9 research outputs found

    RELT - Visualizing trees on mobile devices

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    The small screens on increasingly used mobile devices challenge the traditional visualization methods designed for desktops. This paper presents a method called "Radial Edgeless Tree" (RELT) for visualizing trees in a 2-dimensional space. It combines the existing connection tree drawing with the space-filling approach to achieve the efficient display of trees in a small geometrical area, such as the screen that are commonly used in mobile devices. We recursively calculate a set of non-overlapped polygonal nodes that are adjacent in the hierarchical manner. Thus, the display space is fully used for displaying nodes, while the hierarchical relationships among the nodes are presented by the adjacency (or boundary-sharing) of the nodes. It is different from the other traditional connection approaches that use a node-link diagram to present the parent-child relationships which waste the display space. The hierarchy spreads from north-west to south-east in a top-down manner which naturally follows the traditional way of human perception of hierarchies. We discuss the characteristics, advantages and limitations of this new technique and suggestions for future research. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

    Constructive 3D Visualization techniques on Mobile platform- Empirical Analysis

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    As per the concept of 3D visualization on mobile devices it is clear that it belongs to two approaches i.e. local and remote approach. According to the technological advances in mobile devices it is possible to handle some complex data locally and visualized it. But still it is a challenging task to manage real entities on mobile devices locally. Remote visualization plays a vital role for 3D visualization on mobile platform in which data comes from server. Remote approach for 3D visualization on mobile platform consist of various techniques, critical analysis of such techniques is focus into this paper. Also the main focus is on network aspects

    An Evaluation-Guided Approach for Effective Data Visualization on Tablets

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    There is a rising trend of data analysis and visualization tasks being performed on a tablet device. Apps with interactive data visualization capabilities are available for a wide variety of domains. We investigate whether users grasp how to effectively interpret and interact with visualizations. We conducted a detailed user evaluation to study the abilities of individuals with respect to analyzing data on a tablet through an interactive visualization app. Based upon the results of the user evaluation, we find that most subjects performed well at understanding and interacting with simple visualizations, specifically tables and line charts. A majority of the subjects struggled with identifying interactive widgets, recognizing interactive widgets with overloaded functionality, and understanding visualizations which do not display data for sorted attributes. Based on our study, we identify guidelines for designers and developers of mobile data visualization apps that include recommendations for effective data representation and interaction

    Analysis of Information Visualization Techniques for Abstract data on Mobile Devices

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    To perform visualization on mobile devices different types of data may use like text, picture, maps, physical objects, abstract data etc. According to data visualization is categorized in two areas of visualization that is, scientific visualization and information visualization. Scientific visualization refers to some specific type of data like physical data and it is used for computer modeling and simulation. Information visualization refers to abstract data and used in business and finance, administration, digital media and other abstract concepts. The physical and abstract data is only one classification but there are others classification like static and dynamic data, structured and unstructured data, or hierarchical and non-hierarchical data classification. This paper is focus on information visualization of abstract data on mobile devices

    Revisión sistemática de la literatura técnicas de diseño para la usabilidad en el contexto del M-commerce

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    Antecedentes: El intensivo uso de los dispositivos móviles en todo el mundo, ha generado un nuevo escenario para el comercio electrónico denominado m-Commerce, el cual presenta características particulares por la propia naturaleza de estos tipos de dispositivos. En este contexto, la usabilidad se ha convertido en un elemento clave, pues el tamaño de los dispositivos introduce restricciones a los diseñadores de aplicaciones y esto puede determinar la aceptación o rechazo del software. Objetivo: Analizar de manera comparada las distintas técnicas para el diseño de interfaces de usuario que proveen un alto nivel de usabilidad en las aplicaciones móviles. Método: El método utilizado fue el de la revisión sistemática de la literatura en las bases de datos más reconocidas. Resultados: Se identificaron 20 estudios los cuales hacen referencia a 13 técnicas, 5 enfoques y 2 métodos que pueden ser utilizados para el diseño de pantallas de alta usabilidad. Conclusiones: Se puede concluir que existen diferentes técnicas de diseño que pueden ser usadas en el comercio móvil o para cualquier otro campo del e-Business, con el fin de mejorar la usabilidad de las interfaces de usuario en los dispositivos móviles

