8,469 research outputs found

    An Approach for Management of Regional Portal Sites through Project-Based Learning

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    In this paper, we present an approach for management of regional portal sites through project-based learning. In this approach, we have developed a framework to regularly provide information systems and contents based on needs of regional communities for the regional portal site by developing them on the project-based learning in our university. The waterfall model that is one of the software development techniques as the method of executing the project-based learning is practiced. This paper shows current status and effectiveness of our approach

    The Implementation of Portal Union Catalog Server Sulsellib Based On Senayan Library Management Systems (SLiMS)

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    The research attempts to explain Portal Union Catalog Server (UCS) based on Senayan Library Management Systems (SLiMS) in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Portal UCS becomes the media of technological information in developing cooperation among libraries in searching of the collection in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. This research principally aims to know the implementation of that portal, the obstacles it deals with, and the hope of SLiMS Community on Portal UCS Sulsellib. This research is basically included as a descriptive research using a qualitative approach. As regards to informants as the data sources of research, they are mainly some superintendents and users of Portal UCS Sulsellib. Some research shows that the implementation of Portal UCS Sulsellib can be very helpful for library users in accessing information of collection in various libraries in South Sulawesi because it is only through one door of the portal web of UCS Sulsellib. SLiMS community uses the technic of Waterfall model adapted from System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The stages of applying this portal are based on waterfall model that is planning, analysis, display design, promotion, implementation, and maintenance. The hope is that this research can extensively upgrade the performance of Portal UCS Sulsellib so that it can be very helpful to explore a collection of information to be more effective and efficient. Besides, it will be used as references to renew the union catalog system

    Graceful exit from inflation and reheating with twin waterfalls

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    We study the hybrid inflation with a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson inflaton and two waterfall scalar fields. The Z2Z_2 symmetry for the waterfall fields keeps inflaton potential flat against quantum corrections coming from the waterfall couplings, and it is broken spontaneously in the vacuum without a domain wall problem within the Hubble horizon of our universe. We show that the Z2Z_2 invariant Higgs portal couplings to the waterfall fields are responsible for the reheating process, leading to a sufficiently large reheating temperature after inflation. In the presence of an extra Z2′Z'_2 symmetry, one of the waterfall fields or another singlet scalar field becomes a dark matter candidate. In particular, we find that preheating is sufficient to account for the correct relic density of the waterfall dark matter.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2206.0552

    Penerapan Portal Union Catalog Server (UCS) Sulsellib.net di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam penerapan Portal Union Catalog Server (UCS) Sulsellib.net, Komunitas SLiMS menggunakan teknik waterfall model yang diadaptasi dari System Development life Cycle (SDLC). Tahapan penerapan portal ini berdasarkan waterfall model yaitu perencanaan, analisis, desain tampilan, promosi, implementasi, dan perawatan. Ada berbagai kendala yang dihadapi dalam masa penerapan Portal Union Catalog Server (UCS) Sulsellib.net. Solusi yang diberikan untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut berupa perbaikan dari segi kualitas Komunitas SLiMS selaku organisasi dan pengembang portal tersebut

