7 research outputs found

    Visualization of scientific co-authorship in Spanish universities: from regionalization to internationalization

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    Purpose – To visualize the inter-university and international collaboration networks generated by Spanish universities based on the co-authorship of scientific articles. Design/methodology/approach - Formulation based on a bibliometric analysis of Spanish university production from 2000 to 2004 as contained in Web of Science databases, applying social network visualization techniques. The co-authorship data used were extracted with the total counting method from a database containing 100,710 papers. Findings – Spanish inter-university collaboration patterns appear to be influenced by both geographic proximity and administrative and political affiliation. Inter-regional co-authorship encompasses regional sub-networks whose spatial scope conforms rather closely to Spanish geopolitical divisions. Papers involving international collaboration are written primarily with European Union and North and Latin American researchers. Greater visibility is attained with international co-authorship than any other type of collaboration studied. Research limitations/implications - Impact was measured in terms of journals rather than each individual article. The co-authorship data were taken from the Web of Knowledge and were not compared to data from other databases. Practical implications - The data obtained may provide guidance for public policy makers seeking to enhance and intensify the internationalization of scientific production in Spanish universities. Originality – The Spanish university system is in the midst of profound structural change. This is the first article to describe Spanish university collaboration networks using social network visualization techniques, covering an area not previously addressed.Publicad

    Establishing and Analyzing the Pattern of Relationships in Co-authorship Networks: the Case Study of Scientific Productions of Researchers at Kerman University of Medical Sciences

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    Abstract: Introduction: The purpose of this research is to evaluate the co-authorship network of researchers of Kerman University of Medical Sciences. This assessment includes a look at the co-authorship, patterns of co-writing, researchers\u27 outputs, authors ranking, map drawing of the co-authorship network, comparing the network of co-writing of the medical field with other domains, main component and key researchers, review The fit of the network of the co-writing of medical researchers with the small world theory, as well as person-centered indicators such as degree centrality, between centrality, closeness centrality Eigenvector, vector centrality, beta centrality, and interstitial centrality. Method: This research was carried out using scientific methods and network analysis techniques. The statistical population of this research is all articles of the faculty members and other researchers of Kerman University of Medical Sciences, indexed at the ISI database (the Science of Science Web site) during the period from 1978 to 2015, which consists of 1710 articles. The data were analyzed by Bibexcel, Histcite and Net drive softwares after pre-processing. Findings: The review of the articles showed that the pattern of four and five writers had the highest percentage of the co-written articles. The co-authorship network of this university is lower un an index such as the number of papers for each author from many other areas, and in the index of authors for each article is higher than most of the areas. The density index of this network is 0/003, its clustering coefficient is 0/64 and the percentage of the co-written articles in companion with the single-written articles is 97%. The researchers of this university have a high degree of collaboration in writing their articles, Iran University of Medical Sciences , Shahid Bahonar Kerman University and Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, and the United States, Australia and England have the most scientific cooperation with Kerman University of Medical Sciences. Studies show that most of the articles published at Kerman University of Medical Sciences have been produced by a small number of researchers of this university, and the ratio of national-to-international collaboration at this university has been. 2/9. Conclusion: The co-authorship network of the researchers of this university is characterized by the average length trajectory and relatively high clustering coefficient, which is a small world network. The study of the distribution of the degree centrality of the central and key researchers of the network shows that the principle of success breeds success , which was proposed by Age and Rousseau in 1996, is also valid in the surveyed network, and the researchers with high centrality play a very important role in the development and The evolution of co-writing network

    Scientific collaboration in co-authorship research : a method based on network analysis

