6 research outputs found

    Domain Objects and Microservices for Systems Development: a roadmap

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    This paper discusses a roadmap to investigate Domain Objects being an adequate formalism to capture the peculiarity of microservice architecture, and to support Software development since the early stages. It provides a survey of both Microservices and Domain Objects, and it discusses plans and reflections on how to investigate whether a modeling approach suited to adaptable service-based components can also be applied with success to the microservice scenario

    Modeling of IoT devices in Business Processes: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    [EN] The Internet of Things (IoT) enables to connect the physical world to digital business processes (BP). By using the IoT, a BP can, e.g.: 1) take into account real-world data to take more informed business decisions, and 2) automate and/or improve BP tasks. To achieve these benefits, the integration of IoT and BPs needs to be successful. The first step to this end is to support the modeling of IoT-enhanced BPs. Although numerous researchers have studied this subject, it is unclear what is the current state of the art in terms of current modeling solutions and gaps. In this work, we carry out a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) to find out how current solutions are modelling IoT into business processes. After studying 600 papers, we identified and analyzed in depth a total of 36 different solutions. In addition, we report on some important issues that should be addressed in the near future, such as, for instance the lack of standardization.This research has been funded by Internal Funds KU Leuven (Interne Fondsen KU Leuven) and the financial support of the Spanish State Research Agency under the project TIN2017-84094-R and co-financed with ERDF.Torres Bosch, MV.; Serral, E.; Valderas, P.; Pelechano Ferragud, V.; Grefen, P. (2020). Modeling of IoT devices in Business Processes: A Systematic Mapping Study. IEEE. 221-230. https://doi.org/10.1109/CBI49978.2020.00031S22123

    Span(Graph): a Canonical Feedback Algebra of Open Transition Systems

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    We show that Span(Graph)*, an algebra for open transition systems introduced by Katis, Sabadini and Walters, satisfies a universal property. By itself, this is a justification of the canonicity of this model of concurrency. However, the universal property is itself of interest, being a formal demonstration of the relationship between feedback and state. Indeed, feedback categories, also originally proposed by Katis, Sabadini and Walters, are a weakening of traced monoidal categories, with various applications in computer science. A state bootstrapping technique, which has appeared in several different contexts, yields free such categories. We show that Span(Graph)* arises in this way, being the free feedback category over Span(Set). Given that the latter can be seen as an algebra of predicates, the algebra of open transition systems thus arises - roughly speaking - as the result of bootstrapping state to that algebra. Finally, we generalize feedback categories endowing state spaces with extra structure: this extends the framework from mere transition systems to automata with initial and final states.Comment: 48 pages, 33 figures, journal versio

    Realisability of branching pomsets

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    A communication protocol is realisable if it can be faithfully implemented in a distributed fashion by communicating agents. Pomsets offer a way to compactly represent concurrency in communication protocols and have been recently used for the purpose of realisability analysis. In this paper we focus on the recently introduced branching pomsets, which also compactly represent choices. We define well-formedness conditions on branching pomsets, inspired by multiparty session types, and we prove that the well-formedness of a branching pomset is a sufficient condition for the realisability of the represented communication protocol

    Fair Termination of Binary Sessions

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    A binary session is a private communication channel that connects two processes, each adhering to a protocol description called session type. In this work, we study the first type system that ensures the fair termination of binary sessions. A session fairly terminates if all of the infinite executions admitted by its protocol are deemed ‘unrealistic’ because they violate certain fairness assumptions. Fair termination entails the eventual completion of all pending input/output actions, including those that depend on the completion of an unbounded number of other actions in possibly different sessions. This form of lock freedom allows us to address a large family of natural communication patterns that fall outside the scope of existing type systems. Our type system is also the first to adopt fair subtyping, a liveness-preserving refinement of the standard subtyping relation for session types that so far has only been studied theoretically. Fair subtyping is surprisingly subtle not only to characterize concisely but also to use appropriately, to the point that the type system must carefully account for all usages of fair subtyping to avoid compromising its liveness-preserving properties