8 research outputs found

    Fast Fight Detection

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    Action recognition has become a hot topic within computer vision. However, the action recognition community has focused mainly on relatively simple actions like clapping, walking, jogging, etc. The detection of specific events with direct practical use such as fights or in general aggressive behavior has been comparatively less studied. Such capability may be extremely useful in some video surveillance scenarios like prisons, psychiatric centers or even embedded in camera phones. As a consequence, there is growing interest in developing violence detection algorithms. Recent work considered the well-known Bag-of-Words framework for the specific problem of fight detection. Under this framework, spatio-temporal features are extracted from the video sequences and used for classification. Despite encouraging results in which high accuracy rates were achieved, the computational cost of extracting such features is prohibitive for practical applications. This work proposes a novel method to detect violence sequences. Features extracted from motion blobs are used to discriminate fight and non-fight sequences. Although the method is outperformed in accuracy by state of the art, it has a significantly faster computation time thus making it amenable for real-time applications

    Multi-perspective cost-sensitive context-aware multi-instance sparse coding and its application to sensitive video recognition

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    With the development of video-sharing websites, P2P, micro-blog, mobile WAP websites, and so on, sensitive videos can be more easily accessed. Effective sensitive video recognition is necessary for web content security. Among web sensitive videos, this paper focuses on violent and horror videos. Based on color emotion and color harmony theories, we extract visual emotional features from videos. A video is viewed as a bag and each shot in the video is represented by a key frame which is treated as an instance in the bag. Then, we combine multi-instance learning (MIL) with sparse coding to recognize violent and horror videos. The resulting MIL-based model can be updated online to adapt to changing web environments. We propose a cost-sensitive context-aware multi- instance sparse coding (MI-SC) method, in which the contextual structure of the key frames is modeled using a graph, and fusion between audio and visual features is carried out by extending the classic sparse coding into cost-sensitive sparse coding. We then propose a multi-perspective multi- instance joint sparse coding (MI-J-SC) method that handles each bag of instances from an independent perspective, a contextual perspective, and a holistic perspective. The experiments demonstrate that the features with an emotional meaning are effective for violent and horror video recognition, and our cost-sensitive context-aware MI-SC and multi-perspective MI-J-SC methods outperform the traditional MIL methods and the traditional SVM and KNN-based methods

    MoWLD: A Robust Motion Image Descriptor for Violence Detection

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    Abstract Automatic violence detection from video is a hot topic for many video surveillance applications. However, there has been little success in designing an algorithm that can detect violence in surveillance videos with high performance. Existing methods typically apply the Bagof-Words (BoW) model on local spatiotemporal descriptors. However, traditional spatiotemporal features are not discriminative enough, and also the BoW model roughly assigns each feature vector to only one visual word and therefore ignores the spatial relationships among the features. To tackle these problems, in this paper we propose a novel Motion Weber Local Descriptor (MoWLD) in the spirit of the well-known WLD and make it a powerful and robust descriptor for motion images. We extend the WLD spatial descriptions by adding a temporal component to the appearance descriptor, which implicitly captures local motion information as well as low-level image appear information. To eliminate redundant and irrelevant features, the nonparametric Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) is employed on the MoWLD descriptor. In order to obtain more discriminative features, we adopt the sparse coding and max pooling scheme to further process the selected MoWLDs. Experimental results on three benchmark datasets have demonstrated the superiority of the proposed approach over the state-of-the-arts

    Weakly-Supervised Violence Detection in Movies with Audio and Video Based Co-training

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    Identification and monitoring of violent interactions in video

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    This project shall help to bring a tool to fight against bullying in schools. It is also possible to use it in different scenes where a camera is recording a common area shared by people, such as companies, banks, prisons, or hospitals. To achieve that, the issue is approached from two main modules. The first one, a comparative study of approaches to detect violence in video, using image and video analyser Neural Networks (NN)s: a custom image analyser NN based on LeNet5, AlexNet, custom stacked long short-term memory (LSTM) and convolutional LSTM based NNs. The trainings are done with two datasets that have been subject to modifications to correct possible misinterpretations during the learning and pretraining is applied. The LeNet5 based NN is unsuccessful and tested with an independent dataset AlexNet is inaccurate. The best results are obtained with a stacked LSTM NN and a convolutional LSTM with dropout and a LSTM layer. Both NNs achieve over 90 % of accuracy with training and validation datasets, meanwhile the stacked LSTM and the convolutional NN achieve, respectively, 75 % and 100 % of accuracy with a small independent test dataset created. The convolutional LSTM needed 10 times less epochs to achieve the same result as the stacked LSTM. The second module consists of a violence detection system that applies the best solution obtained from the comparative study. The violence detection system saves the frames detected as violence with date, time and camera name and emits a sound alarm when more than a certain number of consecutive frames are evaluated as containing violence. This way the sensitivity of the system is reduced and avoids false alarms due to small mistakes done by the intelligence

