851 research outputs found

    A comparative study of the AHP and TOPSIS methods for implementing load shedding scheme in a pulp mill system

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    The advancement of technology had encouraged mankind to design and create useful equipment and devices. These equipment enable users to fully utilize them in various applications. Pulp mill is one of the heavy industries that consumes large amount of electricity in its production. Due to this, any malfunction of the equipment might cause mass losses to the company. In particular, the breakdown of the generator would cause other generators to be overloaded. In the meantime, the subsequence loads will be shed until the generators are sufficient to provide the power to other loads. Once the fault had been fixed, the load shedding scheme can be deactivated. Thus, load shedding scheme is the best way in handling such condition. Selected load will be shed under this scheme in order to protect the generators from being damaged. Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) can be applied in determination of the load shedding scheme in the electric power system. In this thesis two methods which are Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) were introduced and applied. From this thesis, a series of analyses are conducted and the results are determined. Among these two methods which are AHP and TOPSIS, the results shown that TOPSIS is the best Multi criteria Decision Making (MCDM) for load shedding scheme in the pulp mill system. TOPSIS is the most effective solution because of the highest percentage effectiveness of load shedding between these two methods. The results of the AHP and TOPSIS analysis to the pulp mill system are very promising

    Swarm intelligence for clustering dynamic data sets for web usage mining and personalization.

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    Swarm Intelligence (SI) techniques were inspired by bee swarms, ant colonies, and most recently, bird flocks. Flock-based Swarm Intelligence (FSI) has several unique features, namely decentralized control, collaborative learning, high exploration ability, and inspiration from dynamic social behavior. Thus FSI offers a natural choice for modeling dynamic social data and solving problems in such domains. One particular case of dynamic social data is online/web usage data which is rich in information about user activities, interests and choices. This natural analogy between SI and social behavior is the main motivation for the topic of investigation in this dissertation, with a focus on Flock based systems which have not been well investigated for this purpose. More specifically, we investigate the use of flock-based SI to solve two related and challenging problems by developing algorithms that form critical building blocks of intelligent personalized websites, namely, (i) providing a better understanding of the online users and their activities or interests, for example using clustering techniques that can discover the groups that are hidden within the data; and (ii) reducing information overload by providing guidance to the users on websites and services, typically by using web personalization techniques, such as recommender systems. Recommender systems aim to recommend items that will be potentially liked by a user. To support a better understanding of the online user activities, we developed clustering algorithms that address two challenges of mining online usage data: the need for scalability to large data and the need to adapt cluster sing to dynamic data sets. To address the scalability challenge, we developed new clustering algorithms using a hybridization of traditional Flock-based clustering with faster K-Means based partitional clustering algorithms. We tested our algorithms on synthetic data, real VCI Machine Learning repository benchmark data, and a data set consisting of real Web user sessions. Having linear complexity with respect to the number of data records, the resulting algorithms are considerably faster than traditional Flock-based clustering (which has quadratic complexity). Moreover, our experiments demonstrate that scalability was gained without sacrificing quality. To address the challenge of adapting to dynamic data, we developed a dynamic clustering algorithm that can handle the following dynamic properties of online usage data: (1) New data records can be added at any time (example: a new user is added on the site); (2) Existing data records can be removed at any time. For example, an existing user of the site, who no longer subscribes to a service, or who is terminated because of violating policies; (3) New parts of existing records can arrive at any time or old parts of the existing data record can change. The user\u27s record can change as a result of additional activity such as purchasing new products, returning a product, rating new products, or modifying the existing rating of a product. We tested our dynamic clustering algorithm on synthetic dynamic data, and on a data set consisting of real online user ratings for movies. Our algorithm was shown to handle the dynamic nature of data without sacrificing quality compared to a traditional Flock-based clustering algorithm that is re-run from scratch with each change in the data. To support reducing online information overload, we developed a Flock-based recommender system to predict the interests of users, in particular focusing on collaborative filtering or social recommender systems. Our Flock-based recommender algorithm (FlockRecom) iteratively adjusts the position and speed of dynamic flocks of agents, such that each agent represents a user, on a visualization panel. Then it generates the top-n recommendations for a user based on the ratings of the users that are represented by its neighboring agents. Our recommendation system was tested on a real data set consisting of online user ratings for a set of jokes, and compared to traditional user-based Collaborative Filtering (CF). Our results demonstrated that our recommender system starts performing at the same level of quality as traditional CF, and then, with more iterations for exploration, surpasses CF\u27s recommendation quality, in terms of precision and recall. Another unique advantage of our recommendation system compared to traditional CF is its ability to generate more variety or diversity in the set of recommended items. Our contributions advance the state of the art in Flock-based 81 for clustering and making predictions in dynamic Web usage data, and therefore have an impact on improving the quality of online services

    Cluster Optimization for Improved Web Usage Mining

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    Now days, World Wide Web (WWW) has become rich and most powerful source of information. Conversely, it has become tricky and critical task to retrieve actual information due to its continuous expansion in dimensions. Web Usage Mining is a step-wise technique of extracting useful access patterns of the user from web. Web personalization makes use of web usage mining techniques, for knowledge acquisition process done by analyzing the user navigational patterns. The web page personalization involves clustering of different web pages having similar navigation patterns for an individual. Since cluster size expands due to the frequent access, optimization or shrinking the size of clusters becomes a chief consideration. This paper proposes a tactic of cluster optimization based on concept of swarm intelligence techniques. Later on based on the recognition of user access patterns, clustering is implemented using neural fuzzy approach i.e. NEF Class algorithm and cluster optimization is implemented using Ant Nest Mate Approach

    An ant-colony based approach for real-time implicit collaborative information seeking

