98 research outputs found

    Dead code elimination based pointer analysis for multithreaded programs

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    This paper presents a new approach for optimizing multitheaded programs with pointer constructs. The approach has applications in the area of certified code (proof-carrying code) where a justification or a proof for the correctness of each optimization is required. The optimization meant here is that of dead code elimination. Towards optimizing multithreaded programs the paper presents a new operational semantics for parallel constructs like join-fork constructs, parallel loops, and conditionally spawned threads. The paper also presents a novel type system for flow-sensitive pointer analysis of multithreaded programs. This type system is extended to obtain a new type system for live-variables analysis of multithreaded programs. The live-variables type system is extended to build the third novel type system, proposed in this paper, which carries the optimization of dead code elimination. The justification mentioned above takes the form of type derivation in our approach.Comment: 19 page

    Probabilistic pointer analysis for multithreaded programs

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    The use of pointers and data-structures based on pointers results in circular memory references that are interpreted by a vital compiler analysis, namely pointer analysis. For a pair of memory references at a program point, a typical pointer analysis specifies if the points-to relation between them may exist, definitely does not exist, or definitely exists. The "may be" case, which describes the points-to relation for most of the pairs, cannot be dealt with by most compiler optimizations. This is so to guarantee the soundness of these optimizations. However, the "may be" case can be capitalized by the modern class of speculative optimizations if the probability that two memory references alias can be measured. Focusing on multithreading, a prevailing technique of programming, this paper presents a new flow-sensitive technique for probabilistic pointer analysis of multithreaded programs. The proposed technique has the form of a type system and calculates the probability of every points-to relation at each program point. The key to our approach is to calculate the points-to information via a post-type derivation. The use of type systems has the advantage of associating each analysis results with a justification (proof) for the correctness of the results. This justification has the form of a type derivation and is very much required in applications like certified code.Comment: 12 page


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    Concurrency faults are difficult to reproduce and localize because they usually occur under specific inputs and thread interleavings. Most existing fault localization techniques focus on sequential programs but fail to identify faulty memory access patterns across threads, which are usually the root causes of concurrency faults. Moreover, existing techniques for sequential programs cannot be adapted to identify faulty paths in concurrent programs. While concurrency fault localization techniques have been proposed to analyze passing and failing executions obtained from running a set of test cases to identify faulty access patterns, they primarily focus on using statistical analysis. We present a novel approach to fault localization using feature selection techniques from machine learning. Our insight is that the concurrency access patterns obtained from a large volume of coverage data generally constitute high dimensional data sets, yet existing statistical analysis techniques for fault localization are usually applied to low dimensional data sets. Each additional failing or passing run can provide more diverse information, which can help localize faulty concurrency access patterns in code. The patterns with maximum feature diversity information can point to the most suspicious pattern. We then apply data mining technique and identify the interleaving patterns that are occurred most frequently and provide the possible faulty paths. We also evaluate the effectiveness of fault localization using test suites generated from different test adequacy criteria. We have evaluated Cadeco on 10 real-world multi-threaded Java applications. Results indicate that Cadeco outperforms state-of-the-art approaches for localizing concurrency faults

    Precise static happens-before analysis for detecting UAF order violations in android

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    © 2019 IEEE. Unlike Java, Android provides a rich set of APIs to support a hybrid concurrency system, which consists of both Java threads and an event queue mechanism for dispatching asynchronous events. In this model, concurrency errors often manifest themselves in the form of order violations. An order violation occurs when two events access the same shared object in an incorrect order, causing unexpected program behaviors (e.g., null pointer dereferences). This paper presents SARD, a static analysis tool for detecting both intra-and inter-thread use-after-free (UAF) order violations, when a pointer is dereferenced (used) after it no longer points to any valid object, through systematic modeling of Android's concurrency mechanism. We propose a new flow-and context-sensitive static happens-before (HB) analysis to reason about the interleavings between two events to effectively identify precise HB relations and eliminate spurious event interleavings. We have evaluated SARD by comparing with NADROID, a state-of-the-art static order violation detection tool for Android. SARD outperforms NADROID in terms of both precision (by reporting three times fewer false alarms than NADROID given the same set of apps used by NADROID) and efficiency (by running two orders of magnitude faster than NADROID)


