7,810 research outputs found

    Zero-Annotation Object Detection with Web Knowledge Transfer

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    Object detection is one of the major problems in computer vision, and has been extensively studied. Most of the existing detection works rely on labor-intensive supervision, such as ground truth bounding boxes of objects or at least image-level annotations. On the contrary, we propose an object detection method that does not require any form of human annotation on target tasks, by exploiting freely available web images. In order to facilitate effective knowledge transfer from web images, we introduce a multi-instance multi-label domain adaption learning framework with two key innovations. First of all, we propose an instance-level adversarial domain adaptation network with attention on foreground objects to transfer the object appearances from web domain to target domain. Second, to preserve the class-specific semantic structure of transferred object features, we propose a simultaneous transfer mechanism to transfer the supervision across domains through pseudo strong label generation. With our end-to-end framework that simultaneously learns a weakly supervised detector and transfers knowledge across domains, we achieved significant improvements over baseline methods on the benchmark datasets.Comment: Accepted in ECCV 201

    Learning Intelligent Dialogs for Bounding Box Annotation

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    We introduce Intelligent Annotation Dialogs for bounding box annotation. We train an agent to automatically choose a sequence of actions for a human annotator to produce a bounding box in a minimal amount of time. Specifically, we consider two actions: box verification, where the annotator verifies a box generated by an object detector, and manual box drawing. We explore two kinds of agents, one based on predicting the probability that a box will be positively verified, and the other based on reinforcement learning. We demonstrate that (1) our agents are able to learn efficient annotation strategies in several scenarios, automatically adapting to the image difficulty, the desired quality of the boxes, and the detector strength; (2) in all scenarios the resulting annotation dialogs speed up annotation compared to manual box drawing alone and box verification alone, while also outperforming any fixed combination of verification and drawing in most scenarios; (3) in a realistic scenario where the detector is iteratively re-trained, our agents evolve a series of strategies that reflect the shifting trade-off between verification and drawing as the detector grows stronger.Comment: This paper appeared at CVPR 201

    Weakly Supervised Localization using Deep Feature Maps

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    Object localization is an important computer vision problem with a variety of applications. The lack of large scale object-level annotations and the relative abundance of image-level labels makes a compelling case for weak supervision in the object localization task. Deep Convolutional Neural Networks are a class of state-of-the-art methods for the related problem of object recognition. In this paper, we describe a novel object localization algorithm which uses classification networks trained on only image labels. This weakly supervised method leverages local spatial and semantic patterns captured in the convolutional layers of classification networks. We propose an efficient beam search based approach to detect and localize multiple objects in images. The proposed method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art in standard object localization data-sets with a 8 point increase in mAP scores

    Audio Event Detection using Weakly Labeled Data

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    Acoustic event detection is essential for content analysis and description of multimedia recordings. The majority of current literature on the topic learns the detectors through fully-supervised techniques employing strongly labeled data. However, the labels available for majority of multimedia data are generally weak and do not provide sufficient detail for such methods to be employed. In this paper we propose a framework for learning acoustic event detectors using only weakly labeled data. We first show that audio event detection using weak labels can be formulated as an Multiple Instance Learning problem. We then suggest two frameworks for solving multiple-instance learning, one based on support vector machines, and the other on neural networks. The proposed methods can help in removing the time consuming and expensive process of manually annotating data to facilitate fully supervised learning. Moreover, it can not only detect events in a recording but can also provide temporal locations of events in the recording. This helps in obtaining a complete description of the recording and is notable since temporal information was never known in the first place in weakly labeled data.Comment: ACM Multimedia 201
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