    Glaze visualization framework for mobile devices

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    Supervisor: Ian Oakle

    Entwurf und Realisierung einer App zur Verwaltung von Taxonomien

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    Die Wartung von auf spezielle Themen zugeschnittene Taxonomien und Ontologien wird im Allgemeinen manuell durchgeführt. Dieser wiederkehrende Prozess wird oft von Experten der entsprechenden Domäne durchgeführt, benötigt viel Zeit und verursacht dadurch hohe Kosten. Um eine Kostensenkung zu erreichen, soll die benötigte Zeit gesenkt werden. Demzufolge soll im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ein Werkzeug entwickelt werden, das einen Experten bestmöglich bei der Wartung einer Taxonomie unterstützt. Hierzu wird ein Client-Server-System präsentiert, welches Taxonomien zentral vorhält und über einen Web-Service den Clients zur Verfügung stellt. Entwickelt werden sowohl der Server, als auch der Client. Serverseitig wird eine Applikation vorgestellt, die in einer relationalen Datenbank enthaltene Taxonomien und Funktionen zu deren Verwaltung über eine REST-Schnittstelle zur Verfügung stellt. Clientseitig wird eine auf Tablets ausgelegte Web-Applikation präsentiert, die in nahezu jeder Situation einen Zugriff auf eine Taxonomie erlaubt. Zusätzlich kann diese durch eine halbautomatische Erweiterung vervollständigt werden. Halbautomatisch bedeutet in diesem Kontext, dass Vorschläge für neue Synonyme für Konzepte außerhalb des Systems generiert und nach der Bewertung eines Experten in die Taxonomie übernommen werden können

    Using mobile information visualisation to support the analysis of telecommunication service ultilisation

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    Telecommunication service utilisation (TSU) focuses on how customers make use of telecommunication services and can provide valuable information for decision making for improved customer service delivery. When a telecommunication service provider consults with customers, large amounts of static documentation on TSU data are compiled. Compiling this documentation for in-field investigation is manually intensive and the documentation does not effectively support decision making. Existing systems for visualising TSU data do not efficiently support in-field investigation of TSU and lack dynamic interaction. This highlights the need to investigate a solution to better support in-field investigation of TSU. This research followed a Design Science Research methodology to develop and evaluate a solution to solve the problem identified. The use of tablet devices for in-field investigation of TSU was identified as a suitable solution. Mobile information visualisation (MIV) techniques were investigated to determine appropriate display and interaction techniques for the visualisation of TSU data on a tablet device. An existing visualisation framework for TSU was identified and extended to incorporate touch-based interactions. Three service usage views were identified for visualising TSU, namely a Trend, Network and Detail Usage View. A Dashboard View was also identified to provide a quick reference view of the different views. A prototype called MobiTel was developed on a tablet device. MobiTel incorporated the identified information visualisation techniques. MobiTel was evaluated using an expert review and a user study to determine its usability and usefulness. The results indicated that MobiTel was perceived as being useful for in-field investigation and that the participants perceived the prototype to be easy to use and learn. The user study also indicated that the participants were satisfied with MobiTel. This research has determined that MIV techniques can be used for in-field investigation of TSU. Design recommendations were devised for designing an interactive mobile prototype for visualising service usage information. Future work will involve using map-based visualisation for visualising TSU data on different customer sites

    Visualization by Information Type on Mobile Device

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    The number of mobile device users is increasing for its convenience of information searching and its guaranteed mobility. Unlike desktop environment with large display screens, these mobile devices have a limitation to present information on small screens. Though hardware performance of mobile device is improving, the problem of displaying information on such small screens will still remain. This paper proposes information visualization method as a solution to the above problem. Information visualization method effectively layouts and efficiently navigates information on small a screen considering given resources and process power of mobile devices