    De l'indexation d'évènements dans des films (application à la détection de violence)

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    Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à la détection de concepts sémantiques dans des films "Hollywoodiens" à l'aide de concepts audio et vidéos, dans le cadre applicatif de la détection de violence. Nos travaux se portent sur deux axes : la détection de concepts audio violents, tels que les coups de feu et les explosions, puis la détection de violence, dans un premier temps uniquement fondée sur l'audio, et dans un deuxième temps fondée sur l'audio et la vidéo. Dans le cadre de la détection de concepts audio, nous mettons tout d'abord un problème de généralisation en lumière, et nous montrons que ce problème est probablement dû à une divergence statistique entre les attributs audio extraits des films. Nous proposons pour résoudre ce problème d'utiliser le concept des mots audio, de façon à réduire cette variabilité en groupant les échantillons par similarité, associé à des réseaux Bayésiens contextuels. Les résultats obtenus sont très encourageants, et une comparaison avec un état de l'art obtenu sur les même données montre que les résultats sont équivalents. Le système obtenu peut être soit très robuste vis-à-vis du seuil appliqué en utilisant la fusion précoce des attributs, soit proposer une grande variété de points de fonctionnement. Nous proposons enfin une adaptation de l'analyse factorielle développée dans le cadre de la reconnaissance du locuteur, et montrons que son intégration dans notre système améliore les résultats obtenus. Dans le cadre de la détection de violence, nous présentons la campagne d'évaluation MediaEval Affect Task 2012, dont l'objectif est de regrouper les équipes travaillant sur le sujet de la détection de violence. Nous proposons ensuite trois systèmes pour détecter la violence, deux fondés uniquement sur l'audio, le premier utilisant une description TF-IDF, et le second étant une intégration du système de détection de concepts audio dans le cadre de la détection violence, et un système multimodal utilisant l'apprentissage de structures de graphe dans des réseaux bayésiens. Les performances obtenues dans le cadre des différents systèmes, et une comparaison avec les systèmes développés dans le cadre de MediaEval, montrent que nous sommes au niveau de l'état de l'art, et révèlent la complexité de tels systèmes.In this thesis, we focus on the detection of semantic concepts in "Hollywood" movies using audio and video concepts for the detection of violence. We present experiments in two main areas : the detection of violent audio concepts such as gunshots and explosions, and the detection of violence, initially based only on audio, then based on both audio and video. In the context of audio concepts detection, we first show a generalisation arising between movies. We show that this problem is probably due to a statistical divergence between the audio features extracted from the movies. In order to solve it, we propose to use the concept of audio words, so as to reduce the variability by grouping samples by similarity, combined with contextual Bayesian networks. The results are very encouraging, and a comparison with the state of the art obtained on the same data shows that the results we obtain are equivalent. The resulting system can be either robust against the threshold applied by using early fusion of features, or provides a wide variety of operating points. We finally propose an adaptation of the factor analysis scheme developed in the context of speaker recognition, and show that its integration into our system improves the results. In the context of the detection of violence, we present the Mediaeval Affect Task 2012 evaluation campaign, which aims at bringing together teams working on the topic of violence detection. We then propose three systems for detecting the violence. The first two are based only on audio, the first using a TF-IDF description, and the second being the integration of the previous system for the detection violence. The last system we present is a multimodal system based on Bayesian networks that allows us to explore structure learning algorithms for graphs. The performance obtained in the different systems, and a comparison to the systems developed within Mediaeval, show that we are comparable to the state of the art, and show the complexity of such systems.RENNES1-Bibl. électronique (352382106) / SudocSudocFranceF