6,067 research outputs found

    Visualising COVID-19 Research

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    The world has seen in 2020 an unprecedented global outbreak of SARS-CoV-2, a new strain of coronavirus, causing the COVID-19 pandemic, and radically changing our lives and work conditions. Many scientists are working tirelessly to find a treatment and a possible vaccine. Furthermore, governments, scientific institutions and companies are acting quickly to make resources available, including funds and the opening of large-volume data repositories, to accelerate innovation and discovery aimed at solving this pandemic. In this paper, we develop a novel automated theme-based visualisation method, combining advanced data modelling of large corpora, information mapping and trend analysis, to provide a top-down and bottom-up browsing and search interface for quick discovery of topics and research resources. We apply this method on two recently released publications datasets (Dimensions' COVID-19 dataset and the Allen Institute for AI's CORD-19). The results reveal intriguing information including increased efforts in topics such as social distancing; cross-domain initiatives (e.g. mental health and education); evolving research in medical topics; and the unfolding trajectory of the virus in different territories through publications. The results also demonstrate the need to quickly and automatically enable search and browsing of large corpora. We believe our methodology will improve future large volume visualisation and discovery systems but also hope our visualisation interfaces will currently aid scientists, researchers, and the general public to tackle the numerous issues in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.Comment: 11 pages. 10 figures. Preprint paper made available here prior to submission. Update: special characters correcte

    Bibliometric Analysis of COVID-19 Research in Information Systems: A Proposed Model

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    A new coronavirus, eventually identified as COVID-19, triggered an outbreak in Wuhan, China, at the end of 2019. It has since spread around the world. This has also resulted in an increase in the number of publications pertaining to COVID-19. However, not much research has examined COVID-19 in information systems using bibliometrics. The purpose of this work is to develop a model for visualising COVID-19 research in information systems using bibliometric data. We did a brief survey of the literature in this study, followed by an analysis of related work. We anticipate that our proposed model will aid future researchers who wish to undertake bibliometric visualisations utilising it

    What country, university or research institute, performed the best on COVID-19? Bibliometric analysis of scientific literature

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    In this article, we conduct data mining to discover the countries, universities and companies, produced or collaborated the most research on Covid-19 since the pandemic started. We present some interesting findings, but despite analysing all available records on COVID-19 from the Web of Science Core Collection, we failed to reach any significant conclusions on how the world responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, we increased our analysis to include all available data records on pandemics and epidemics from 1900 to 2020. We discover some interesting results on countries, universities and companies, that produced collaborated most the most in research on pandemic and epidemics. Then we compared the results with the analysing on COVID-19 data records. This has created some interesting findings that are explained and graphically visualised in the article

    Expressing gratitude and visualising one’s best possible self: Assessing the effectiveness of a four-week intervention on affect and health behaviours during the COVID-19 lockdown

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    AbstractThis research examined affect and health behaviours over four weeks during consecutive COVID-19 lockdowns in the United Kingdom (UK), and the impact of expressing gratitude (EG) and visualising one’s best possible self (BPS) on these outcomes compared to a control condition. Participants (N = 145) took part in a 4-week intervention during lockdown and completed an EG, BPS, or control exercise and measures of affect and health behaviours once per week for four weeks. Results showed that participants reported increased positive affect and decreased negative affect, reduced food consumption, and lower levels of moderate and vigorous exercise, but no change in alcohol consumption and walking. There were, however, no significant effects of the interventions vs. control condition on any of the outcomes; these findings were also supported by Bayes factors. This research suggests that people changed their health behaviours and affect during the COVID-19 lockdown, but that BPS and EG interventions may not be viable interventions to promote these outcomes during intense crises such as COVID-19.</jats:p

    Visualising key information and communication technologies (ICT) indicators for children and young individuals in Europe

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    DGmap is an online interactive tool that visualises indicators drawn from large-scale European and international databases reflecting the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) amongst children and young individuals in Europe. A large number of indicators are estimated and visualised on an interactive map revealing convergences and divergences amongst European countries. Apart from its main feature, that of facilitating users to observe discrepancies between countries, the map offers the potentiality of downloading or customising country reports, information concerning the estimation of the indices and their values as spreadsheets, while covering a period from 2015 and onwards. DGmap also allows users to examine the evolution of each indicator through time for each country individually. Thus, the presented tool is a dynamic and constantly updated application that can serve as a major source of information for those interested in the use of digital technologies by children, adolescents, and young people in Europe

    Стратегия концептуального картирования в учебной деятельности студентов по изучению иностранных языков

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    The article is devoted to theoretical and practical considerations as for the use of Legitimation Code Theory in concept mapping which allows the evaluating the mapper’s ability in academic performance. This raises the map above the assessment of factual data review and proves the higher organized network of thinking skills that are required for students to achieve proficiency in foreign language learning.Стаття присвячена теоретичним і практичним міркуванням щодо використання теорії коду легітимації задля оцінки стратегій концептуального мапування, що дозволяє оптимально визначити рівень опанування студентами навчальною діяльністю. Концептуальна мапа охоплює не лише рівень володіння фактичними даними, а доводить сформованість більш організованої мережі навичок когнітивного мислення, необхідних студентам для досягнення професійного рівня володіння іноземною мовою.Статья посвящена теоретическим и практическим наблюдениям относительно использования теории кода легитимации для оценки стратегий концептуального картирования, что позволяет оптимально определить уровень освоения студентами учебной деятельности. Концептуальная карта охватывает не только уровень владения фактическими данными, а доказывает сформированность более организованной сети навыков когнитивного мышления, необходимых студентам для достижения профессионального уровня владения иностранным языком