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    This document is an Accepted Manuscript of the following article: Alessio Malizia, Kai A. Olsen, Tommaso Turchi, and Pierluigi Crescenzi, ‘An ant-colony based approach for real-time implicit collaborative information seeking’, Information Processing & Management, Vol. 53 (3): 608-623, May 2017. Under embargo until 31 July 2018. The final, definitive version of this paper is available online at doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2016.12.005, published by Elsevier Ltd.We propose an approach based on Swarm Intelligence — more specifically on Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) — to improve search engines’ performance and reduce information overload by exploiting collective users’ behavior. We designed and developed three different algorithms that employ an ACO-inspired strategy to provide implicit collaborative-seeking features in real time to search engines. The three different algorithms — NaïveRank, RandomRank, and SessionRank — leverage on different principles of ACO in order to exploit users’ interactions and provide them with more relevant results. We designed an evaluation experiment employing two widely used standard datasets of query-click logs issued to two major Web search engines. The results demonstrated how each algorithm is suitable to be employed in ranking results of different types of queries depending on users’ intent.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    The multiple pheromone Ant clustering algorithm

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    Ant Colony Optimisation algorithms mimic the way ants use pheromones for marking paths to important locations. Pheromone traces are followed and reinforced by other ants, but also evaporate over time. As a consequence, optimal paths attract more pheromone, whilst the less useful paths fade away. In the Multiple Pheromone Ant Clustering Algorithm (MPACA), ants detect features of objects represented as nodes within graph space. Each node has one or more ants assigned to each feature. Ants attempt to locate nodes with matching feature values, depositing pheromone traces on the way. This use of multiple pheromone values is a key innovation. Ants record other ant encounters, keeping a record of the features and colony membership of ants. The recorded values determine when ants should combine their features to look for conjunctions and whether they should merge into colonies. This ability to detect and deposit pheromone representative of feature combinations, and the resulting colony formation, renders the algorithm a powerful clustering tool. The MPACA operates as follows: (i) initially each node has ants assigned to each feature; (ii) ants roam the graph space searching for nodes with matching features; (iii) when departing matching nodes, ants deposit pheromones to inform other ants that the path goes to a node with the associated feature values; (iv) ant feature encounters are counted each time an ant arrives at a node; (v) if the feature encounters exceed a threshold value, feature combination occurs; (vi) a similar mechanism is used for colony merging. The model varies from traditional ACO in that: (i) a modified pheromone-driven movement mechanism is used; (ii) ants learn feature combinations and deposit multiple pheromone scents accordingly; (iii) ants merge into colonies, the basis of cluster formation. The MPACA is evaluated over synthetic and real-world datasets and its performance compares favourably with alternative approaches

    Linking community ecology and biogeography: the role of biotic interactions and abiotic gradients in shaping the structure of ant communities.

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    Understanding what drives variation in species diversity in space and time and limits coexistence in local communities is a main focus of community ecology and biogeography. My doctoral work aims to document patterns of ant diversity and explore the possible ecological mechanisms leading to these patterns. Elucidating the processes by which communities assemble and species coexist might help explain spatial variation in species diversity. Using a combination of manipulative experiments, broad-scale surveys, behavioral assays and phylogenetic analyses, I examine which ecological processes account for the number of species coexisting in ant communities. Ants are found in most terrestrial habitats, where they are abundant, diverse and easy to sample (Agosti et al. 2000). Hölldobler and Wilson (1990) noted that competition was the hallmark of ant ecology, and we know that ant diversity varies along environmental gradients (Kusnezov 1957). Thus ants are an ideal taxon to examine the factors shaping the structure of ecological communities and how the determinants of community structure vary in space

    Ecological Complex Systems

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    Main aim of this topical issue is to report recent advances in noisy nonequilibrium processes useful to describe the dynamics of ecological systems and to address the mechanisms of spatio-temporal pattern formation in ecology both from the experimental and theoretical points of view. This is in order to understand the dynamical behaviour of ecological complex systems through the interplay between nonlinearity, noise, random and periodic environmental interactions. Discovering the microscopic rules and the local interactions which lead to the emergence of specific global patterns or global dynamical behaviour and the noises role in the nonlinear dynamics is an important, key aspect to understand and then to model ecological complex systems.Comment: 13 pages, Editorial of a topical issue on Ecological Complex System to appear in EPJ B, Vol. 65 (2008

    Neurogenomic Signatures of Successes and Failures in Life-History Transitions in a Key Insect Pollinator

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    Life-history transitions require major reprogramming at the behavioral and physiological level. Mating and reproductive maturation are known to trigger changes in gene transcription in reproductive tissues in a wide range of organisms, but we understand little about the molecular consequences of a failure to mate or become reproductively mature, and it is not clear to what extent these processes trigger neural as well as physiological changes. In this study, we examined the molecular processes underpinning the behavioral changes that accompany the major life-history transitions in a key pollinator, the bumblebee Bombus terrestris. We compared neuro-transcription in queens that succeeded or failed in switching from virgin and immature states, to mated and reproductively mature states. Both successes and failures were associated with distinct molecular profiles, illustrating how development during adulthood triggers distinct molecular profiles within a single caste of a eusocial insect. Failures in both mating and reproductive maturation were explained by a general up-regulation of brain gene transcription. We identified 21 genes that were highly connected in a gene coexpression network analysis: nine genes are involved in neural processes and four are regulators of gene expression. This suggests that negotiating life-history transitions involves significant neural processing and reprogramming, and not just changes in physiology. These findings provide novel insights into basic life-history transitions of an insect. Failure to mate or to become reproductively mature is an overlooked component of variation in natural systems, despite its prevalence in many sexually reproducing organisms, and deserves deeper investigation in the future

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