616 research outputs found

    Evaluering av maskinlæringsmetoder for automatisk tumorsegmentering

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    The definition of target volumes and organs at risk (OARs) is a critical part of radiotherapy planning. In routine practice, this is typically done manually by clinical experts who contour the structures in medical images prior to dosimetric planning. This is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task. Moreover, manual contouring is inherently a subjective task and substantial contour variability can occur, potentially impacting on radiotherapy treatment and image-derived biomarkers. Automatic segmentation (auto-segmentation) of target volumes and OARs has the potential to save time and resources while reducing contouring variability. Recently, auto-segmentation of OARs using machine learning methods has been integrated into the clinical workflow by several institutions and such tools have been made commercially available by major vendors. The use of machine learning methods for auto-segmentation of target volumes including the gross tumor volume (GTV) is less mature at present but is the focus of extensive ongoing research. The primary aim of this thesis was to investigate the use of machine learning methods for auto-segmentation of the GTV in medical images. Manual GTV contours constituted the ground truth in the analyses. Volumetric overlap and distance-based metrics were used to quantify auto-segmentation performance. Four different image datasets were evaluated. The first dataset, analyzed in papers I–II, consisted of positron emission tomography (PET) and contrast-enhanced computed tomography (ceCT) images of 197 patients with head and neck cancer (HNC). The ceCT images of this dataset were also included in paper IV. Two datasets were analyzed separately in paper III, namely (i) PET, ceCT, and low-dose CT (ldCT) images of 86 patients with anal cancer (AC), and (ii) PET, ceCT, ldCT, and T2 and diffusion-weighted (T2W and DW, respectively) MR images of a subset (n = 36) of the aforementioned AC patients. The last dataset consisted of ceCT images of 36 canine patients with HNC and was analyzed in paper IV. In paper I, three approaches to auto-segmentation of the GTV in patients with HNC were evaluated and compared, namely conventional PET thresholding, classical machine learning algorithms, and deep learning using a 2-dimensional (2D) U-Net convolutional neural network (CNN). For the latter two approaches the effect of imaging modality on auto-segmentation performance was also assessed. Deep learning based on multimodality PET/ceCT image input resulted in superior agreement with the manual ground truth contours, as quantified by geometric overlap and distance-based performance evaluation metrics calculated on a per patient basis. Moreover, only deep learning provided adequate performance for segmentation based solely on ceCT images. For segmentation based on PET-only, all three approaches provided adequate segmentation performance, though deep learning ranked first, followed by classical machine learning, and PET thresholding. In paper II, deep learning-based auto-segmentation of the GTV in patients with HNC using a 2D U-Net architecture was evaluated more thoroughly by introducing new structure-based performance evaluation metrics and including qualitative expert evaluation of the resulting auto-segmentation quality. As in paper I, multimodal PET/ceCT image input provided superior segmentation performance, compared to the single modality CNN models. The structure-based metrics showed quantitatively that the PET signal was vital for the sensitivity of the CNN models, as the superior PET/ceCT-based model identified 86 % of all malignant GTV structures whereas the ceCT-based model only identified 53 % of these structures. Furthermore, the majority of the qualitatively evaluated auto-segmentations (~ 90 %) generated by the best PET/ceCT-based CNN were given a quality score corresponding to substantial clinical value. Based on papers I and II, deep learning with multimodality PET/ceCT image input would be the recommended approach for auto-segmentation of the GTV in human patients with HNC. In paper III, deep learning-based auto-segmentation of the GTV in patients with AC was evaluated for the first time, using a 2D U-Net architecture. Furthermore, an extensive comparison of the impact of different single modality and multimodality combinations of PET, ceCT, ldCT, T2W, and/or DW image input on quantitative auto-segmentation performance was conducted. For both the 86-patient and 36-patient datasets, the models based on PET/ceCT provided the highest mean overlap with the manual ground truth contours. For this task, however, comparable auto-segmentation quality was obtained for solely ceCT-based CNN models. The CNN model based solely on T2W images also obtained acceptable auto-segmentation performance and was ranked as the second-best single modality model for the 36-patient dataset. These results indicate that deep learning could prove a versatile future tool for auto-segmentation of the GTV in patients with AC. Paper IV investigated for the first time the applicability of deep learning-based auto-segmentation of the GTV in canine patients with HNC, using a 3-dimensional (3D) U-Net architecture and ceCT image input. A transfer learning approach where CNN models were pre-trained on the human HNC data and subsequently fine-tuned on canine data was compared to training models from scratch on canine data. These two approaches resulted in similar auto-segmentation performances, which on average was comparable to the overlap metrics obtained for ceCT-based auto-segmentation in human HNC patients. Auto-segmentation in canine HNC patients appeared particularly promising for nasal cavity tumors, as the average overlap with manual contours was 25 % higher for this subgroup, compared to the average for all included tumor sites. In conclusion, deep learning with CNNs provided high-quality GTV autosegmentations for all datasets included in this thesis. In all cases, the best-performing deep learning models resulted in an average overlap with manual contours which was comparable to the reported interobserver agreements between human experts performing manual GTV contouring for the given cancer type and imaging modality. Based on these findings, further investigation of deep learning-based auto-segmentation of the GTV in the given diagnoses would be highly warranted.Definisjon av målvolum og risikoorganer er en kritisk del av planleggingen av strålebehandling. I praksis gjøres dette vanligvis manuelt av kliniske eksperter som tegner inn strukturenes konturer i medisinske bilder før dosimetrisk planlegging. Dette er en tids- og arbeidskrevende oppgave. Manuell inntegning er også subjektiv, og betydelig variasjon i inntegnede konturer kan forekomme. Slik variasjon kan potensielt påvirke strålebehandlingen og bildebaserte biomarkører. Automatisk segmentering (auto-segmentering) av målvolum og risikoorganer kan potensielt spare tid og ressurser samtidig som konturvariasjonen reduseres. Autosegmentering av risikoorganer ved hjelp av maskinlæringsmetoder har nylig blitt implementert som del av den kliniske arbeidsflyten ved flere helseinstitusjoner, og slike verktøy er kommersielt tilgjengelige hos store leverandører av medisinsk teknologi. Auto-segmentering av målvolum inkludert tumorvolumet gross tumor volume (GTV) ved hjelp av maskinlæringsmetoder er per i dag mindre teknologisk modent, men dette området er fokus for omfattende pågående forskning. Hovedmålet med denne avhandlingen var å undersøke bruken av maskinlæringsmetoder for auto-segmentering av GTV i medisinske bilder. Manuelle GTVinntegninger utgjorde grunnsannheten (the ground truth) i analysene. Mål på volumetrisk overlapp og avstand mellom sanne og predikerte konturer ble brukt til å kvantifisere kvaliteten til de automatisk genererte GTV-konturene. Fire forskjellige bildedatasett ble evaluert. Det første datasettet, analysert i artikkel I–II, bestod av positronemisjonstomografi (PET) og kontrastforsterkede computertomografi (ceCT) bilder av 197 pasienter med hode/halskreft. ceCT-bildene i dette datasettet ble også inkludert i artikkel IV. To datasett ble analysert separat i artikkel III, nemlig (i) PET, ceCT og lavdose CT (ldCT) bilder av 86 pasienter med analkreft, og (ii) PET, ceCT, ldCT og T2- og diffusjonsvektet (henholdsvis T2W og DW) MR-bilder av en undergruppe (n = 36) av de ovennevnte analkreftpasientene. Det siste datasettet, som bestod av ceCT-bilder av 36 hunder med hode/halskreft, ble analysert i artikkel IV

