20 research outputs found

    Quantum Speed-ups for Boolean Satisfiability and Derivative-Free Optimization

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    In this thesis, we have considered two important problems, Boolean satisfiability (SAT) and derivative free optimization in the context of large scale quantum computers. In the first part, we survey well known classical techniques for solving satisfiability. We compute the approximate time it would take to solve SAT instances using quantum techniques and compare it with state-of-the heart classical heuristics employed annually in SAT competitions. In the second part of the thesis, we consider a few classically well known algorithms for derivative free optimization which are ubiquitously employed in engineering problems. We propose a quantum speedup to this classical algorithm by using techniques of the quantum minimum finding algorithm. In the third part of the thesis, we consider practical applications in the fields of bio-informatics, petroleum refineries and civil engineering which involve solving either satisfiability or derivative free optimization. We investigate if using known quantum techniques to speedup these algorithms directly translate to the benefit of industries which invest in technology to solve these problems. In the last section, we propose a few open problems which we feel are immediate hurdles, either from an algorithmic or architecture perspective to getting a convincing speedup for the practical problems considered

    Biased landscapes for random Constraint Satisfaction Problems

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    The typical complexity of Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs) can be investigated by means of random ensembles of instances. The latter exhibit many threshold phenomena besides their satisfiability phase transition, in particular a clustering or dynamic phase transition (related to the tree reconstruction problem) at which their typical solutions shatter into disconnected components. In this paper we study the evolution of this phenomenon under a bias that breaks the uniformity among solutions of one CSP instance, concentrating on the bicoloring of k-uniform random hypergraphs. We show that for small k the clustering transition can be delayed in this way to higher density of constraints, and that this strategy has a positive impact on the performances of Simulated Annealing algorithms. We characterize the modest gain that can be expected in the large k limit from the simple implementation of the biasing idea studied here. This paper contains also a contribution of a more methodological nature, made of a review and extension of the methods to determine numerically the discontinuous dynamic transition threshold.Comment: 32 pages, 16 figure

    Improved Bounds for Sampling Solutions of Random CNF Formulas

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    Let Φ\Phi be a random kk-CNF formula on nn variables and mm clauses, where each clause is a disjunction of kk literals chosen independently and uniformly. Our goal is to sample an approximately uniform solution of Φ\Phi (or equivalently, approximate the partition function of Φ\Phi). Let α=m/n\alpha=m/n be the density. The previous best algorithm runs in time npoly(k,α)n^{\mathsf{poly}(k,\alpha)} for any α2k/300\alpha\lesssim2^{k/300} [Galanis, Goldberg, Guo, and Yang, SIAM J. Comput.'21]. Our result significantly improves both bounds by providing an almost-linear time sampler for any α2k/3\alpha\lesssim2^{k/3}. The density α\alpha captures the \emph{average degree} in the random formula. In the worst-case model with bounded \emph{maximum degree}, current best efficient sampler works up to degree bound 2k/52^{k/5} [He, Wang, and Yin, FOCS'22 and SODA'23], which is, for the first time, superseded by its average-case counterpart due to our 2k/32^{k/3} bound. Our result is the first progress towards establishing the intuition that the solvability of the average-case model (random kk-CNF formula with bounded average degree) is better than the worst-case model (standard kk-CNF formula with bounded maximal degree) in terms of sampling solutions.Comment: 51 pages, all proofs added, and bounds slightly improve

    Counting Solutions to Random CNF Formulas

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    We give the first efficient algorithm to approximately count the number of solutions in the random kk-SAT model when the density of the formula scales exponentially with kk. The best previous counting algorithm was due to Montanari and Shah and was based on the correlation decay method, which works up to densities (1+ok(1))2logkk(1+o_k(1))\frac{2\log k}{k}, the Gibbs uniqueness threshold for the model. Instead, our algorithm harnesses a recent technique by Moitra to work for random formulas. The main challenge in our setting is to account for the presence of high-degree variables whose marginal distributions are hard to control and which cause significant correlations within the formula