2,967 research outputs found

    A systems engineering approach to performance-based maintenance services design

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    Traditionally, industrial services have been mainly transaction-based, i.e., the equipment user pays the service provider for getting a job done or providing assistance and support for equipment operations. Recently, a trend has emerged of increasing the relational perspective of these services, which are becoming more oriented towards customer value and service performance levels. Among these emergent industrial services, performance-based services represent an opportunity for equipment manufacturers to transform their service offerings towards more relational and customer-oriented services. The purpose of this work is to study the design of a generic performance-based maintenance service under a novel perspective given by systems engineering. This paper is intended to serve as a starting point to fully understand this type of services and to develop a method that can support equipment manufacturers who wish to advance their service offerings

    Management control of supplier relationships in manufacturing: a case study in the automotive industry.

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    This paper studies management control design of supplier relationships in manufacturing, a supply chain phase currently under-explored. Compared to supplier relations during procurement and R&D, which research found to be governed by a combination of formal and informal controls, supplier relations in manufacturing are more formal, so that they could be governed by more formal and less informal controls. To refine the management control system and influencing contingencies, we propose a theoretical framework specifically adapted for the manufacturing stage. This framework is investigated by an in depth case study of the supplier management control of a Volvo Cars production facility. We identify three types of suppliers visualizing the associations in the framework and illustrating the framework’s explicative power in (automotive) manufacturing. Furthermore, the case contradicts that supplier relations in the manufacturing phase are governed by little informal control, because the automaker highly values the role of trust building and social pressure. Most notably, a structured supplier team functions as a clan and establishes informal control among participating suppliers, which strengthens the automaker’s control on dyadic supplier relations.management control; supplier relationships; manufacturing; contingency theory; case research;

    Application of Heavy Equipment Telematics in Infrastructure Projects : Method for automating collection of mixed fleet data, and optimization of projects through the use of telematics data

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    Master's Thesis Civil and Constructional Engineering BYG508 - University of Agder 2019Existing heavy equipment telematics capabilities are not being used to their potential.In collaboration with Skanska there is an interest to look at how telematics can beused more efficiently with mixed equipment fleets. Current and future aspects are com-pelling, especially in relations to optimization and environmental benefits.Rv. 3 /rv. 25Løten–Elverumis provided as a case.This master’s thesis takes a closer look at the use of telematics data from heavy equip-ment at infrastructure projects. Through the automation of collecting telematics data,mixed fleet data are juxtapositioned to give insight into site activities. Literature reviewsand tests show that data relating to fuel consumption, machine hours, productivity, andequipment location are central to optimization. Additionally, contractors can quantifytheir performances and environmental impacts to be applicable in procurement processesthrough the use of telematics data.Keywords: telematics; heavy equipment; infrastructure; automation; optimizatio

    Solution providers’ strategic capabilities

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    Purpose – Drawing on the resource-based view of the firm, this study analyzes solution providers’ strategic capabilities that facilitate above-average returns. Design/methodology/approach – The study applies a qualitative comparative case method. In addition to an extensive set of secondary data, the results are based on interviews with 35 executives from nine leading industrial solution providers, their strategic customers, and suppliers. The analyzed solution providers were identified based on quantitative survey data. Findings – By observing six distinctive resources and three strategic business processes, the present study identifies seven strategic capabilities that occur in different phases of solution development and deployment: 1) fleet management capability, 2) technology-development capability, 3) M&A (mergers and acquisitions) capability, 4) value quantifying capability, 5) project management capability, 6) supplier network management capability and 7) value co-creation capability. Research limitations/implications – The study develops a generic model for the strategic capabilities of servitization. Application of the developed model to different contexts would further validate and enhance it. Practical implications – Managers can use the developed model to benchmark, identify, build, and manage solution providers’ strategic capabilities and associated practices. Originality/value – The study develops a valuable conceptual model based on the comparative case data. Case firms were selected for the study based on a representative quantitative dataset. The results were verified and triangulated with external data.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Functional product business models : a review of the literature and identification of operational tactical practices

