471 research outputs found

    System for Prediction of Non Stationary Time Series based on the Wavelet Radial Bases Function Neural Network Model

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    This paper proposes and examines the performance of a hybrid model called the wavelet radial bases function neural networks (WRBFNN). The model will be compared its performance with the wavelet feed forward neural networks (WFFN model by developing a prediction or forecasting system that considers two types of input formats: input9 and input17, and also considers 4 types of non-stationary time series data. The MODWT transform is used to generate wavelet and smooth coefficients, in which several elements of both coefficients are chosen in a particular way to serve as inputs to the NN model in both RBFNN and FFNN models. The performance of both WRBFNN and WFFNN models is evaluated by using MAPE and MSE value indicators, while the computation process of the two models is compared using two indicators, many epoch, and length of training. In stationary benchmark data, all models have a performance with very high accuracy. The WRBFNN9 model is the most superior model in nonstationary data containing linear trend elements, while the WFFNN17 model performs best on non-stationary data with the non-linear trend and seasonal elements. In terms of speed in computing, the WRBFNN model is superior with a much smaller number of epochs and much shorter training time

    A Functional Wavelet-Kernel Approach for Continuous-time Prediction

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    We consider the prediction problem of a continuous-time stochastic process on an entire time-interval in terms of its recent past. The approach we adopt is based on functional kernel nonparametric regression estimation techniques where observations are segments of the observed process considered as curves. These curves are assumed to lie within a space of possibly inhomogeneous functions, and the discretized times series dataset consists of a relatively small, compared to the number of segments, number of measurements made at regular times. We thus consider only the case where an asymptotically non-increasing number of measurements is available for each portion of the times series. We estimate conditional expectations using appropriate wavelet decompositions of the segmented sample paths. A notion of similarity, based on wavelet decompositions, is used in order to calibrate the prediction. Asymptotic properties when the number of segments grows to infinity are investigated under mild conditions, and a nonparametric resampling procedure is used to generate, in a flexible way, valid asymptotic pointwise confidence intervals for the predicted trajectories. We illustrate the usefulness of the proposed functional wavelet-kernel methodology in finite sample situations by means of three real-life datasets that were collected from different arenas

    Crude oil risk forecasting : new evidence from multiscale analysis approach

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    Fluctuations in the crude oil price allied to risk have increased significantly over the last decade frequently varying at different risk levels. Although existing models partially predict such variations, so far, they have been unable to predict oil prices accurately in this highly volatile market. The development of an effective, predictive model has therefore become a prime objective of research in this field. Our approach, albeit based in part on previous research, develops an original methodology, in that we have created a risk forecasting model with the ability to predict oil price fluctuations caused by changes in both fundamental and transient risk factors. We achieve this by disintegrating the multi-scale risk-structure of the crude oil market using Variational Mode Decomposition. Normal and transient risk factors are then extracted from the crude oil price using Variational Mode Decomposition and modelled separately using the Quantile Regression Neural Network (QRNN) model. Both risk factors are integrated and ensembled to produce the risk estimates. We then apply our proposed risk forecasting model to predicting future downside risk level in three major crude oil markets, namely the West Taxes Intermediate (WTI), the Brent Market, and the OPEC market. The results demonstrate that our model has the ability to capture downside risk estimates with significantly improved precision, thus reducing estimation errors and increasing forecasting reliability

    Forecasting carbon price using empirical mode decomposition and evolutionary least squares support vector regression

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    Conventional methods are less robust in terms of accurately forecasting non-stationary and nonlineary carbon prices. In this study, we propose an empirical mode decomposition-based evolutionary least squares support vector regression multiscale ensemble forecasting model for carbon price forecasting. Firstly, each carbon price is disassembled into several simple modes with high stability and high regularity via empirical mode decomposition. Secondly, particle swarm optimization-based evolutionary least squares support vector regression is used to forecast each mode. Thirdly, the forecasted values of all the modes are composed into the ones of the original carbon price. Finally, using four different-matured carbon futures prices under the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme as samples, the empirical results show that the proposed model is more robust than the other popular forecasting methods in terms of statistical measures and trading performances

    Combining the wavelet transform and forecasting models to predict gas forward prices

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    This paper presents a forecasting technique for forward energy prices, one day ahead. This technique combines a wavelet transform and forecasting models such as multi- layer perceptron, linear regression or GARCH. These techniques are applied to real data from the UK gas markets to evaluate their performance. The results show that the forecasting accuracy is improved significantly by using the wavelet transform. The methodology can be also applied to forecasting market clearing prices and electricity/gas loads