27 research outputs found

    Longitudinal wall shear stress evaluation using centerline projection approach in the numerical simulations of the patient-based carotid artery

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    In this numerical study areas of the carotid bifurcation and of a distal stenosis in the internal carotid artery are closely observed to evaluate the patient's current risks of ischemic stroke. An indicator for the vessel wall defects is the stress the blood is exerting on the surrounding vessel tissue, expressed standardly by the amplitude of the wall shear stress vector (WSS) and its oscillatory shear index. In contrast, our orientation-based shear evaluation detects negative shear stresses corresponding with reversal flow appearing in low shear areas. In our investigations of longitudinal component of the wall shear vector, tangential vectors aligned longitudinally with the vessel are necessary. However, as a result of stenosed regions and imaging segmentation techniques from patients' CTA scans, the geometry model's mesh is non-smooth on its surface areas and the automatically generated tangential vector field is discontinuous and multi-directional, making an interpretation of the orientation-based risk indicators unreliable. We improve the evaluation of longitudinal shear stress by applying the projection of the vessel's center-line to the surface to construct smooth tangetial field aligned longitudinaly with the vessel. We validate our approach for the longitudinal WSS component and the corresponding oscillatory index by comparing them to results obtained using automatically generated tangents in both rigid and elastic vessel modeling as well as to amplitude based indicators. The major benefit of our WSS evaluation based on its longitudinal component for the cardiovascular risk assessment is the detection of negative WSS indicating persitent reversal flow. This is impossible in the case of the amplitude-based WSS

    A numerical parametric study of the mechanical action of pulsatile blood flow onto axisymmetric stenosed arteries

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    International audienceIn the present paper, a fluid-structure interaction model is developed, questioning how the mechanical action of the blood onto an atheromatous plaque is affected by the length and the severity of the stenosis. An axisymmetric model is considered. The fluid is assumed Newtonian. The plaque is modelled as a heterogeneous hyperelastic anisotropic solid composed of the arterial wall, the lipid core and the fibrous cap. Transient velocity and pressure conditions of actual pulsatile blood flow are prescribed. The simulation is achieved using the Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian scheme in the COMSOL commercial Finite Element package. The results reveal different types of behavior in function of the length (denoted L) and severity (denoted S) of the stenosis. Whereas large plaques (L > 10 mm) are mostly deformed under the action of the blood pressure, it appears that shorter plaques (L < 10 mm) are significantly affected by the shear stresses. The shear stresses tend to deform the plaque by pinching it. This effect is called: "the pinching effect". It has an essential influence on the mechanical response of the plaque. For two plaques having the same radius severity S = 45%, the maximum stress in the fibrous cap is 50% larger for the short plaque (L = 5 mm) than for a larger plaque (L = 10 mm), and the maximum wall shear stress is increased by 100%. Provided that they are confirmed by experimental investigations, these results may offer some new perspectives for understanding the vulnerability of short plaques

    Multiscale Fluid-Structure Interaction Models Development and Applications to the 3D Elements of a Human Cardiovascular System

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the number one cause of death of humans in the United States and worldwide. Accurate, non-invasive, and cheaper diagnosis methods have always been on demand as cardiovascular monitoring increase in prevalence. The primary causes of the various forms of these CVDs are atherosclerosis and aneurysms in the blood vessels. Current noninvasive methods (i.e., statistical/medical) permit fairly accurate detection of the disease once clinical symptoms are suggestive of the existence of hemodynamic disorders. Therefore, the recent surge of hemodynamics models facilitated the prediction of cardiovascular conditions. The hemodynamic modeling of a human circulatory system involves varying levels of complexity which must be accounted for and resolved. Pulse-wave propagation effects and high aspect-ratio segments of the vasculature are represented using a quasi-one-dimensional (1D), non-steady, averaged over the cross-section models. However, these reduced 1D models do not account for the blood flow patterns (recirculation zones), vessel wall shear stresses and quantification of repetitive mechanical stresses which helps to predict a vessel life. Even a whole three-dimensional (3D) modeling of the vasculature is computationally intensive and do not fit the timeline of practical use. Thus the intertwining of a quasi 1D global vasculature model with a specific/risk-prone 3D local vessel ones is imperative. This research forms part of a multiphysics project that aims to improve the detailed understanding of the hemodynamics by investigating a computational model of fluid-structure interaction (FSI) of in vivo blood flow. First idealized computational a 3D FSI artery model is configured and executed in ANSYS Workbench, forming an implicit coupling of the blood flow and vessel walls. Then the thesis focuses on an approach developed to employ commercial tools rather than in-house mathematical models in achieving multiscale simulations. A robust algorithm is constructed to combine stabilization techniques to simultaneously overcome the added-mass effect in 3D FSI simulation and mathematical difficulties such as the assignment of boundary conditions at the interface between the 3D-1D coupling. Applications can be of numerical examples evaluating the change of hemodynamic parameters and diagnosis of an abdominal aneurysm, deep vein thrombosis, and bifurcation areas

