7 research outputs found

    End-User Preferences for Spreader Layout

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    Acquiring information about user preferences for forum chat layout can be the key for continuously access of the portal. Forum chat is a chatting technique that commonly uses in social networking website. Using forum chat all users can post their stories in front of body layout of website then other users can comment it. Computer Science Department of UiTM Kedah needs to develop a portal that can give interactive session between Computer Science’s Lecturers and their students. From the set of possible behaviour, two different layouts will propose for developing prototype of Computer Science Department Portal which includes online forum chat spot name as Spreader. This research proposed an importance measure that considers which layout most prefer by end-users base on Nielsen's criteria; learnability and user satisfaction. With this information, a new analysis to place Spreader in portal layout successfully performed. This analysis can acts as guideline for applying in any other portal in order to make portal become more interactive than before. The respective results give very important insight regarding end-user preferences and prompt the interactivity of the portal layout

    Tenders for institutional communication campaigns in the Spanish autonomous communities: transparency or digital disinformation

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    With an investment of over 700 million euros, the public sector is the main advertiser in the Spanish market. Altogether, the central, regional, and local governments launch more than 5000 institutional advertising and communication contracts. In Spain, these tenders are governed by Law 9/2017 on Public Sector Contracts and Law 19/2013 on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance, in compliance with which governments have developed openly accessible websites that provide practical information on the contracts for interested individuals and companies. This paper compares all regional procurement platforms through the study of a hundred institutional communication public contracts launched in 2021, assessing the usefulness of the published content, detecting good practices, and identifying gaps and areas of improvement. The results obtained support the idea that these platforms do not provide exhaustive information on public contracts, which limits their potential as tools aimed at ensuring competition and transparency in public contracts. Based on this last criterion, a ranking is created among the regions analysed.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID 2021-124293OBI0

    A compositional framework for determining pattern applicability.

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    The notion of ‘pattern’ originates in the work of Christopher Alexander and, in recent years, patterns have become a popular part of software development. A pattern is defined as a ‘three-part rule’: a relationship between a given context, a recurring system of forces peculiar to that context, and a specific spatial configuration that permits resolution of these forces. In essence, the ‘context’ of a pattern is the whole system under construction and its state in the construction process at the point at which the pattern is being applied. The nature of the context, therefore, changes at every step of the process and this has significant implications for how patterns should be used. Specifically, applying each pattern changes the context by changing the state of the system under construction and creates both a new design problem and a new context for the next pattern to be applied. The next picked pattern must have a certain criteria in order for it to be applied successfully and this is will be determined by the characteristics of the new context just created. The issue of composing pattern sequences is therefore more temporal than it is static and structural (as provided currently via pattern maps). The decision as to which one to use is temporally constrained in the sense that the choice is made only at a particular point in the construction process of some specific system, and may well be determined, or at least further constrained, by the current state of that system. The fundamental research question that is addressed here is: how is this dynamically changing context to be presented to guide pattern applications? In this thesis, a framework is presented to provide a systematic analysis of composition of pattern applications in terms of the properties of their context. Such an approach will reveal the ordering of patterns in space and time dimensions. Examples of composition of pattern applications include: - One pattern contains or generalises another smaller-scale pattern (this will be called in thesis refinement); - Two patterns are complementary, i.e., one pattern needs the other to be applied before (Sequential Order); - Two patterns solve different problems that overlap and coexist on the same level (Parallel Order); - Two patterns solve the same problem in alternative, but equally valid ways (Choice in Order). At the design phase, the framework provides mechanisms for analysing the choice of composition to ensure the correctness of a design or to compare between two different designs or to modify an existing design. This framework describes a pattern's context via a pair of constraints, known as Assumption and Commitment. In general, the Assumption is a constraint placed on the context and the Commitment is what the solution provided by the pattern commits to after the pattern's application. In addition, the thesis provides a set of composition rules that can be applied to aid in the analysis of the application of pattern sequences. The approach is domain independent as it does not depend on the nature of the catalogue from which the patterns originate. The work has been evaluated using various existing patterns from Ian Graham’s web usability (WU) pattern bank and the User Interface (UI) patterns of Welie

    Una herramienta para el diseño de hipermedia : Reusabilidad de diseños en aplicaciones web

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    Objetivo del Trabajo Estudiar la problemática del desarrollo de aplicaciones hipermediales desde el punto de vista del diseño, rcusabilidad y documentación. Motivación Este trabajo surge como resultado de un proyecto para el estudio del diseño de aplicaciones hipermediales, la posibilidad de reusabilidad de modelos, software y experiencia a través de la utilización de patrones de diseño. Contribuciones Las contribuciones más importantes de este trabajo son las siguientes: Una herramienta para diseñar con la notación OOHDM. Un framcwork para aplicaciones web que implementa los conceptos de OOHDM. Un catálogo de patterns de diseño de software. Introduce la integración del modelado de los procesos. Introduce una implementación para el soporte de procesos en aplicaciones web. Extiende el Framework JHotDraw para soportar versiones del JDK 1.2 en adelante. Agrega soporte para Java2D. Un framework para crear wizzards bajo Java Swing que generalmente son muy laboriosos y complejos de implementar. 20 publicaciones internacionales en Congresos y revistas con referato.Facultad de Informátic

    Una herramienta para el diseño de hipermedia : Reusabilidad de diseños en aplicaciones web

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    Objetivo del Trabajo Estudiar la problemática del desarrollo de aplicaciones hipermediales desde el punto de vista del diseño, rcusabilidad y documentación. Motivación Este trabajo surge como resultado de un proyecto para el estudio del diseño de aplicaciones hipermediales, la posibilidad de reusabilidad de modelos, software y experiencia a través de la utilización de patrones de diseño. Contribuciones Las contribuciones más importantes de este trabajo son las siguientes: Una herramienta para diseñar con la notación OOHDM. Un framcwork para aplicaciones web que implementa los conceptos de OOHDM. Un catálogo de patterns de diseño de software. Introduce la integración del modelado de los procesos. Introduce una implementación para el soporte de procesos en aplicaciones web. Extiende el Framework JHotDraw para soportar versiones del JDK 1.2 en adelante. Agrega soporte para Java2D. Un framework para crear wizzards bajo Java Swing que generalmente son muy laboriosos y complejos de implementar. 20 publicaciones internacionales en Congresos y revistas con referato.Facultad de Informátic

    Web Usability Patterns

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    During the last four years we have been developing hypermedia applications (in CDROM and in the Web) using the Object-Oriented Hypermedia Design Method (OOHDM). OOHDM explicitly separates navigation from user interface design; this means that design decisions related with the navigational topology of the application are (in a broader sense) independent respect to those regarding interface issues (See for example [Schwabe96, Schwabe98]). Separating navigational from user interface design allows us to define different interfaces for the same navigation structure and maximize modularity