1,323 research outputs found

    Visualization of OSGi Based Software Architectures in Virtual Reality

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    Classic software architecture visualizations such as UML diagrams widely used in practice but are not always the best solution, for example to get an high level overview of large component-based software systems. In this talk, we show other suitable technologies for software visualization to understand complex software architectures. Especially, we show how to visualize OSGi based software architectures in Virtual Reality (VR) using VR headsets. We address the question, how software visualizing can help during the development process and what are the resulting benefits for developers and software testers. We focus on four aspects: Development, evaluation, quality assurance, and visualization technology. We demonstrate software visualization using the software ''IslandViz'', which visualizes OSGi based software systems using an island metaphor, where islands on a virtual water level represents OSGi bundles, regions on the islands represents packages, and buildings represents classes. We describe how to get all relevant data for the visualization by repository mining on the whole source tree and data mining on source code level. We store all data in a graph database for further analysis and visualization. Through software visualization we were able to answer many important questions, which have already taken a lot of time in development and test-phases. In addition, it's very important to make the software architecture tangible, which makes it easier way to talk about technical problems in teams formed by people with different knowledge, communications skills, and backgrounds

    Microservice Architecture Reconstruction and Visualization Techniques: A Review

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    Microservice system solutions are driving digital transformation; however, fundamental tools and system perspectives are missing to better observe, understand, and manage these systems, their properties, and their dependencies. Microservices architecture leads towards decentralization, which implies many advantages to system operation; it, however, brings challenges to their development. Microservice systems often lack a system-centric perspective that would help engineers better cope with system evolution and quality assessment. In this work, we explored microservice-specific architecture reconstruction based on static analysis. Such reconstruction typically results in system models to visualize selected system-centric perspectives. Conventional models involve 2D methods; however, these methods are limited in utility when services proliferate. We considered various architectural perspectives relevant to microservices and assessed the relevancy of the traditional method, comparing it to alternative data visualization using 3D space. As a representative of the 3D method, we considered a 3D graph model presented in augmented reality. To begin testing the feasibility of deriving such perspectives from microservice systems, we developed and implemented prototype tools for software architecture reconstruction and visualization of compared perspectives. Using these prototypes, we performed a small user study with software practitioners to highlight the potentials and limitations of these innovative visualizations used for common practitioner reasoning and tasks

    Kollaboratives Reengineering und Modularisieren von Softwaresystemen

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    Software systems evolve over their lifetime. Changing requirements make it inevitable for developers to modify and extend the underlying code base. Specific requirements emerge in the context of open source software where everybody can contribute and requirements can change over time. In particular, research software is often not structured with a maintainable and extensible architecture. Furthermore, often databases are employed for retrieving, storing, and processing application data. Insufficient knowledge of the actual structure and behavior of such software systems and related databases can entail further challenges. Thus, understanding these software systems embodies a crucial task, which needs to be addressed in an appropriate way to face inevitable challenges while performing software changes. Approaches based on alternative display and interaction concepts can support this task by offering a more immersive user experience. In this thesis, we introduce three complementary approaches to support the evolution and particularly understanding of software systems in different aspects. Our main contributions are (i) an approach named CORAL for enabling collaborative reengineering and modularization of software systems, (ii) a gesture-based, collaborative, and multi-user-featuring Virtual Reality approach named ExplorViz VR for the software city metaphor, and (iii) a database behavior live-visualization approach named RACCOON for database comprehension of software systems. An extensive case study shows that our CORAL approach is capable of supporting reengineering and modularization processes. Furthermore, several lab experiments demonstrate the high usability, and efficiency and effectiveness for solving comprehension tasks when using the visualization within our multi-user VR approach ExplorViz VR. All implementations are available as open-source software on www.explorviz.net. Additionally, we provide an extensive experimental package of our latest VR evaluation to facilitate the verifiability and reproducibility of our results

    Image-Schematic Metaphors in Software Visualization

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    Software visualization (SoftVis) is widely used to facilitate the process of obtaining an in-depth understanding of complex software systems. SoftVis designers can draw on a wide pool of pre-existing conceptual metaphors that model the abstract target domain to tangible source domains. As regular user-centered design methods do not provide guidance on choosing etaphorical mappings, SoftVis designers choose conceptual metaphors primarily based on their subjective similarity to the underlying data structure. We want to include image-schematic metaphors in the SoftVis design process to provide designers with guidance on choosing visualization metaphors that are also in line with the users' mental model. This could allow SoftVis designers to make more data-driven design decisions and result in SoftVis that provides better insights