    Physics-Aware Convolutional Neural Networks for Computational Fluid Dynamics

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    Determining the behavior of fluids is of interest in many fields. In this work, we focus on incompressible, viscous, Newtonian fluids, which are well described by the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. A common approach to solve them approximately is to perform Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. However, CFD simulations are very expensive and must be repeated if the geometry changes even slightly. We consider Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) as surrogate models for CFD simulations for various geometries. This can also be considered as operator learning. Typically, these models are trained on images of high-fidelity simulation results. The generation of this high-fidelity training data is expensive, and a fully data-driven approach usually requires a large data set. Therefore, we are interested in training a CNN in the absence of abundant training data. To this end, we leverage the underlying physics in the form of the governing equations to construct physical constraints that we then use to train a CNN. We present results for various model problems, including two- and three-dimensional flow in channels around obstacles of various sizes and in non-rectangular geometries, especially arteries and aneurysms. We compare our novel physics-aware approach to the state-of-the-art data-based approach and also to a combination of the two, a combined or hybrid approach. In addition, we present results for an extension of our approach to include variations in the boundary conditions

    Computational fluid dynamics indicators to improve cardiovascular pathologies

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    In recent years, the study of computational hemodynamics within anatomically complex vascular regions has generated great interest among clinicians. The progress in computational fluid dynamics, image processing and high-performance computing haveallowed us to identify the candidate vascular regions for the appearance of cardiovascular diseases and to predict how this disease may evolve. Medicine currently uses a paradigm called diagnosis. In this thesis we attempt to introduce into medicine the predictive paradigm that has been used in engineering for many years. The objective of this thesis is therefore to develop predictive models based on diagnostic indicators for cardiovascular pathologies. We try to predict the evolution of aortic abdominal aneurysm, aortic coarctation and coronary artery disease in a personalized way for each patient. To understand how the cardiovascular pathology will evolve and when it will become a health risk, it is necessary to develop new technologies by merging medical imaging and computational science. We propose diagnostic indicators that can improve the diagnosis and predict the evolution of the disease more efficiently than the methods used until now. In particular, a new methodology for computing diagnostic indicators based on computational hemodynamics and medical imaging is proposed. We have worked with data of anonymous patients to create real predictive technology that will allow us to continue advancing in personalized medicine and generate more sustainable health systems. However, our final aim is to achieve an impact at a clinical level. Several groups have tried to create predictive models for cardiovascular pathologies, but they have not yet begun to use them in clinical practice. Our objective is to go further and obtain predictive variables to be used practically in the clinical field. It is to be hoped that in the future extremely precise databases of all of our anatomy and physiology will be available to doctors. These data can be used for predictive models to improve diagnosis or to improve therapies or personalized treatments.En els últims anys, l'estudi de l'hemodinàmica computacional en regions vasculars anatòmicament complexes ha generat un gran interès entre els clínics. El progrés obtingut en la dinàmica de fluids computacional, en el processament d'imatges i en la computació d'alt rendiment ha permès identificar regions vasculars on poden aparèixer malalties cardiovasculars, així com predir-ne l'evolució. Actualment, la medicina utilitza un paradigma anomenat diagnòstic. En aquesta tesi s'intenta introduir en la medicina el paradigma predictiu utilitzat des de fa molts anys en l'enginyeria. Per tant, aquesta tesi té com a objectiu desenvolupar models predictius basats en indicadors de diagnòstic de patologies cardiovasculars. Tractem de predir l'evolució de l'aneurisma d'aorta abdominal, la coartació aòrtica i la malaltia coronària de forma personalitzada per a cada pacient. Per entendre com la patologia cardiovascular evolucionarà i quan suposarà un risc per a la salut, cal desenvolupar noves tecnologies mitjançant la combinació de les imatges mèdiques i la ciència computacional. Proposem uns indicadors que poden millorar el diagnòstic i predir l'evolució de la malaltia de manera més eficient que els mètodes utilitzats fins ara. En particular, es proposa una nova metodologia per al càlcul dels indicadors de diagnòstic basada en l'hemodinàmica computacional i les imatges mèdiques. Hem treballat amb dades de pacients anònims per crear una tecnologia predictiva real que ens permetrà seguir avançant en la medicina personalitzada i generar sistemes de salut més sostenibles. Però el nostre objectiu final és aconseguir un impacte en l¿àmbit clínic. Diversos grups han tractat de crear models predictius per a les patologies cardiovasculars, però encara no han començat a utilitzar-les en la pràctica clínica. El nostre objectiu és anar més enllà i obtenir variables predictives que es puguin utilitzar de forma pràctica en el camp clínic. Es pot preveure que en el futur tots els metges disposaran de bases de dades molt precises de tota la nostra anatomia i fisiologia. Aquestes dades es poden utilitzar en els models predictius per millorar el diagnòstic o per millorar teràpies o tractaments personalitzats.Postprint (published version