585 research outputs found

    Kinetic Geodesic Voronoi Diagrams in a Simple Polygon

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    We study the geodesic Voronoi diagram of a set S of n linearly moving sites inside a static simple polygon P with m vertices. We identify all events where the structure of the Voronoi diagram changes, bound the number of such events, and then develop a kinetic data structure (KDS) that maintains the geodesic Voronoi diagram as the sites move. To this end, we first analyze how often a single bisector, defined by two sites, or a single Voronoi center, defined by three sites, can change. For both these structures we prove that the number of such changes is at most O(m³), and that this is tight in the worst case. Moreover, we develop compact, responsive, local, and efficient kinetic data structures for both structures. Our data structures use linear space and process a worst-case optimal number of events. Our bisector KDS handles each event in O(log m) time, and our Voronoi center handles each event in O(log² m) time. Both structures can be extended to efficiently support updating the movement of the sites as well. Using these data structures as building blocks we obtain a compact KDS for maintaining the full geodesic Voronoi diagram

    The Offset Filtration of Convex Objects

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    We consider offsets of a union of convex objects. We aim for a filtration, a sequence of nested simplicial complexes, that captures the topological evolution of the offsets for increasing radii. We describe methods to compute a filtration based on the Voronoi partition with respect to the given convex objects. The size of the filtration and the time complexity for computing it are proportional to the size of the Voronoi diagram and its time complexity, respectively. Our approach is inspired by alpha-complexes for point sets, but requires more involved machinery and analysis primarily since Voronoi regions of general convex objects do not form a good cover. We show by experiments that our approach results in a similarly fast and topologically more stable method for computing a filtration compared to approximating the input by a point sample

    Intersection of paraboloids and application to Minkowski-type problems

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    In this article, we study the intersection (or union) of the convex hull of N confocal paraboloids (or ellipsoids) of revolution. This study is motivated by a Minkowski-type problem arising in geometric optics. We show that in each of the four cases, the combinatorics is given by the intersection of a power diagram with the unit sphere. We prove the complexity is O(N) for the intersection of paraboloids and Omega(N^2) for the intersection and the union of ellipsoids. We provide an algorithm to compute these intersections using the exact geometric computation paradigm. This algorithm is optimal in the case of the intersection of ellipsoids and is used to solve numerically the far-field reflector problem

    Geometric Path-Planning Algorithm in Cluttered 2D Environments Using Convex Hulls

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    Routing or path planning is the problem of finding a collision-free path in an environment usually scattered with multiple objects. Finding the shortest route in a planar (2D) or spatial (3D) environment has a variety of applications such as robot motion planning, navigating autonomous vehicles, routing of cables, wires, and harnesses in vehicles, routing of pipes in chemical process plants, etc. The problem often times is decomposed into two main sub-problems: modeling and representation of the workspace geometrically and optimization of the path. Geometric modeling and representation of the workspace are paramount in any path planning problem since it builds the data structures and provides the means for solving the optimization problem. The optimization aspect of the path planning involves satisfying some constraints, the most important of which is to avoid intersections with the interior of any object and optimizing one or more criteria. The most common criterion in path planning problems is to minimize the length of the path between a source and a destination point of the workspace while other criteria such as minimizing the number of links or curves could also be taken into account. Planar path planning is mainly about modeling the workspace of the problem as a collision-free graph. The graph is, later on, searched for the optimal path using network optimization techniques such as branch-and-bound or search algorithms such as Dijkstra\u27s. Previous methods developed to construct the collision-free graph explore the entire workspace of the problem which usually results in some unnecessary information that has no value but to increase the time complexity of the algorithm, hence, affecting the efficiency significantly. For example, the fastest known algorithm to construct the visibility graph, which is the most common method of modeling the collision-free space, in a workspace with a total of n vertices has a time complexity of order O(n2). In this research, first, the 2D workspace of the problem is modeled using the tessellated format of the objects in a CAD software which facilitates handling of any free-form object. Then, an algorithm is developed to construct the collision-free graph of the workspace using the convex hulls of the intersecting obstacles. The proposed algorithm focuses only on a portion of the workspace involved in the straight line connecting the source and destination points. Considering the worst case that all the objects of the workspace are intersecting, the algorithm yields a time complexity of O(nlog(n/f)), with n being the total number of vertices and f being the number of objects. The collision-free graph is later searched for the shortest path between the two given nodes using a search algorithm known as Dijkstra\u27s

    Similarity between polygonal shapes

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    In this thesis we review existing algorithms for measuring shape similarity between polygons. We present a new approach to measure similarity based on the notion of annular profile. We also present the implementation of three shape measuring algorithms: signature function, turning function, and annular profile. The implementation is done by using the Visual C++ programming language. Finally, we discuss the comparative performances of the above three methods for capturing shape similarity. Measurement of shape similarity has applications in pattern recognition and artificial intelligence
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