    When Windmills Turn Into Giants: The Conundrum of Virtual Places

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    While many papers may claim that virtual environments have much to gain from architectural and urban planning theory, few seem to specify in any verifiable or falsifiable way, how notions of place and interaction are best combined and developed for specific needs. The following is an attempt to summarize a theory of place for virtual environments and explain both the shortcomings and the advantages of this theory

    The Medium of Visualization for Software Comprehension

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    Although abundant studies have shown how visualization can help software developers to understand software systems, visualization is still not a common practice since developers (i) have little support to find a proper visualization for their needs, and once they find a suitable visualization tool, they (ii) are unsure of its effectiveness. We aim to offer support for identifying proper visualizations, and to increase the effectiveness of visualization techniques. In this dissertation, we characterize proposed software visualizations. To fill the gap between proposed visualizations and their practical application, we encapsulate such characteristics in an ontology, and propose a meta-visualization approach to find suitable visualizations. Amongst others characteristics of software visualizations, we identify that the medium used to display them can be a means to increase the effectiveness of visualization techniques for particular comprehension tasks.We implement visualization prototypes and validate our thesis via experiments. We found that even though developers using a physical 3D model medium required the least time to deal with tasks that involve identifying outliers, they perceived the least difficulty when visualizing systems based on the standard computer screen medium. Moreover, developers using immersive virtual reality obtained the highest recollection. We conclude that the effectiveness of software visualizations that use the city metaphor to support comprehension tasks can be increased when city visualizations are rendered in an appropriate medium. Furthermore, that visualization of software visualizations can be a suitable means for exploring their multiple characteristics that can be properly encapsulated in an ontology

    Sources of Computer Metaphors for Visualization and Human-Computer Interaction

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    This chapter is devoted to finding sources for metaphors of computer visualization and human-computer interaction. Computer metaphor is considered the basic idea for the development of interfaces, visualization views, and scenarios of visualization and interaction. Global metaphors map the main design idea. These ideas depend on global events and changes in society, art, and science. In the “pre-computer” era, such ideas formed the basics of cartography, engineering drawings, and drawing function graphs on the Cartesian plane. When designing visualization and interactive systems, computer metaphors use “magic features” beside analogies with daily life. Nowadays ideas of visualization are often based on “gamification.” This approach presupposes creating tools that provide software engineers with an interface similar to that of computer games. In this chapter, ideas drawn upon fairy tales, science fiction books, fantasy films, and other similar spheres are considered as sources of computer metaphors. Such metaphors are very interesting when designing visualization systems based on virtual reality

    Microvision: Static analysis-based approach to visualizing microservices in augmented reality

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    Microservices are supporting digital transformation; however, fundamental tools and system perspectives are missing to better observe, understand, and manage these systems, their properties, and their dependencies. Microservices architecture leans toward decentralization, which yields many advantages to system operation; it, however, brings challenges to their development. Microservices lack a system-centric perspective to better cope with system evolution and quality assessment. In this work, we explore microservice-specific architecture reconstruction based on static analysis. Such reconstruction typically results in system models to visualize selected system-centric perspectives. Conventional models are limited in utility when the service cardinality is high. We consider an alternative data visualization using 3D space using augmented reality. To begin testing the feasibility of deriving such perspectives from microservice systems, we developed and implemented prototype tools for software architecture reconstruction and visualization of compared perspectives

    Visualization of the Static aspects of Software: a survey

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    International audienceSoftware is usually complex and always intangible. In practice, the development and maintenance processes are time-consuming activities mainly because software complexity is difficult to manage. Graphical visualization of software has the potential to result in a better and faster understanding of its design and functionality, saving time and providing valuable information to improve its quality. However, visualizing software is not an easy task because of the huge amount of information comprised in the software. Furthermore, the information content increases significantly once the time dimension to visualize the evolution of the software is taken into account. Human perception of information and cognitive factors must thus be taken into account to improve the understandability of the visualization. In this paper, we survey visualization techniques, both 2D- and 3D-based, representing the static aspects of the software and its evolution. We categorize these techniques according to the issues they focus on, in order to help compare them and identify the most relevant techniques and tools for a given problem
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