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    Offering functional products (FP) are beginning to emerge as a growing trend within industrial firms driven by the desire to achieve economic performance and sustainable resource management goals. Nevertheless, our knowledge about how companies can adopt and implement FP has remained limited. In this study, we conduct a systematic literature review related to FP business models and tactical practices to advance the understanding regarding FP implementation. Based on the in-depth analysis of 48 articles, we develop a framework that proposes a link between FP business models and tactics. We further link FP business models to five operational level tactics, which can ensure the degree of their implementation and value generation. The identified tactical sets are contract, marketing, network, product design, and sustainability aspects.©2014 Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed


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    This study examines how the transitioning process towards a more service-oriented logic has been carried out in four publicly-listed manufacturing companies based on their annual reporting; Kone, KoneCranes, Metso and Wärtsilä. The qualitative comparative case method is applied to analyze these companies in order to find out how far the com-panies are in the processes of service implementation and how they have reached this point. In this respect, a four-stage model is created to divide the service-implementation process into four distinctive phases; 1.) Product supplier, 2.) Add-on service provider, 3.) Solution supplier and 4.) Performance supplier. This model is further applied to de-termine how the servitization process has proceeded in case companies during the re-search period from 2001 to 2011. Study results suggest that case companies have gone through relatively different service development processes in terms of both chronological lengths and contents of each de-velopment stage. Case companies were located in different phases in 2001 as Metso represented a Product Supplier, whereas Wärtsilä and Kone were situated in the Add-on service provider -stage. Only KoneCranes had advanced into the Solution Supplier -phase. All the case companies have ended up to the Solution Supplier -phase in 2011. However, some of the companies seem to share better premises to progress into the last service development phase in the future. This paper complements the service-related research of manufacturing companies by paying attention especially on the comparative case study method with annual reports as the key source and by establishing the Four-stage service development model that can be further used to assess how companies have progressed in their servitization processes.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Optimização da estratégia de serviço pós-venda da Peruza

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    The aim of the study is to develop and optimize the process of after-sales from PERUZA, a Latvian company inserted in the food industry specializes in manufacturing equipment for processing and transforming the fish. The company produces and commercializes its products in the Latvian market as well as in international markets such as Southeast Asia, Europe and North America. The after-sales activities of a manufacturing company plays an important role in the success of the business, as after the machine is purchased the quality of the service offered is the gate for new purchases and good feedbacks that spread among the markets and increase the reliability and reputation of both product and company. The project was developed based on a research-action methodology through a six-month internship in Latvia. During that period multiple activities were performed that allowed to acquire enough information and knowledge to develop a new strategy aiming to increase the after-sales revenues and the relationship with the existing clients. To begin the study, the current after-sales process was analyzed in order to identify the issues and possible improvement opportunities that could be implemented later on. From that analysis and after some discussions with the department managers it was carried an analysis that aimed to understand the customer's opinion of the current after-sales services offered. With the data collected and analyzed a series of improvement proposals was made and discussed with the company manager to obtain its approval for the further actions. At a later stage of the internship new improvements were implemented such as the introduction of new services, development of new process diagrams and optimizations of the spare parts management strategy. To conclude the study the new services were offered and presented to the customers and the trial period for the new after sales methodology started. During that time PERUZA collected information based on the feedback of the customers and continued to work on optimized the new strategy implemented, aiming to achieve a stage where the process is capable of increasing the company’s revenues as well as keeping a good reputation and reliability of its products and services offered.O objetivo do estudo é desenvolver e otimizar o processo de pós-venda da PERUZA, uma empresa letã inserida na indústria de alimentos, especializada na fabricação de equipamentos para processamento e transformação do peixe. A empresa produz e comercializa os seus produtos no mercado da Letónia, bem como em mercados internacionais como o Sudeste Asiático, Europa e América do Norte. As atividades de pós-venda de uma empresa de produção desempenham um papel importante no sucesso dos negócios, pois, após a compra da máquina, a qualidade do serviço oferecido é a porta para novas compras e bons feedbacks que se espalham pelos mercados e aumentam a confiança e reputação do produto e da empresa. O projeto foi desenvolvido com base numa metodologia de pesquisa-ação através de um estágio de seis meses na Letónia. Durante esse período, foram realizadas diversas atividades que permitiram adquirir informações e conhecimentos suficientes para desenvolver uma nova estratégia, visando aumentar as receitas pós-venda e o relacionamento com os clientes existentes. Para iniciar o estudo, o atual processo de pós-venda foi analisado para identificar os problemas e possíveis oportunidades de melhoria que poderiam ser implementadas posteriormente. A partir dessa análise e após algumas discussões com os gerentes de departamento, foi realizada uma análise que visava entender a opinião do cliente sobre os atuais serviços pós-venda oferecidos. Com os dados coletados e analisados, uma série de propostas de melhoria foram feitas e discutidas com o gerente da empresa para obter a sua aprovação para novas ações. Numa fase posterior do estágio, novas melhorias foram implementadas, como a introdução de novos serviços, o desenvolvimento de novos diagramas de processo e as otimizações da estratégia de gerenciamento de peças de reposição. Para concluir o estudo, os novos serviços foram oferecidos e apresentados aos clientes e o período de teste para a nova metodologia pós-venda foi iniciada. Durante esse período, a PERUZA coletou informações com base no feedback dos clientes e continuou a trabalhar na otimização da nova estratégia implementada, com o objetivo de alcançar uma etapa em que o processo seja capaz de aumentar as receitas da empresa, além de manter uma boa reputação e confiança dos seus produtos e serviços oferecidos