    Pembangunan Aplikasi Media Informasi Mahasiswa Berbasis Bot Telegram

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    Kemajuan teknologi mendorong perkembangan yang sangat signifikan terhadap penggunaan smartphone, hal ini berdampak pada kebiasa pengguna dalam mengakses aplikasi web. Aplikasi web yang dulu hanya tersedia dalam tampilan standar komputer, kini para pengembangnya mulai menerapkan konsep responsive / mobile friendly terhadap aplikasi web miliknya. Perubahan tampilan aplikasi web ke tampilan responsive tidaklah mudah dan memerlukan biaya yang tinggi untuk aplikasi web yang memiliki sistem yang besar. Hal ini seperti portal Akademik pada suatu lembaga perguruan tinggi, masih banyak lembaga perguruan tinggi di Indonesia yang belum menerapkan konsep tampilan yang responsive. Aplikasi Media Informasi Mahasiswa berbasis bot Telegram adalah alternatif yang dapat digunakan oleh mahasiswa Universitas Pasundan untuk mengakses informasi yang terdapat pada portal Akademik menggunakan aplikasi pesan instan Telegram Messenger, hal ini dikarena portal Akademik Universitas Pasundan belum menyediakan tampilan responsive kepada penggunanya. Aplikasi Media Informasi Mahasiswa dibangun menggunakan alat bantu pembangunan perangkat lunak waterfall dengan menerapkan pembangunan aplikasi yang aman sesuai dengan konsep keamanan perangkat lunak dan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor). Berdasarkan hasil implementasi yang dilakukan, aplikasi Media Informasi Mahasiswa telah sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna, karena dibangun berdasarkan hasil identifikasi kebutuhan pengguna pada tahap perancangan, sehingga aplikasi Media Informasi Mahasiswa memiliki fungsional untuk menampilkan jadwal kuliah mahasiswa, menampilkan nilai mahasiswa dan mengirimkan notifikasi apabila ada pengumuman dari pihak Universitas. Kata kunci : penggunaan smartphone, waterfall, Telegram Messenger, Aplikasi bot, portal Akademi

    Bryophytes of Uganda : 1., BBS Tropical Bryology Group expeditions, 1996-1998 ; introduction and collecting sites

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    The British Bryological Society Tropical Bryology Group (TBG) undertook three expeditions to Uganda, in Jan-Feb 1996, Jan-Feb 1997 and June-Jul 1998. Collections were made from 134 sites, mainly from national parks and forest reserves in western and southern Uganda

    Bryophytes of Uganda : 6., new and additional records, 3.

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    12 hepatics and 32 mosses are reported new to Uganda, 1 moss being also new to Africa, and 1 liverwort new to mainland Africa. Ectropothecium plumigerum (Broth.) Hedenäs is a new combination (basionym: Isopterygium plumigerum Broth.) with a new synonym Taxicaulis plumirameus Müll.Hal. nom. nud., and Taxiphyllum maniae (Renauld & Paris) M. Fleisch. is a new synonym of Taxiphyllum taxirameum (Mitt.) M.Fleisch. Three mosses are removed from the Uganda list

    APLIKASI WEB PORTAL PONDOK PESANTREN SHIDDIQIYYAH JOMBANG Web Portal Application for School of Koranic Studies Shiddiqiyyah Jombang

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    ABSTRAKSI: Pada tugas akhir ini akan dikembangkan suatu aplikasi web portal yang mampu menampilkan berbagai informasi atau kegiatan-kegiatan Organisasi Shiddiqiyyah. Aplikasi web portal juga dapat digunakan sebagai user interactive antara user dengan pengurus. Aplikasi web portal ini mampu mengelola data keanggotaan serta menampilkan data anggota berdasarkan kecamatan, kabupaten dan propinsi di seluruh Indonesia. Dengan aplikasi web portal tersebut, pengurus Shiddiqiyyah dapat melakukan registrasi baik secara online maupun langsung.Tugas akhir ini dibangun melalui analisa dan desain terstruktur dengan pemodelan waterfall. Aplikasi web portal ini dikembangkan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Php dan Java Script, dengan database Mysql serta design interface Fireworks MX dan Dreamweaver MX untuk desainnya, serta menggunakan Microsoft Visio sebagai alat bantu pemodelan sistem.Kata Kunci : Portal, Waterfall.ABSTRACT: In this final project, we had implemented web portal applicaton which will provide informations or activities from Shiddiqiyyah Organization. Web portal application can use for interact about employee and user. Web portal applicaton afford to manage member’s data based subdistrict, regency and province in Indonesia. This application can also to use online and direct registration.This Final Project was built trough structured design and analysis with the waterfall modelling. This application was implemented using PHP and Java Script as programming languages, MySQL as database system, Wireworks MX and Macromedia Dreamweaver MX as graphical design software. And also Microsoft Visio as a tools for modeling system.Keyword: Portal, Waterfall
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