442 research outputs found

    Cross-Lingual Classification of Crisis Data

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    Many citizens nowadays flock to social media during crises to share or acquire the latest information about the event. Due to the sheer volume of data typically circulated during such events, it is necessary to be able to efficiently filter out irrelevant posts, thus focusing attention on the posts that are truly relevant to the crisis. Current methods for classifying the relevance of posts to a crisis or set of crises typically struggle to deal with posts in different languages, and it is not viable during rapidly evolving crisis situations to train new models for each language. In this paper we test statistical and semantic classification approaches on cross-lingual datasets from 30 crisis events, consisting of posts written mainly in English, Spanish, and Italian. We experiment with scenarios where the model is trained on one language and tested on another, and where the data is translated to a single language. We show that the addition of semantic features extracted from external knowledge bases improve accuracy over a purely statistical model

    The Development of a Temporal Information Dictionary for Social Media Analytics

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    Dictionaries have been used to analyze text even before the emergence of social media and the use of dictionaries for sentiment analysis there. While dictionaries have been used to understand the tonality of text, so far it has not been possible to automatically detect if the tonality refers to the present, past, or future. In this research, we develop a dictionary containing time-indicating words in a wordlist (T-wordlist). To test how the dictionary performs, we apply our T-wordlist on different disaster related social media datasets. Subsequently we will validate the wordlist and results by a manual content analysis. So far, in this research-in-progress, we were able to develop a first dictionary and will also provide some initial insight into the performance of our wordlist

    Weakly-supervised Fine-grained Event Recognition on Social Media Texts for Disaster Management

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    People increasingly use social media to report emergencies, seek help or share information during disasters, which makes social networks an important tool for disaster management. To meet these time-critical needs, we present a weakly supervised approach for rapidly building high-quality classifiers that label each individual Twitter message with fine-grained event categories. Most importantly, we propose a novel method to create high-quality labeled data in a timely manner that automatically clusters tweets containing an event keyword and asks a domain expert to disambiguate event word senses and label clusters quickly. In addition, to process extremely noisy and often rather short user-generated messages, we enrich tweet representations using preceding context tweets and reply tweets in building event recognition classifiers. The evaluation on two hurricanes, Harvey and Florence, shows that using only 1-2 person-hours of human supervision, the rapidly trained weakly supervised classifiers outperform supervised classifiers trained using more than ten thousand annotated tweets created in over 50 person-hours.Comment: In Proceedings of the AAAI 2020 (AI for Social Impact Track). Link: https://aaai.org/ojs/index.php/AAAI/article/view/539

    Mining the Demographics of Political Sentiment from Twitter Using Learning from Label Proportions

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    Opinion mining and demographic attribute inference have many applications in social science. In this paper, we propose models to infer daily joint probabilities of multiple latent attributes from Twitter data, such as political sentiment and demographic attributes. Since it is costly and time-consuming to annotate data for traditional supervised classification, we instead propose scalable Learning from Label Proportions (LLP) models for demographic and opinion inference using U.S. Census, national and state political polls, and Cook partisan voting index as population level data. In LLP classification settings, the training data is divided into a set of unlabeled bags, where only the label distribution in of each bag is known, removing the requirement of instance-level annotations. Our proposed LLP model, Weighted Label Regularization (WLR), provides a scalable generalization of prior work on label regularization to support weights for samples inside bags, which is applicable in this setting where bags are arranged hierarchically (e.g., county-level bags are nested inside of state-level bags). We apply our model to Twitter data collected in the year leading up to the 2016 U.S. presidential election, producing estimates of the relationships among political sentiment and demographics over time and place. We find that our approach closely tracks traditional polling data stratified by demographic category, resulting in error reductions of 28-44% over baseline approaches. We also provide descriptive evaluations showing how the model may be used to estimate interactions among many variables and to identify linguistic temporal variation, capabilities which are typically not feasible using traditional polling methods

    Coping with low data availability for social media crisis message categorisation

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    During crisis situations, social media allows people to quickly share information, including messages requesting help. This can be valuable to emergency responders, who need to categorise and prioritise these messages based on the type of assistance being requested. However, the high volume of messages makes it difficult to filter and prioritise them without the use of computational techniques. Fully supervised filtering techniques for crisis message categorisation typically require a large amount of annotated training data, but this can be difficult to obtain during an ongoing crisis and is expensive in terms of time and labour to create. This thesis focuses on addressing the challenge of low data availability when categorising crisis messages for emergency response. It first presents domain adaptation as a solution for this problem, which involves learning a categorisation model from annotated data from past crisis events (source domain) and adapting it to categorise messages from an ongoing crisis event (target domain). In many-to-many adaptation, where the model is trained on multiple past events and adapted to multiple ongoing events, a multi-task learning approach is proposed using pre-trained language models. This approach outperforms baselines and an ensemble approach further improves performance..