    Prediction of Molecular Mutations in Diffuse Low-Grade Gliomas Using MR Imaging Features

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    Diffuse low-grade gliomas (LGG) have been reclassified based on molecular mutations, which require invasive tumor tissue sampling. Tissue sampling by biopsy may be limited by sampling error, whereas non-invasive imaging can evaluate the entirety of a tumor. This study presents a non-invasive analysis of low-grade gliomas using imaging features based on the updated classification. We introduce molecular (MGMT methylation, IDH mutation, 1p/19q co-deletion, ATRX mutation, and TERT mutations) prediction methods of low-grade gliomas with imaging. Imaging features are extracted from magnetic resonance imaging data and include texture features, fractal and multi-resolution fractal texture features, and volumetric features. Training models include nested leave-one-out cross-validation to select features, train the model, and estimate model performance. The prediction models of MGMT methylation, IDH mutations, 1p/19q co-deletion, ATRX mutation, and TERT mutations achieve a test performance AUC of 0.83 ± 0.04, 0.84 ± 0.03, 0.80 ± 0.04, 0.70 ± 0.09, and 0.82 ±0.04, respectively. Furthermore, our analysis shows that the fractal features have a significant effect on the predictive performance of MGMT methylation IDH mutations, 1p/19q co-deletion, and ATRX mutations. The performance of our prediction methods indicates the potential of correlating computed imaging features with LGG molecular mutations types and identifies candidates that may be considered potential predictive biomarkers of LGG molecular classification

    Quality of Radiomic Features in Glioblastoma Multiforme: Impact of Semi-Automated Tumor Segmentation Software.

