120 research outputs found

    Randomized Two-Process Wait-Free Test-and-Set

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    We present the first explicit, and currently simplest, randomized algorithm for 2-process wait-free test-and-set. It is implemented with two 4-valued single writer single reader atomic variables. A test-and-set takes at most 11 expected elementary steps, while a reset takes exactly 1 elementary step. Based on a finite-state analysis, the proofs of correctness and expected length are compressed into one table.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX source; Submitte

    Solving the At-Most-Once Problem with Nearly Optimal Effectiveness

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    We present and analyze a wait-free deterministic algorithm for solving the at-most-once problem: how m shared-memory fail-prone processes perform asynchronously n jobs at most once. Our algorithmic strategy provides for the first time nearly optimal effectiveness, which is a measure that expresses the total number of jobs completed in the worst case. The effectiveness of our algorithm equals n-2m+2. This is up to an additive factor of m close to the known effectiveness upper bound n-m+1 over all possible algorithms and improves on the previously best known deterministic solutions that have effectiveness only n-log m o(n). We also present an iterative version of our algorithm that for any m=O(n/logn3+ϵ)m = O\left(\sqrt[3+\epsilon]{n/\log n}\right) is both effectiveness-optimal and work-optimal, for any constant ϵ>0\epsilon > 0. We then employ this algorithm to provide a new algorithmic solution for the Write-All problem which is work optimal for any m=O(n/logn3+ϵ)m=O\left(\sqrt[3+\epsilon]{n/\log n}\right).Comment: Updated Version. A Brief Announcement was published in PODC 2011. An Extended Abstract was published in the proceeding of ICDCN 2012. A full version was published in Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 496, 22 July 2013, Pages 69 - 8

    Efficient almost wait-free parallel accesible dynamic hashtables

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    Abstract In multiprogrammed systems, synchronization often turns out to be a performance bottleneck and the source of poor fault-tolerance. Wait-free and lock-free algorithms can do without locking mechanisms, and therefore do not suffer from these problems. We present an efficient almost wait-free algorithm for parallel accessible hashtables, which promises more robust performance and reliability than conventional lock-based implementations. Our solution is as efficient as sequential hashtables. It can easily be implemented using C-like languages and requires on average only constant time for insertion, deletion or accessing of elements. Apart from that, our new algorithm allows the hashtables to grow and shrink dynamically when needed. A true problem of lock-free algorithms is that they are hard to design correctly, even when apparently straightforward. Ensuring the correctness of the design at the earliest possible stage is a major challenge in any responsible system development. Our algorithm contains 81 atomic statements. In view of the complexity of the algorithm and its correctness properties, we turned to the interactive theorem prover PVS for mechanical support. We employ standard deductive verification techniques to prove around 200 invariance properties of our almost wait-free algorithm, and describe how this is achieved using the theorem prover PVS. CR Subject Classification (1991): D.1 Programming techniques AMS Subject Classification (1991): 68Q22 Distributed algorithms, 68P20 Information storage and retrieval Keywords & Phrases: Hashtables, Distributed algorithms, Lock-free, Wait-fre

    On the Optimal Space Complexity of Consensus for Anonymous Processes

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    The optimal space complexity of consensus in shared memory is a decades-old open problem. For a system of nn processes, no algorithm is known that uses a sublinear number of registers. However, the best known lower bound due to Fich, Herlihy, and Shavit requires Ω(n)\Omega(\sqrt{n}) registers. The special symmetric case of the problem where processes are anonymous (run the same algorithm) has also attracted attention. Even in this case, the best lower and upper bounds are still Ω(n)\Omega(\sqrt{n}) and O(n)O(n). Moreover, Fich, Herlihy, and Shavit first proved their lower bound for anonymous processes, and then extended it to the general case. As such, resolving the anonymous case might be a significant step towards understanding and solving the general problem. In this work, we show that in a system of anonymous processes, any consensus algorithm satisfying nondeterministic solo termination has to use Ω(n)\Omega(n) read-write registers in some execution. This implies an Ω(n)\Omega(n) lower bound on the space complexity of deterministic obstruction-free and randomized wait-free consensus, matching the upper bound and closing the symmetric case of the open problem

    Continuous Tasks and the Asynchronous Computability Theorem

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    The celebrated 1999 Asynchronous Computability Theorem (ACT) of Herlihy and Shavit characterized distributed tasks that are wait-free solvable and uncovered deep connections with combinatorial topology. We provide an alternative characterization of those tasks by means of the novel concept of continuous tasks, which have an input/output specification that is a continuous function between the geometric realizations of the input and output complex: We state and prove a precise characterization theorem (CACT) for wait-free solvable tasks in terms of continuous tasks. Its proof utilizes a novel chromatic version of a foundational result in algebraic topology, the simplicial approximation theorem, which is also proved in this paper. Apart from the alternative proof of the ACT implied by our CACT, we also demonstrate that continuous tasks have an expressive power that goes beyond classic task specifications, and hence open up a promising venue for future research: For the well-known approximate agreement task, we show that one can easily encode the desired proportion of the occurrence of specific outputs, namely, exact agreement, in the continuous task specification

    Wait-Free CAS-Based Algorithms: The Burden of the Past

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    Herlihy proved that CAS is universal in the classical computing system model composed of an a priori known number of processes. This means that CAS can implement, together with reads and writes, any object with a sequential specification. For this, he proposed the first universal construction capable of emulating any data structure. It has recently been proved that CAS is still universal in the infinite arrival computing model, a model where any number of processes can be created on the fly (e.g. multi-threaded systems). In this paper, we prove that CAS does not allow to implement wait-free and linearizable visible objects in the infinite model with a space complexity bounded by the number of active processes (i.e. ones that have operations in progress on this object). This paper also shows that this lower bound is tight, in the sense that this dependency can be made as low as desired (e.g. logarithmic) by proposing a wait-free and linearizable universal construction, using the compare-and-swap operation, whose space complexity in the number of ever issued operations is defined by a parameter that can be linked to any unbounded function