on a new aspect of consumption, i.e. renting instead of purchasing luxury goods, backed by the emerging opportunities of sharing economy platforms. Drawing upon the analysis of spontaneous consumers’ online communications (in the form of tweets), this research aims to investigate the motivations to engage with luxury garment renting within a collaborative consumption context. To this end, a series of automatic content analyses, via two studies, were conducted using the tweets posted with respect to the Run the Runway collaborative consumption platform. Results demonstrate consumers’ increased willingness to show their social status through renting rather than owning luxurious apparel based on five main motivators (need to wear new clothes for a special event, inspirations created by the products/brands, possibility to explore a new way of consuming luxury goods, need to make more sustainable choices, and to increase the life cycle of each luxury product). The implications of these findings are discussed, while they pave the way for future research in collaborative consumption of luxury retailing