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    O presente trabalho apresenta um metodologia para o estudo da comunicação científica derivado dos métodos de análise de redes. São analisadas as relações profissionais de colaboração científica entre autores que utilizam a coautoria, uma nova subárea da comunicação científica que vem ganhando espaço na ciência da informação. Na coautoria, dois autores quaisquer são definidos como tendo um relacionamento caso tenham colaborado na produção de um artigo ou publicação científica. O artigo investiga se tal associação permite entender as problemáticas da colaboração científica, como por exemplo, se o conhecimento está concentrado em alguns poucos países ou indivíduos, e como esses indivíduos se relacionam. A metodologia desenvolvida se baseia no modelo exploratório proposto por Nooy, Mrvar e Batagelj (2011). Do ponto de vista da bibliometria, foram analisadas as colaborações científicas na base de dados Web of Science. Os resultados alcançados demonstraram que a pesquisa sobre coautoria se espalha por diversos países e por diferentes áreas de interesse. Observa-se que a associação dos métodos de bibliometria e análise de redes contribui para uma melhor interpretação de resultados, principalmente por meio da inspeção visual que a análise de redes proporciona.This work presents a method to the study of scientific communication derived from network analysis methods. It has been analyzed the professional relationships of scientific collaboration between authors that use co-authoship, a new sub-area in scientific communication that has gained space in information science. In co-authorship, any two authors are defined as having a relationship if they have collaborated in the production of an article or scientific publication. This paper investigates whether this association allows the comprehension of the problems of scientific collaboration, for example, if knowledge is concentrated in a few countries or individuals, and how these individuals relate to each other. The methodology is based on the exploratory model proposed by Nooy, Mrvar e Batagelj (2011). From the point of view of bibliometrics, scientific collaborations were analyzed in the Web of Science database. The results obtained showed that the field of co-authorship spans several countries and different areas of interest. It is observed that the association of bibliometric methods and network analysis contributes to a better interpretation of the results, mainly through the visual inspection that network analysis methods are able to provide

    Bibliometrics and scientometrics in India: An overview of studies during 1995-2014Part II: Contents of the articles in terms of disciplines and their bibliometric aspects

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    This part of the study highlights the contents of the published articles in terms of various disciplines or sub-disciplines and the bibliometric aspects discussed in these articles. The analysis of 902 papers published by Indian scholars during1995-2014 indicates that the main focus of bibliometrics/scientometrics is on assessment of science and technology in India in different sub-disciplines including contributions by Indian states and other individual countries followed by bibliometric analysis of individual journals. Papers dealing with bibliometric laws received a low priority as compared to other subdisciplines of bibliometrics/scientometrics. The analysis of data indicates that the share of theoretical studies using mathematical and statistical techniques which were missing in the earlier period (1970-1994) has increased during 1995-2014. The field of medicine as a discipline received the highest attention as compared to other disciplines

    Evaluating the Dynamics of Knowledge-Based Network Through Simulation: The Case of Canadian Nanotechnology Industry

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    Collaboration is a major factor in the knowledge and innovation creation in emerging science-driven industries, where the technology is rapidly changing and constantly evolving, such as nanotechnology. The scientific collaborations among individuals and organizations form knowledge co-creation network within which information is shared, innovative ideas are exchanged and new knowledge is generated. Although various simulation attempts have been carried out recently to analyze the performance of such networks at the firm level, the individual level has not been much explored in the literature yet. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the role of individual scientists and their collaborations in enhancing the knowledge flows, and consequently the scientific production within the Canadian nanotechnology scientists. The methodology involves two main phases. First, in order to understand the collaborative behavior of scientists in the real world, the data on all the nanotechnology journal publications in Canada was extracted from the SCOPUS database and the scientists' research performance and partnership history was analyzed using social network analysis. Moreover, the predominant properties that make a scientist sufficiently attractive to be selected as a research partner were determined using data mining and through a questionnaire sent directly to the researchers selected from our database. In the second phase, an agent-based model using Netlogo has been developed to simulate the knowledge-based network where several factors regarding the ratio, existence and absence of various categories of scientists could be controlled. It was found that scientists in centralized positions in such network have a considerable positive impact on the knowledge flows, while loyalty and cliquishness negatively affected the knowledge transmission. Star scientists appear to play a substitutive role in the network as most famous and trustable partners to be selected when usual collaborators are scarce or missing. Besides, the changes in the performance of some categories in case of the absence of others have been also observed. The major contribution of this work stems from the fact that the developed simulation model is the first one, which is fully based on the real data and on the observed behavior of the scientists in knowledge-based network

