48,334 research outputs found

    Visual Attention in 3D Video Games.

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    Understanding players’ visual attention patterns within an interactive 3D game environment is an important research area that can improve game level design and graphics. Several graphics techniques use a perception based rendering method to enhance graphics quality while achieving the fast rendering speed required for fast-paced 3D video games. Game designers can also enhance game play by adjusting the level design, texture and color choices, and objects’ locations, if such decisions are informed by a study of players’ visual attention patterns in 3D game environments. This paper seeks to address this issue. We present results showing different visual attention patterns that players exhibit in two different game types: action-adventure games and first person shooter games. In addition, analyzing visual attention patterns within a complex 3D game environment presents a new challenge because the environment is very complex with many rapidly changing conditions; the methods used in previous research cannot be used in such environments. In this paper, we will discuss our exploration seeking a new approach to analyze visual attention patterns within interactive 3D environments

    Visual attention in 3D video games

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    Effects of Graphical Style and Location on Video Game Art

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    Video games are an interesting collection of visual elements, ranging from 3D animation to character design and user interface design. Audio-visual aspects are a core part of any video game, since they captivate the player’s attention, create atmosphere, and make the game memorable. However, video games are not usually viewed as an art form, and research on video game visual style is limited. This study aims to research art style and visual design of video games, focusing more specifically on character design. Graphical styles of video games have evolved a lot, from the pixelated shapes of the earliest video games to nearly photorealistic dimensions with modern devices. This study introduces one possible categorization of graphical styles in video games, which includes the stylistic, realistic, and abstract styles. Later, video games are grouped into two sets by their location of origin, followed by analysis on location’s effect on the game’s art style. Small research was conducted as a part of this study, where a game was developed using three different art styles. The game was then surveyed by a test group, and results from the survey were analysed from the point of game art style and its effect on player’s gaming experience. Due to problems in game development and small sample size, results of this study are not conclusive, but some patterns in players’ preference are found

    Assessing the transfer of video game play versus attention training using 3D-Multiple Object Tracking

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    Durant la dernière décennie, la recherche sur les jeux vidéo et leur implication sur les habiletés perceptivo-cognitives a gagné en intérêt. Plusieurs études ont démontré que les jeux vidéo (particulièrement les jeux d’action) possèdent la capacité d’influencer et d’améliorer différentes aptitudes perceptives et cognitives telles que l’attention visuo-spatiale, la vitesse de traitement de l’information, la mémoire visuelle à court terme ainsi que la poursuite d’objets en mouvement. Cependant, plusieurs autres études n’ont pas réussi à reproduire les mêmes résultats. D’un autre côté, un nouveau type d’entraînement perceptivo-cognitif, nommé 3-Dimensional Multiple-Object Tracking (3D-MOT), et qui consiste à traiter des scènes visuelles dynamiques dénuées de contexte, a démontré son implication sur différents types d’attention, la mémoire de travail ainsi que la vitesse de traitement de l’information. L’étude actuelle a examiné quatre groupes de joueurs inexpérimentés qui s’entrainaient durant 10 séances à l’aide d’un exercice perceptivo-cognitif (3D-MOT), ou d’un jeu de haut niveau visuel (jeu vidéo d’action : Call of Duty), de bas niveau visuel (Tetris) ou d’un jeu non-visuel (Sudoku). Des mesures d’électroencéphalographie quantitative et des tests neuropsychologiques effectués avant et après l’entraînement ont démontré que le 3D-MOT, par comparaison aux autres jeux testés, améliorait de façon plus efficace les fonctions reliées à l’attention, la mémoire de travail ainsi que la vitesse de traitement de l’information. Pour la première fois, cette étude démontre que l’entraînement non-contextuel de 3D-MOT améliore les habiletés perceptivo-cognitives plus efficacement que l’entraînement à des jeux de divertissement tels que les jeux vidéo.In the past decade, research on video games and their implications on cognitive abilities have gained significant interest. Various studies suggest that video games (in particular action video games) have the inherent ability to influence and improve attentional abilities such as visual spatial attention, processing speed, visual short-term memory and multiple-object tracking. However, many other studies have been unable to replicate similar results. On the other hand, a recent cognitive enhancement tool that is visually dynamic and void of context called 3-Dimensional Multiple-Object tracking (3D-MOT), has demonstrated robust effects on cognitive-perceptual abilities such as divided, selective, and sustained attention as well as working memory and information processing speed. The current study examines four groups of non-video game players that train for 10 sessions on the cognitive enhancing technique (3D-MOT) or on one of three different visually stimulating games: highly visually stimulating game (Call of Duty), lowly visually stimulating game (Tetris), or non-visually stimulating puzzle (Sudoku). A battery of cognitive tests and quantitative electroencephalography preformed before and after training, demonstrated that training on 3D-MOT improved cognitive functions related to attention, working memory, and visual information processing compared to video games. For the first time, this study demonstrated that non-contextual training with 3D-MOT improves perceptual-cognitive abilities more efficiently than video game playing

    Rendering process and methods for creating stylized and photorealistic computer-generated 3D characters for video games development with their comparison

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    Computer Graphics combined with modern technology and complex rendering solutions with 3D visualisation enabled digital art could become the most widespread form of visual art in the world. The video games industry and movie production with computer-generated imagery opened a new field for graphic technology using strong rendering infrastructure. Man has been the main point of interest of art for millennia until today. There are two basic ways of depicting characters: stylized and photorealistic. Over the years the process of creating digital signs is not linear, which means that in most cases it is necessary to jump between steps. The workflow will depend on two key factors, which are the style and the use of 3D characters. More complex designs require more attention to detail, which affects the process and length of the workflow. Digital 3D characters can be used in video games, movies, visual graphics, 3D printing. Characters used in games will have significantly fewer polygons than movie-ready characters, while 3D-printable characters will have their own set of rules that make them printable. Complex graphics combined with strong computer power and high-end performances offer huge progress in digital art. Regardless of the different styles and use cases, there are certain workflow steps that stylized and photorealistic characters share, namely: design and references, retopology, UV unwrapping, texturing and materials, scene setup, lighting, rendering, and post-production processes. This paper compares the workflows between stylized and photorealistic characters and their advantages and disadvantages