    Industrial Case: Blockchain on Aircraft’s Parts Supply Chain Management

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    With the growth of aviation domain across the world, there has been steep demand in aircrafts. In this domain, avionic machines and hardware are shipped to single assembly hubs, located globally. All parts come with certain life expectancy, specific requirements and inevitable need for maintenance. In this paper, we will take an industrial scenario of aviation’s industries’ supply chain management, and demonstrate the necessitation of having decentralized system like Blockchain, not only assisting to maintain inventory of the aircraft’s individual segments but also to monitor the performance, usage, etc. This will help to achieve a transparent network of aircraft’s part’s supply and will reduce the risk of availability of aircraft segments in black market and will help the analysts to analyze the supply, demands, source of availability of aviation parts and method to procure them from the right sources

    Leveraging data to enable business growth through different market channels

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    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Driven Marketing, specialization in Digital Marketing and AnalyticsThe shift from mechanical and analog technology to digital electronics leading to the "Second Digital Revolution."With the rise of the Data Economy, companies need to redefine their role in this economy by evaluating their engagement. Data has become a valuable asset that can be monetized, and companies are leveraging it to scale their businesses. Schneider Electric, a top energy management company, uses innovative technologies and solutions to drive digital transformation. This project was created to answer challenges faced by Schneider Electric in giving visibility to partners, monetizing data, and sharing data securely. As part of the project deployment, qualitative analysis methods were used, including semi-structured interviews and use case analysis. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with service partners at different project stages to gather insights and requirements. Use case analysis was employed to define user interactions within the system. The interviews revealed service partners' need for tools to record and display inventory, access comprehensive product information, and receive proactive notifications. The use cases were developed based on these insights and aimed to address the partners' pain points while aligning with Schneider Electric's business objectives. Overall, these methods helped gather valuable input for the project and shape the solution design. The project successfully improved the customer journey for all types of customers through the mySchneider portal, providing convenient access to customer information, service maintenance contracts, service visits, and reports. The methodology employed in the project can be applied to other initiatives and future enhancements, aiming to enhance customer satisfaction and increase business revenue. The project also has theoretical implications for marketing and customer relationship management, empowering businesses to develop effective strategies and cultivate stronger customer relationships. Agile project methodology was effective in navigating budget and timeline constraints. The implementation of the project will support Schneider Electric's global offices and their services growth strategies through partnerships
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