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    ObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability and quality of radiomic features in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) derived from tumor volumes obtained with semi-automated tumor segmentation software.Materials and methodsMR images of 45 GBM patients (29 males, 16 females) were downloaded from The Cancer Imaging Archive, in which post-contrast T1-weighted imaging and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery MR sequences were used. Two raters independently segmented the tumors using two semi-automated segmentation tools (TumorPrism3D and 3D Slicer). Regions of interest corresponding to contrast-enhancing lesion, necrotic portions, and non-enhancing T2 high signal intensity component were segmented for each tumor. A total of 180 imaging features were extracted, and their quality was evaluated in terms of stability, normalized dynamic range (NDR), and redundancy, using intra-class correlation coefficients, cluster consensus, and Rand Statistic.ResultsOur study results showed that most of the radiomic features in GBM were highly stable. Over 90% of 180 features showed good stability (intra-class correlation coefficient [ICC] ≥ 0.8), whereas only 7 features were of poor stability (ICC < 0.5). Most first order statistics and morphometric features showed moderate-to-high NDR (4 > NDR ≥1), while above 35% of the texture features showed poor NDR (< 1). Features were shown to cluster into only 5 groups, indicating that they were highly redundant.ConclusionThe use of semi-automated software tools provided sufficiently reliable tumor segmentation and feature stability; thus helping to overcome the inherent inter-rater and intra-rater variability of user intervention. However, certain aspects of feature quality, including NDR and redundancy, need to be assessed for determination of representative signature features before further development of radiomics

    Distributing deep learning hyperparameter tuning for 3D medical image segmentation

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    Most research on novel techniques for 3D Medical Image Segmentation (MIS) is currently done using Deep Learning with GPU accelerators. The principal challenge of such technique is that a single input can easily cope computing resources, and require prohibitive amounts of time to be processed. Distribution of deep learning and scalability over computing devices is an actual need for progressing on such research field. Conventional distribution of neural networks consist in “data parallelism”, where data is scattered over resources (e.g., GPUs) to parallelize the training of the model. However, “experiment parallelism” is also an option, where different training processes (i.e., on a hyper-parameter search) are parallelized across resources. While the first option is much more common on 3D image segmentation, the second provides a pipeline design with less dependence among parallelized processes, allowing overhead reduction and more potential scalability. In this work we present a design for distributed deep learning training pipelines, focusing on multi-node and multi-GPU environments, where the two different distribution approaches are deployed and benchmarked. We take as proof of concept the 3D U-Net architecture, using the MSD Brain Tumor Segmentation dataset, a state-of-art problem in medical image segmentation with high computing and space requirements. Using the BSC MareNostrum supercomputer as benchmarking environment, we use TensorFlow and Ray as neural network training and experiment distribution platforms. We evaluate the experiment speed-up when parallelizing, showing the potential for scaling out on GPUs and nodes. Also comparing the different parallelism techniques, showing how experiment distribution leverages better such resources through scaling, e.g. by a speed-up factor from x12 to x14 using 32 GPUs. Finally, we provide the implementation of the design open to the community, and the non-trivial steps and methodology for adapting and deploying a MIS case as the here presented.This work has been partially financed by the European Commission (EU-H2020 INCISIVE GA.952179, and CALLISTO GA.101004152). Also the Spanish Ministry of Science (PID2019- 107255GB-C22/ AEI / 10.13039/501100011033), and Generalitat de Catalunya through the 2017-SGR-1414 project.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Advancements in Neuroradiology via Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

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    Neuroradiology is significantly showing the broad impact in field of Artificial intelligence research and also in Machine learning. Neuro-radiology includes methods such as neuro-imaging which simply diagnose and characterize disorders of the CNS and PNS. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the main attribute in the field of computer science generally focusing on creating "algorithms" which can be used to solve any arbitrary desired problem. AI has several applications in the field of Neuroradiolody and one of the most common and influencing application is machine learning. Machine learning is a data science approach that allows computers to learn without being programmed with specific rules. Some of the factors which shows neuroradiological impact on AI research are; (a) neuroimaging comprising rich, multicontrast, multidimensional, and multimodality data which fit themselves well to machine learning tasks; (b) consideration of well-established neuroimaging public datasets of various neural diseases such as Alzheimer disease, Parkinson disease, tumors, different forms of sclerosis etc. (c) quantitative neuroimaging research history which proves clinical practices. Another major application is Deep learning which is useful in management of information content of digital pictures that a human reader can only identify and use partially. Except this various limitations also come in the picture such as adoption in neuroradiology practice etc. Till now several research has been done which connects the concepts of Neuroradiology and Artificial intelligence and yet more to be done so as to overcome the limitations of AI in Neuroradiology

    Innovations in ex vivo light sheet fluorescence microscopy

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    Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy (LSFM) has revolutionized how optical imaging of biological specimens can be performed as this technique allows to produce 3D fluorescence images of entire samples with a high spatiotemporal resolution. In this manuscript, we aim to provide readers with an overview of the field of LSFM on ex vivo samples. Recent advances in LSFM architectures have made the technique widely accessible and have improved its acquisition speed and resolution, among other features. These developments are strongly supported by quantitative analysis of the huge image volumes produced thanks to the boost in computational capacities, the advent of Deep Learning techniques, and by the combination of LSFM with other imaging modalities. Namely, LSFM allows for the characterization of biological structures, disease manifestations and drug effectivity studies. This information can ultimately serve to develop novel diagnostic procedures, treatments and even to model the organs physiology in healthy and pathological conditions.This work was produced with the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (TEC2016-78052-R, RTC-2017-6600-1, PID2019-109820RB-100, FPU19/02854)
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