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    プログラムが実際にどのようにして動作しているかを理解することは, プログラミングにおいて重要なことの一つである. しかしマルチスレッドプログラムは逐次処理と異なり, ソースコード上は一つの操作に見えても実は不可分でない操作やメモリの可視性などが原因でソースコードの見た目通りにプログラムが動いていないため, 実際の動作がわかりにくい. また, マルチスレッドのバグは発生確率が低いものがあるだけでなく環境によって全く発生しない場合があり, 実際に参考書などに記載されているバグのサンプルを手元の環境で試しても発生しないことがある.そこで, マルチスレッドプログラムがどのように動作しているのか, シングルスレッドプログラムと同じようにプログラミングしてしまうとどのような動作をしてどのような問題が発生するのかなどの動作原理の概要を学ぶためのツールを開発した.マルチスレッド特有のバグのうち, デッドロックは既に可視化が行われている. そこで, 本研究では競合状態やメモリの可視性など, よりハードウェア側に近い動作の可視化した.実機ではメモリモデルの違いやコンパイラの最適化の違いなどにより全ての可能性を再現することはできないため, 逐次処理プログラミング経験者向けビジュアルプログラミング言語による入力およびハードウェアレベルのプログラムアニメーションを行うシミュレータとして作成した.全ての可能性を提示する方法としてモデル検査によりバグのあるパターンを検出して自動実行する方法と手作業で全パターンを実行できるようにする方法が考えられる. 本研究では学習を目標とするため, バグの有無にかかわらず全ての可能性を実行できるように後者を選択した. ユーザは複数の可能な操作から一つを選ぶことで, スレッドスケジューリングやハードウェアによる動的な実行順序の並び替えをシミュレートできる.評価実験により, 提案システムはマルチスレッドの並列プログラムの理解支援に一定の有効性を示した. 一方で, プログラムアニメーションが手動であるために見落としが発生した.電気通信大学201

    OSCAR. A Noise Injection Framework for Testing Concurrent Software

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    “Moore’s Law” is a well-known observable phenomenon in computer science that describes a visible yearly pattern in processor’s die increase. Even though it has held true for the last 57 years, thermal limitations on how much a processor’s core frequencies can be increased, have led to physical limitations to their performance scaling. The industry has since then shifted towards multicore architectures, which offer much better and scalable performance, while in turn forcing programmers to adopt the concurrent programming paradigm when designing new software, if they wish to make use of this added performance. The use of this paradigm comes with the unfortunate downside of the sudden appearance of a plethora of additional errors in their programs, stemming directly from their (poor) use of concurrency techniques. Furthermore, these concurrent programs themselves are notoriously hard to design and to verify their correctness, with researchers continuously developing new, more effective and effi- cient methods of doing so. Noise injection, the theme of this dissertation, is one such method. It relies on the “probe effect” — the observable shift in the behaviour of concurrent programs upon the introduction of noise into their routines. The abandonment of ConTest, a popular proprietary and closed-source noise injection framework, for testing concurrent software written using the Java programming language, has left a void in the availability of noise injection frameworks for this programming language. To mitigate this void, this dissertation proposes OSCAR — a novel open-source noise injection framework for the Java programming language, relying on static bytecode instrumentation for injecting noise. OSCAR will provide a free and well-documented noise injection tool for research, pedagogical and industry usage. Additionally, we propose a novel taxonomy for categorizing new and existing noise injection heuristics, together with a new method for generating and analysing concurrent software traces, based on string comparison metrics. After noising programs from the IBM Concurrent Benchmark with different heuristics, we observed that OSCAR is highly effective in increasing the coverage of the interleaving space, and that the different heuristics provide diverse trade-offs on the cost and benefit (time/coverage) of the noise injection process.Resumo A “Lei de Moore” é um fenómeno, bem conhecido na área das ciências da computação, que descreve um padrão evidente no aumento anual da densidade de transístores num processador. Mesmo mantendo-se válido nos últimos 57 anos, o aumento do desempenho dos processadores continua garrotado pelas limitações térmicas inerentes `a subida da sua frequência de funciona- mento. Desde então, a industria transitou para arquiteturas multi núcleo, com significativamente melhor e mais escalável desempenho, mas obrigando os programadores a adotar o paradigma de programação concorrente ao desenhar os seus novos programas, para poderem aproveitar o desempenho adicional que advém do seu uso. O uso deste paradigma, no entanto, traz consigo, por consequência, a introdução de uma panóplia de novos erros nos programas, decorrentes diretamente da utilização (inadequada) de técnicas de programação concorrente. Adicionalmente, estes programas concorrentes são conhecidos por serem consideravelmente mais difíceis de desenhar e de validar, quanto ao seu correto funcionamento, incentivando investi- gadores ao desenvolvimento de novos métodos mais eficientes e eficazes de o fazerem. A injeção de ruído, o tema principal desta dissertação, é um destes métodos. Esta baseia-se no “efeito sonda” (do inglês “probe effect”) — caracterizado por uma mudança de comportamento observável em programas concorrentes, ao terem ruído introduzido nas suas rotinas. Com o abandono do Con- Test, uma framework popular, proprietária e de código fechado, de análise dinâmica de programas concorrentes através de injecção de ruído, escritos com recurso `a linguagem de programação Java, viu-se surgir um vazio na oferta de framework de injeção de ruído, para esta mesma linguagem. Para mitigar este vazio, esta dissertação propõe o OSCAR — uma nova framework de injeção de ruído, de código-aberto, para a linguagem de programação Java, que utiliza manipulação estática de bytecode para realizar a introdução de ruído. O OSCAR pretende oferecer uma ferramenta livre e bem documentada de injeção de ruído para fins de investigação, pedagógicos ou até para a indústria. Adicionalmente, a dissertação propõe uma nova taxonomia para categorizar os dife- rentes tipos de heurísticas de injecção de ruídos novos e existentes, juntamente com um método para gerar e analisar traces de programas concorrentes, com base em métricas de comparação de strings. Após inserir ruído em programas do IBM Concurrent Benchmark, com diversas heurísticas, ob- servámos que o OSCAR consegue aumentar significativamente a dimensão da cobertura do espaço de estados de programas concorrentes. Adicionalmente, verificou-se que diferentes heurísticas produzem um leque variado de prós e contras, especialmente em termos de eficácia versus eficiência

