3,383 research outputs found

    OctNetFusion: Learning Depth Fusion from Data

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    In this paper, we present a learning based approach to depth fusion, i.e., dense 3D reconstruction from multiple depth images. The most common approach to depth fusion is based on averaging truncated signed distance functions, which was originally proposed by Curless and Levoy in 1996. While this method is simple and provides great results, it is not able to reconstruct (partially) occluded surfaces and requires a large number frames to filter out sensor noise and outliers. Motivated by the availability of large 3D model repositories and recent advances in deep learning, we present a novel 3D CNN architecture that learns to predict an implicit surface representation from the input depth maps. Our learning based method significantly outperforms the traditional volumetric fusion approach in terms of noise reduction and outlier suppression. By learning the structure of real world 3D objects and scenes, our approach is further able to reconstruct occluded regions and to fill in gaps in the reconstruction. We demonstrate that our learning based approach outperforms both vanilla TSDF fusion as well as TV-L1 fusion on the task of volumetric fusion. Further, we demonstrate state-of-the-art 3D shape completion results.Comment: 3DV 2017, https://github.com/griegler/octnetfusio

    Frustum PointNets for 3D Object Detection from RGB-D Data

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    In this work, we study 3D object detection from RGB-D data in both indoor and outdoor scenes. While previous methods focus on images or 3D voxels, often obscuring natural 3D patterns and invariances of 3D data, we directly operate on raw point clouds by popping up RGB-D scans. However, a key challenge of this approach is how to efficiently localize objects in point clouds of large-scale scenes (region proposal). Instead of solely relying on 3D proposals, our method leverages both mature 2D object detectors and advanced 3D deep learning for object localization, achieving efficiency as well as high recall for even small objects. Benefited from learning directly in raw point clouds, our method is also able to precisely estimate 3D bounding boxes even under strong occlusion or with very sparse points. Evaluated on KITTI and SUN RGB-D 3D detection benchmarks, our method outperforms the state of the art by remarkable margins while having real-time capability.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, 14 table

    Deep Projective 3D Semantic Segmentation

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    Semantic segmentation of 3D point clouds is a challenging problem with numerous real-world applications. While deep learning has revolutionized the field of image semantic segmentation, its impact on point cloud data has been limited so far. Recent attempts, based on 3D deep learning approaches (3D-CNNs), have achieved below-expected results. Such methods require voxelizations of the underlying point cloud data, leading to decreased spatial resolution and increased memory consumption. Additionally, 3D-CNNs greatly suffer from the limited availability of annotated datasets. In this paper, we propose an alternative framework that avoids the limitations of 3D-CNNs. Instead of directly solving the problem in 3D, we first project the point cloud onto a set of synthetic 2D-images. These images are then used as input to a 2D-CNN, designed for semantic segmentation. Finally, the obtained prediction scores are re-projected to the point cloud to obtain the segmentation results. We further investigate the impact of multiple modalities, such as color, depth and surface normals, in a multi-stream network architecture. Experiments are performed on the recent Semantic3D dataset. Our approach sets a new state-of-the-art by achieving a relative gain of 7.9 %, compared to the previous best approach.Comment: Submitted to CAIP 201

    Shape Completion using 3D-Encoder-Predictor CNNs and Shape Synthesis

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    We introduce a data-driven approach to complete partial 3D shapes through a combination of volumetric deep neural networks and 3D shape synthesis. From a partially-scanned input shape, our method first infers a low-resolution -- but complete -- output. To this end, we introduce a 3D-Encoder-Predictor Network (3D-EPN) which is composed of 3D convolutional layers. The network is trained to predict and fill in missing data, and operates on an implicit surface representation that encodes both known and unknown space. This allows us to predict global structure in unknown areas at high accuracy. We then correlate these intermediary results with 3D geometry from a shape database at test time. In a final pass, we propose a patch-based 3D shape synthesis method that imposes the 3D geometry from these retrieved shapes as constraints on the coarsely-completed mesh. This synthesis process enables us to reconstruct fine-scale detail and generate high-resolution output while respecting the global mesh structure obtained by the 3D-EPN. Although our 3D-EPN outperforms state-of-the-art completion method, the main contribution in our work lies in the combination of a data-driven shape predictor and analytic 3D shape synthesis. In our results, we show extensive evaluations on a newly-introduced shape completion benchmark for both real-world and synthetic data
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