11 research outputs found

    Deep learning approaches to person re-identification

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.Recent years witnessed a dramatic increase of the surveillance cameras in the city. There is thus an urgent demand for person re-identification (re-ID) algorithms. Person re-identification aims to find the target person in other non-overlapping camera views, which is critical in practical applications. In this thesis, I present my research on person re-ID in three settings: supervised re-ID, one-example re-ID and unsupervised re-ID. For supervised setting, a re-ranking algorithm is introduced that can improve the existing re-ID results with Bayesian query expansion. We also investigate pedestrian attributes for re-ID that learns a re-ID embedding and at the same time predicts pedestrian attributes. Since supervised methods require a large amount of annotated training data, which is expensive and not applicable for real-world applications, two re-ID methods on the one-example setting are studied. We also propose an unsupervised re-ID method that jointly optimizes a CNN model and the relationship among the individual samples. The experimental results demonstrate that our algorithm is not only superior to state-of-the-art unsupervised re-ID approaches but also performs favourably than competing transfer learning and semi-supervised learning methods. Finally, I make conclusions on my work and put forward some future directions on the re-ID task

    Learning Person Re-identification Models from Videos with Weak Supervision

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    Most person re-identification methods, being supervised techniques, suffer from the burden of massive annotation requirement. Unsupervised methods overcome this need for labeled data, but perform poorly compared to the supervised alternatives. In order to cope with this issue, we introduce the problem of learning person re-identification models from videos with weak supervision. The weak nature of the supervision arises from the requirement of video-level labels, i.e. person identities who appear in the video, in contrast to the more precise framelevel annotations. Towards this goal, we propose a multiple instance attention learning framework for person re-identification using such video-level labels. Specifically, we first cast the video person re-identification task into a multiple instance learning setting, in which person images in a video are collected into a bag. The relations between videos with similar labels can be utilized to identify persons, on top of that, we introduce a co-person attention mechanism which mines the similarity correlations between videos with person identities in common. The attention weights are obtained based on all person images instead of person tracklets in a video, making our learned model less affected by noisy annotations. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over the related methods on two weakly labeled person re-identification datasets

    Learning Discriminative Features for Person Re-Identification

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    For fulfilling the requirements of public safety in modern cities, more and more large-scale surveillance camera systems are deployed, resulting in an enormous amount of visual data. Automatically processing and interpreting these data promote the development and application of visual data analytic technologies. As one of the important research topics in surveillance systems, person re-identification (re-id) aims at retrieving the target person across non-overlapping camera-views that are implemented in a number of distributed space-time locations. It is a fundamental problem for many practical surveillance applications, eg, person search, cross-camera tracking, multi-camera human behavior analysis and prediction, and it received considerable attentions nowadays from both academic and industrial domains. Learning discriminative feature representation is an essential task in person re-id. Although many methodologies have been proposed, discriminative re-id feature extraction is still a challenging problem due to: (1) Intra- and inter-personal variations. The intrinsic properties of the camera deployment in surveillance system lead to various changes in person poses, view-points, illumination conditions etc. This may result in the large intra-personal variations and/or small inter-personal variations, thus incurring problems in matching person images. (2) Domain variations. The domain variations between different datasets give rise to the problem of generalization capability of re-id model. Directly applying a re-id model trained on one dataset to another one usually causes a large performance degradation. (3) Difficulties in data creation and annotation. Existing person re-id methods, especially deep re-id methods, rely mostly on a large set of inter-camera identity labelled training data, requiring a tedious data collection and annotation process. This leads to poor scalability in practical person re-id applications. Corresponding to the challenges in learning discriminative re-id features, this thesis contributes to the re-id domain by proposing three related methodologies and one new re-id setting: (1) Gaussian mixture importance estimation. Handcrafted features are usually not discriminative enough for person re-id because of noisy information, such as background clutters. To precisely evaluate the similarities between person images, the main task of distance metric learning is to filter out the noisy information. Keep It Simple and Straightforward MEtric (KISSME) is an effective method in person re-id. However, it is sensitive to the feature dimensionality and cannot capture the multi-modes in dataset. To this end, a Gaussian Mixture Importance Estimation re-id approach is proposed, which exploits the Gaussian Mixture Models for estimating the observed commonalities of similar and dissimilar person pairs in the feature space. (2) Unsupervised domain-adaptive person re-id based on pedestrian attributes. In person re-id, person identities are usually not overlapped among different domains (or datasets) and this raises the difficulties in generalizing re-id models. Different from person identity, pedestrian attributes, eg., hair length, clothes type and color, are consistent across different domains (or datasets). However, most of re-id datasets lack attribute annotations. On the other hand, in the field of pedestrian attribute recognition, there is a number of datasets labeled with attributes. Exploiting such data for re-id purpose can alleviate the shortage of attribute annotations in re-id domain and improve the generalization capability of re-id model. To this end, an unsupervised domain-adaptive re-id feature learning framework is proposed to make full use of attribute annotations. Specifically, an existing unsupervised domain adaptation method has been extended to transfer attribute-based features from attribute recognition domain to the re-id domain. With the proposed re-id feature learning framework, the domain invariant feature representations can be effectively extracted. (3) Intra-camera supervised person re-id. Annotating the large-scale re-id datasets requires a tedious data collection and annotation process and therefore leads to poor scalability in practical person re-id applications. To overcome this fundamental limitation, a new person re-id setting is considered without inter-camera identity association but only with identity labels independently annotated within each camera-view. This eliminates the most time-consuming and tedious inter-camera identity association annotating process and thus significantly reduces the amount of human efforts required during annotation. It hence gives rise to a more scalable and more feasible learning scenario, which is named as Intra-Camera Supervised (ICS) person re-id. Under this ICS setting, a new re-id method, i.e., Multi-task Mulit-label (MATE) learning method, is formulated. Given no inter-camera association, MATE is specially designed for self-discovering the inter-camera identity correspondence. This is achieved by inter-camera multi-label learning under a joint multi-task inference framework. In addition, MATE can also efficiently learn the discriminative re-id feature representations using the available identity labels within each camera-view