    Uniparallel Execution and its Uses.

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    We introduce uniparallelism: a new style of execution that allows multithreaded applications to benefit from the simplicity of uniprocessor execution while scaling performance with increasing processors. A uniparallel execution consists of a thread-parallel execution, where each thread runs on its own processor, and an epoch-parallel execution, where multiple time intervals (epochs) of the program run concurrently. The epoch-parallel execution runs all threads of a given epoch on a single processor; this enables the use of techniques that are effective on a uniprocessor. To scale performance with increasing cores, a thread-parallel execution runs ahead of the epoch-parallel execution and generates speculative checkpoints from which to start future epochs. If these checkpoints match the program state produced by the epoch-parallel execution at the end of each epoch, the speculation is committed and output externalized; if they mismatch, recovery can be safely initiated as no speculative state has been externalized. We use uniparallelism to build two novel systems: DoublePlay and Frost. DoublePlay benefits from the efficiency of logging the epoch-parallel execution (as threads in an epoch are constrained to a single processor, only infrequent thread context-switches need to be logged to recreate the order of shared-memory accesses), allowing it to outperform all prior systems that guarantee deterministic replay on commodity multiprocessors. While traditional methods detect data races by analyzing the events executed by a program, Frost introduces a new, substantially faster method called outcome-based race detection to detect the effects of a data race by comparing the program state of replicas for divergences. Unlike DoublePlay, which runs a single epoch-parallel execution of the program, Frost runs multiple epoch-parallel replicas with complementary schedules, which are a set of thread schedules crafted to ensure that replicas diverge only if a data race occurs and to make it very likely that harmful data races cause divergences. Frost detects divergences by comparing the outputs and memory states of replicas at the end of each epoch. Upon detecting a divergence, Frost analyzes the replica outcomes to diagnose the data race bug and selects an appropriate recovery strategy that masks the failure.Ph.D.Computer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/89677/1/kaushikv_1.pd

    Regression test selection for distributed Java RMI programs by means of formal concept analysis

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    Software maintenance is the process of modifying an existing system to ensure that it meets current and future requirements. As a result, performing regression testing becomes an essential but time consuming aspect of any maintenance activity. Regression testing is initiated after a programmer has made changes to a program that may have inadvertently introduced errors. It is a quality control approach to ensure that the newly modified code still complies with its specified requirements and that unmodified code has not been affected by the maintenance activity. In the literature various types of test selection techniques have been proposed to reduce the effort associated with re-executing the required test cases. However, the majority of these approach has been focusing only on sequential programs, and provide no or only very limited support for distributed programs or database-driven applications. The thesis presents a lightweight methodology, which applies Formal Concept Analysis to support a regression test selection analysis, in combination with execution trace collection and external data sharing analysis, for distributed Java RMI programs. Two Eclipse plug-ins were developed to automate the regression test selection process and to evaluate our methodology