    Serious games: design and development

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    With the growth of the video game industry, interest in video game research has increased, leading to the study of Serious Games. Serious Games are generally perceived as games that use the video games’ capabilities to emerge players, for other purposes besides entertainment. These purposes include education and training, among others. By using Serious Games for education, teachers could capture the students’ attention in the same way that video games often do, thus the learning process could be more efficient. Additionally, by exploiting the potential of these virtual worlds, it is possible to experience situations that would otherwise be very difficult to experience in the real world, mainly due to reasons of cost, safety and time. Serious Games research and development is still very scarse. However, nowadays there is a large number of available platforms and tools, which can be used to develop Serious Games and video games in general. For instance, web browsers can now provide easy access to realistic 3D virtual worlds. This grants video game developers the tools to create compelling and rich environments that can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection. Additionnaly, other development platforms can be used to achieve different goals. Desktop technologies provide greater processing power and achieve greater results in terms of visual quality, as well as in terms of creating more accurate simulations. This disseration describes the design and development of two Serious Games, one for PC, developed with XNA, and another for the web, developed with WebGL.O crescimento da indústria dos jogos de vídeo, despoletou um maior interesse no estudo deste fenómeno, o que consequentemente levou ao estudo de Jogos Sérios. Jogos Sérios são normalmente considerados jogos de vídeo que são desenvolvidos para outros fins para além do entretenimento. Estes fins incluem a educação e o treino, entre outros. Ao utilizar Jogos Sérios para a educação, os docentes poderiam conseguir captar a atenção dos alunos da mesma forma que os jogos de vídeo normalmente conseguem. Desta forma o processo de aprendizagem poderia ser mais eficiente. Adicionalmente, ao explorar o potencial destes mundos virtuais, é possível experienciar situações que de outra forma seriam difíceis de experienciar na vida real, devido ao seu custo, a razões de segurança e também ao tempo dispendido para as realizar. O estudo de Jogos Sérios é ainda bastante disperso. No entanto, hoje em dia existe já um grande número de plataformas e ferramentas disponíveis que podem ser usadas para desenvolver Jogos Sérios. Por exemplo, os web browsers podem agora fornecer acesso fácil a mundos virtuais 3D. Isto permite que os criadores de jogos de vídeo tenham acesso às ferramentas necessárias para criar ambientes ricos, que possam ser acedidos por qualquer pessoa através de uma ligacção à internet. Adicionalmente, existem outras plataformas de desenvolvimento que podem ser utilizadas para alcançar objetivos diferentes. Tecnologias desktop fornecem um maior poder de processamento e permitem alcançar melhores resultados em termos de qualidade visual, bem como em termos de criação de simulações mais precisas. Nesta dissertação descreve-se a criação e o desenvolvimento de dois Jogos Sérios, um para PC, desenvolvido em XNA e outro outro para a web, desenvolvido em WebGL

    Indirect Match Highlights Detection with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Highlights in a sport video are usually referred as actions that stimulate excitement or attract attention of the audience. A big effort is spent in designing techniques which find automatically highlights, in order to automatize the otherwise manual editing process. Most of the state-of-the-art approaches try to solve the problem by training a classifier using the information extracted on the tv-like framing of players playing on the game pitch, learning to detect game actions which are labeled by human observers according to their perception of highlight. Obviously, this is a long and expensive work. In this paper, we reverse the paradigm: instead of looking at the gameplay, inferring what could be exciting for the audience, we directly analyze the audience behavior, which we assume is triggered by events happening during the game. We apply deep 3D Convolutional Neural Network (3D-CNN) to extract visual features from cropped video recordings of the supporters that are attending the event. Outputs of the crops belonging to the same frame are then accumulated to produce a value indicating the Highlight Likelihood (HL) which is then used to discriminate between positive (i.e. when a highlight occurs) and negative samples (i.e. standard play or time-outs). Experimental results on a public dataset of ice-hockey matches demonstrate the effectiveness of our method and promote further research in this new exciting direction.Comment: "Social Signal Processing and Beyond" workshop, in conjunction with ICIAP 201

    Bringing tabletop technologies to kindergarten children

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    Taking computer technology away from the desktop and into a more physical, manipulative space, is known that provide many benefits and is generally considered to result in a system that is easier to learn and more natural to use. This paper describes a design solution that allows kindergarten children to take the benefits of the new pedagogical possibilities that tangible interaction and tabletop technologies offer for manipulative learning. After analysis of children's cognitive and psychomotor skills, we have designed and tuned a prototype game that is suitable for children aged 3 to 4 years old. Our prototype uniquely combines low cost tangible interaction and tabletop technology with tutored learning. The design has been based on the observation of children using the technology, letting them freely play with the application during three play sessions. These observational sessions informed the design decisions for the game whilst also confirming the children's enjoyment of the prototype

    Games and Brain-Computer Interfaces: The State of the Art

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    BCI gaming is a very young field; most games are proof-of-concepts. Work that compares BCIs in a game environments with traditional BCIs indicates no negative effects, or even a positive effect of the rich visual environments on the performance. The low transfer-rate of current games poses a problem for control of a game. This is often solved by changing the goal of the game. Multi-modal input with BCI forms an promising solution, as does assigning more meaningful functionality to BCI control
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