20 research outputs found


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    The collection ofthe municipal sewage treatment plants' data of the Rhine and the Danube basins, initiated by the RBA-Centre, Delft University of Technology, was continued with the development of a database manager. The name of the program is 'Information on Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants', IMST. The main goal of the IMST was to make the continuation of the collection of waste water treatment plants possible without significant knowledge of informatics and to provide a tool to compare the municipal sewage treatment plants from the Rhine and the Danube basins. The IMST is a user friendly, menu driven system with easily accessible modular system. Besides the data entry, list and simple, statistical and integrated query of the treatment plant data a map system is included to demonstrate the geographic location of the plants and to give a visualisation possibility of the main characteristics (country borders, watersheds, main rivers and their tributaries, etc.) of the two river basins. The system is opened and can be extended. Please bear in mind that IMST has been developed and is being maintained as a non-profit project form and educational and research institution. We are always pleased to hear feedback concerning your use of the system and any suggestions for improvement, additions and the like. Much of the nature of the system has to be derived from user suggestions. Please keep in touch

    Integrated watershed management for mitigating streamflow depletion in an urbanized watershed in Korea

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    A systematic, seven-step approach to integrated watershed planning and management is applied to an urbanized watershed, the Anyangcheon (AY) watershed in Korea which consists of (1) understanding watershed components and processes, (2) identifying and ranking problems to be solved, (3) setting clear and specific goals, (4) developing a list of management options, (5) eliminating infeasible options (6) testing the effectiveness of remaining feasible options, and (7) developing the final options. Watershed characteristics, water quantity and quality simulations with SWAT and PLOAD models, and the developed problem indices of PFD (Potential Flood Damage), PSD (Potential Streamflow Depletion), and PWQD (Potential Water Quality Deterioration) identify that streamflow depletion is more serious than flood risk and water pollution in the study watershed (Steps 1 and 2). Instreamflow requirements, which are the maximum value of the average low flow and the fish flow, are estimated using regional regression and the software PHABSIM (Step 3). Feasible solutions that improve the depleted streams are listed and screened qualitatively against technical, economical, and environmental criteria (Steps 4 and 5). Effectiveness of the remaining 14 feasible alternatives are then analyzed using SWAT (Step 6) and alternative evaluation index (AEI) and their priority ranks are determined against an evaluation criterion that uses the concept of pressure, state, and response (Step 7)

    Nuevas consideraciones y mejoras en la aplicación de la distribución de precipitación en la cuenca del Río Duero

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    [EN]In this study we present a new contribution to take into account for a correct explanation of the rainfall observed in the mentioned area. Our contribution consists basically in considering three new aspect negleted in previous researchs: firstly, we confirm and quantify the importance of second-order terms in the proposed geo-climatic factors; secondly, we include among these a new parameter which explains a meteorological aspect not considered up to now; finally we make "the normalitation" or correction 10 one of the factors already defined.[ES]En este trabajo presentamos las nuevas aportaciones a tener en cuenta para una correcta explicación de la precipitación observada en la zona estudiada. Básicamente consisten en tener en cuenta tres aspectos ignorados en trabajos anteriores: conformar y cuantificar la importancia de los térmicos de segundo orden en los factores geo-climáticos propuestos; introducir en los mismos un nuevo parámetro que viene a explicar cierto aspecto meteorológico no tenido en cuenta, y por último efectuar la normalización o corrección en uno de los factores ya definidos

    Estrategia para la recuperación hidráulica del río Sevilla entre las abscisas k7+951.94 y k17+086.63 (desde la C.G.S.M), como aporte al restablecimiento de la dinámica hidrológica de la ciénaga grande de Santa Marta

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    Gestión Integral del Recurso HídricoSe parte del análisis actual del sector a intervenir del río mirando sus características hidrológicas, hidráulicas y ambientales desde los sectores y municipios cercanos al cual influyen la sección del río y la ciénaga definiendo la intervención sobre el cuerpo de agua que permita aportar el agua adulce al Complejo Lagunar.1. INTRODUCCIÓN 2. MARCOS DE REFERENCIA 3. METODOLOGÍA 4. RESULTADOS 5. DESCRIPCIÓN TÉCNICA DE LA ESTRATÉGIA DE INTERVENCIÓN 6. CONCLUSIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSEspecializaciónEspecialista en Recursos Hídrico

    Kootenay Express

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    Determinação e caracterização das trajectórias dos glóbulos vermelhos: um método semi-automático

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    Neste trabalho procedeu-se ao desenvolvimento de uma aplicação, RBC-Dt 1.0, com base em conceitos de processamento de imagem/vídeo, capaz de efectuar o seguimento semi-automático dos glóbulos vermelhos ao longo de uma sequência de imagens captadas no centro de um microcanal de vidro com 100μm de diâmetro. A aplicação foi elaborada em programação Matlab, e deverá ser capaz de extrair características, tais como centróides, ou seja a posição (x, y) num dado instante t. Os dados numéricos extraídos são guardados em ficheiros, e tratados por técnicas de optimização, pretendendo-se caracterizar o comportamento das trajectórias dos glóbulos vermelhos a escoarem no centro do microcanal em estudo. Foi ainda calculado o coeficiente de dispersão radial, Dyy, das mesmas trajectórias. Foram realizadas comparações entre os dados obtidos pela aplicação, RBC–Dt 1.0, e os dados obtidos em estudos anteriores usando um método manual, MtrackJ, plugin do Image J. Conclui-se que os dados obtidos por RBC-Dt 1.0 são similares aos obtidos pelo método manual. In this work we have developed an application,RBC-Dt 1.0, based on concepts of image/video processing, in order to track in a semi-automatic way the red blood cells over a sequence of images captured in the center of a glass microchannel with 100μm in diameter. The application was developed in Matlab programming, and it should be able to extract features such as centroids, i.e. the position (x, y) in a given interval of time t. The extracted numerical data is stored in files, and processed by techniques of optimization, which is aimed to characterize the trajectories behavior of red blood cells flowing at the center of the microchannel. The radial dispersion coefficient, Dyy, was also calculated for the same trajectories. We compared the data obtained by the current study, with the past results obtained in similar studies using a manual tracking method, i.e., MtrackJ, a plugin from Image J. The results from the present study suggest that both data are in good agreement