    As estruturas globais e regionais do campo de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação das doenças negligenciadas leishmaniose e tuberculose sob a ótica das redes complexas

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciência da Informação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, 2015.Na era da informação, do conhecimento e das mídias digitais, de que forma os padrões de relacionamento interpessoais registrados geram informações sobre a estrutura global e regional da pesquisa em doenças negligenciadas? Este estudo investiga as redes de coautoria de cientistas que trabalham em leishmaniose e em tuberculose, duas das principais doenças negligenciadas no contexto brasileiro e mundial, em busca de revelar de que forma vêm ocorrendo mudanças no universo de participação das pesquisas. Foi identificada a ascensão de pesquisadores de países como Brasil, Índia, China e África do Sul, que se tornaram não apenas relevantes, mas em certas áreas chegam a dominar a estrutura de colaboração em rede e a produtividade no campo observado. Os resultados apresentados possibilitam às agências de financiamento avaliar seu papel em relação aos objetivos de construção e desenvolvimento da capacidade científica, bem como a consistência de parcerias científicas em todo o mundo. Eles também permitem a avaliação dos mecanismos que apoiam e incentivam a investigação em países endêmicos. O estudo também realiza uma análise exploratória acerca dos resultados da aplicação de métodos de análise de redes complexas no universo analisado. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa avalia a criação de instrumentos que apoiem a tomada de decisão em saúde pública, buscando demonstrar como a utilização desses métodos, amparados pelo uso apropriado de tecnologias para tratamento de dados, apresenta alternativas promissoras na avaliação da ciência e das dinâmicas de redes de ciência e tecnologia. O estudo utilizou diferentes bases para a recuperação dos dados, a saber: o PubMed, a Web of Science e o SciELO. Foi analisada a dinâmica das redes de coautoria em publicações científicas além das palavras-chave, das revistas científicas e outros elementos que compõem os chamados metadados das publicações científicas. O resultado final é um conjunto de métodos que podem apoiar o estudo das comunidades científicas e dos grupos de pesquisa com base em seu comportamento específico quanto à comunicação e ao relacionamento entre seus pares.In the age of information, knowledge and digital media, how the registered interpersonal relationship patterns generate information on global and regional structure of the research in neglected diseases? This study investigates the networks of co-authorship of scientists working on leishmaniasis and tuberculosis, two of the major neglected diseases in the Brazilian and global context, seeking to reveal how changes are taking place in the universe of shared research. It has been identified the rise of researchers from countries such as Brazil, India, China and South Africa, which became not only relevant, but in certain areas come to dominate the networked collaborative structure and productivity in the observed field. The presented results allow the funding agencies to assess its role in relation to construction and development goals of scientific capacity as well as the consistency of scientific partnerships worldwide. They also allow the evaluation of the mechanisms that support and encourage research in endemic countries. The study also conducts an exploratory analysis of the results of the application analysis of complex networks methods in the universe analyzed. In this sense, the research evaluates the development of tools to support public health decisions demonstrating how the use of these methods, supported by appropriate use of technologies for data processing, offers promising alternatives in the evaluation of science and network dynamics on science and technology. The study used different databases for data retrieval, namely: PubMed, Web of Science and SciELO. The dynamics of co-authorship networks in scientific publications was analyzed in addition to keywords, scientific journals and other elements that make up the so-called metadata of scientific publications. The end result is a set of methods that can support the study of scientific communities and research groups based on their specific behavior as communication and the relationship among their peers