    Weakly-supervised Learning Approaches for Event Knowledge Acquisition and Event Detection

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    Capabilities of detecting events and recognizing temporal, subevent, or causality relations among events can facilitate many applications in natural language understanding. However, supervised learning approaches that previous research mainly uses have two problems. First, due to the limited size of annotated data, supervised systems cannot sufficiently capture diverse contexts to distill universal event knowledge. Second, under certain application circumstances such as event recognition during emergent natural disasters, it is infeasible to spend days or weeks to annotate enough data to train a system. My research aims to use weakly-supervised learning to address these problems and to achieve automatic event knowledge acquisition and event recognition. In this dissertation, I first introduce three weakly-supervised learning approaches that have been shown effective in acquiring event relational knowledge. Firstly, I explore the observation that regular event pairs show a consistent temporal relation despite of their various contexts, and these rich contexts can be used to train a contextual temporal relation classifier to further recognize new temporal relation knowledge. Secondly, inspired by the double temporality characteristic of narrative texts, I propose a weakly supervised approach that identifies 287k narrative paragraphs using narratology principles and then extract rich temporal event knowledge from identified narratives. Lastly, I develop a subevent knowledge acquisition approach by exploiting two observations that 1) subevents are temporally contained by the parent event and 2) the definitions of the parent event can be used to guide the identification of subevents. I collect rich weak supervision to train a contextual BERT classifier and apply the classifier to identify new subevent knowledge. Recognizing texts that describe specific categories of events is also challenging due to language ambiguity and diverse descriptions of events. So I also propose a novel method to rapidly build a fine-grained event recognition system on social media texts for disaster management. My method creates high-quality weak supervision based on clustering-assisted word sense disambiguation and enriches tweet message representations using preceding context tweets and reply tweets in building event recognition classifiers

    DeCrisisMB: Debiased Semi-Supervised Learning for Crisis Tweet Classification via Memory Bank

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    During crisis events, people often use social media platforms such as Twitter to disseminate information about the situation, warnings, advice, and support. Emergency relief organizations leverage such information to acquire timely crisis circumstances and expedite rescue operations. While existing works utilize such information to build models for crisis event analysis, fully-supervised approaches require annotating vast amounts of data and are impractical due to limited response time. On the other hand, semi-supervised models can be biased, performing moderately well for certain classes while performing extremely poorly for others, resulting in substantially negative effects on disaster monitoring and rescue. In this paper, we first study two recent debiasing methods on semi-supervised crisis tweet classification. Then we propose a simple but effective debiasing method, DeCrisisMB, that utilizes a Memory Bank to store and perform equal sampling for generated pseudo-labels from each class at each training iteration. Extensive experiments are conducted to compare different debiasing methods' performance and generalization ability in both in-distribution and out-of-distribution settings. The results demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed method. Our code is available at https://github.com/HenryPengZou/DeCrisisMB.Comment: Accepted by EMNLP 2023 (Findings

    Classification of colloquial Arabic tweets in real-time to detect high-risk floods

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    Twitter has eased real-time information flow for decision makers, it is also one of the key enablers for Open-source Intelligence (OSINT). Tweets mining has recently been used in the context of incident response to estimate the location and damage caused by hurricanes and earthquakes. We aim to research the detection of a specific type of high-risk natural disasters frequently occurring and causing casualties in the Arabian Peninsula, namely `floods'. Researching how we could achieve accurate classification suitable for short informal (colloquial) Arabic text (usually used on Twitter), which is highly inconsistent and received very little attention in this field. First, we provide a thorough technical demonstration consisting of the following stages: data collection (Twitter REST API), labelling, text pre-processing, data division and representation, and training models. This has been deployed using `R' in our experiment. We then evaluate classifiers' performance via four experiments conducted to measure the impact of different stemming techniques on the following classifiers SVM, J48, C5.0, NNET, NB and k-NN. The dataset used consisted of 1434 tweets in total. Our findings show that Support Vector Machine (SVM) was prominent in terms of accuracy (F1=0.933). Furthermore, applying McNemar's test shows that using SVM without stemming on Colloquial Arabic is significantly better than using stemming techniques