1,101 research outputs found

    Visualizing Quaternion Multiplication

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    Quaternion rotation is a powerful tool for rotating vectors in 3-D; as a result, it has been used in various engineering fields, such as navigations, robotics, and computer graphics. However, understanding it geometrically remains challenging, because it requires visualizing 4-D spaces, which makes exploiting its physical meaning intractable. In this paper, we provide a new geometric interpretation of quaternion multiplication using a movable 3-D space model, which is useful for describing quaternion algebra in a visual way. By interpreting the axis for the scalar part of quaternion as a 1-D translation axis of 3-D vector space, we visualize quaternion multiplication and describe it as a combined effect of translation, scaling, and rotation of a 3-D vector space. We then present how quaternion rotation formulas and the derivative of quaternions can be formulated and described under the proposed approach.112sciescopu

    Minkowski products of unit quaternion sets

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    The Minkowski product of unit quaternion sets is introduced and analyzed, motivated by the desire to characterize the overall variation of compounded spatial rotations that result from individual rotations subject to known uncertainties in their rotation axes and angles. For a special type of unit quaternion set, the spherical caps of the 3-sphere S3S^3 in R4\mathbb{R}^4, closure under the Minkowski product is achieved. Products of sets characterized by fixing either the rotation axis or rotation angle, and allowing the other to vary over a given domain, are also analyzed. Two methods for visualizing unit quaternion sets and their Minkowski products in R3\mathbb{R}^3 are also discussed, based on stereographic projection and the Lie algebra formulation. Finally, some general principles for identifying Minkowski product boundary points are discussed in the case of full-dimension set operands.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figur

    How efficiently can one untangle a double-twist? Waving is believing!

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    It has long been known to mathematicians and physicists that while a full rotation in three-dimensional Euclidean space causes tangling, two rotations can be untangled. Formally, an untangling is a based nullhomotopy of the double-twist loop in the special orthogonal group of rotations. We study a particularly simple, geometrically defined untangling procedure, leading to new conclusions regarding the minimum possible complexity of untanglings. We animate and analyze how our untangling operates on frames in 3-space, and teach readers in a video how to wave the nullhomotopy with their hands.Comment: To appear in The Mathematical Intelligencer. For supplemental videos, see http://www.math.iupui.edu/~dramras/double-tip.html , or https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAfnEXvHU52ldJaOye-8kZV_C1CjxGx2C . For a supplemental virtual reality experience, see http://meglab.wikidot.com/visualizatio

    Tracking Articulator Movements Using Orientation Measurements

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    This paper introduces a new method to track articulator movements, specifically jaw position and angle, using 5 degree of freedom (5 DOF) orientation data. The approach uses a quaternion rotation method to accomplish this jaw tracking during speech using a single senor on the mandibular incisor. Data were collected using the NDI Wave Speech Research System for one pilot subject with various speech tasks. The degree of jaw rotation from the proposed approach is compared with traditional geometric calculation. Results show that the quaternion based method is able to describe jaw angle trajectory and gives more accurate and smooth estimation of jaw kinematics

    The gradient of potential vorticity, quaternions and an orthonormal frame for fluid particles

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    The gradient of potential vorticity (PV) is an important quantity because of the way PV (denoted as qq) tends to accumulate locally in the oceans and atmospheres. Recent analysis by the authors has shown that the vector quantity \bdB = \bnabla q\times \bnabla\theta for the three-dimensional incompressible rotating Euler equations evolves according to the same stretching equation as for \bom the vorticity and \bB, the magnetic field in magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The \bdB-vector therefore acts like the vorticity \bom in Euler's equations and the \bB-field in MHD. For example, it allows various analogies, such as stretching dynamics, helicity, superhelicity and cross helicity. In addition, using quaternionic analysis, the dynamics of the \bdB-vector naturally allow the construction of an orthonormal frame attached to fluid particles\,; this is designated as a quaternion frame. The alignment dynamics of this frame are particularly relevant to the three-axis rotations that particles undergo as they traverse regions of a flow when the PV gradient \bnabla q is large.Comment: Dedicated to Raymond Hide on the occasion of his 80th birthda

    Lagrangian analysis of alignment dynamics for isentropic compressible magnetohydrodynamics

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    After a review of the isentropic compressible magnetohydrodynamics (ICMHD) equations, a quaternionic framework for studying the alignment dynamics of a general fluid flow is explained and applied to the ICMHD equations.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, submitted to a Focus Issue of New Journal of Physics on "Magnetohydrodynamics and the Dynamo Problem" J-F Pinton, A Pouquet, E Dormy and S Cowley, editor

    Lagrangian particle paths and ortho-normal quaternion frames

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    Experimentalists now measure intense rotations of Lagrangian particles in turbulent flows by tracking their trajectories and Lagrangian-average velocity gradients at high Reynolds numbers. This paper formulates the dynamics of an orthonormal frame attached to each Lagrangian fluid particle undergoing three-axis rotations, by using quaternions in combination with Ertel's theorem for frozen-in vorticity. The method is applicable to a wide range of Lagrangian flows including the three-dimensional Euler equations and its variants such as ideal MHD. The applicability of the quaterionic frame description to Lagrangian averaged velocity gradient dynamics is also demonstrated.Comment: 9 pages, one figure, revise