    Matching and Segmentation for Multimedia Data

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    With the development of society, both industry and academia draw increasing attention to multimedia systems, which handle image/video data, audio data, and text data comprehensively and simultaneously. In this thesis, we mainly focus on multi-modality data understanding, combining the two subjects of Computer Vision (CV) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). Such a task is widely used in many real-world scenarios, including criminal search with language descriptions by the witness, robotic navigation with language instruction in the smart industry, terrorist tracking, missing person identification, and so on. However, such a multi-modality system still faces many challenges, limiting its performance and ability in real-life situations, including the domain gap between the modalities of vision and language, the request for high-quality datasets, and so on. Therefore, to better analyze and handle these challenges, this thesis focuses on the two fundamental tasks, including matching and segmentation. Image-Text Matching (ITM) aims to retrieve the texts (images) that describe the most relevant contents for a given image (text) query. Due to the semantic gap between the linguistic and visual domains, aligning and comparing feature representations for languages and images are still challenging. To overcome this limitation, we propose a new framework for the image-text matching task, which uses an auxiliary captioning step to enhance the image feature, where the image feature is fused with the text feature of the captioning output. As the downstream application of ITM, the language-person search is one of the specific cases where language descriptions are provided to retrieve person images, which also suffers the domain gap between linguistic and visual data. To handle this problem, we propose a transformer-based language-person search matching framework with matching conducted between words and image regions for better image-text interaction. However, collecting a large amount of training data is neither cheap nor reliable using human annotations. We further study the one-shot person Re-ID (re-identification) task aiming to match people by offering one labeled reference image for each person, where previous methods request a large number of ground-truth labels. We propose progressive sample mining and representation learning to fit the limited labels for the one-shot Re-ID task better. Referring Expression Segmentation (RES) aims to localize and segment the target according to the given language expression. Existing methods jointly consider the localization and segmentation steps, which rely on the fused visual and linguistic features for both steps. We argue that the conflict between the purpose of finding the object and generating the mask limits the RES performance. To solve this problem, we propose a parallel position-kernel-segmentation pipeline to better isolate then interact with the localization and segmentation steps. In our pipeline, linguistic information will not directly contaminate the visual feature for segmentation. Specifically, the localization step localizes the target object in the image based on the referring expression, then the visual kernel obtained from the localization step guides the segmentation step. This pipeline also enables us to train RES in a weakly-supervised way, where the pixel-level segmentation labels are replaced by click annotations on center and corner points. The position head is fully-supervised trained with the click annotations as supervision, and the segmentation head is trained with weakly-supervised segmentation losses. This thesis focus on the key limitations of the multimedia system, where the experiments prove that the proposed frameworks are effective for specific tasks. The experiments are easy to reproduce with clear details, and source codes are provided for future works aiming at these tasks